With ZQuest, Zelda Classic's Quest Creator, anyone can make their very own quest from scratch, and now, with all of the features that have been added in the past years, the possibilities are virtually endless for the style of quest you can make. If you can imagine it, you can create it (provided it's in 8-bit color).
Quests have grown larger and longer, into some epic games, that can take days, if not weeks to complete. With ZQuest, you can create your own original graphics, or import them from any game you like. In the past we've seen ZC versions of LEXX, (many versions of) Mega Man, Metroid and Super Mario Brothers, all in the classic quest style. As well as hundreds upon hundreds of first rate custom Zelda Quests.
So What did I miss? oh yes it's available for free from it's Official home
Ah yes, free Zelda, definitely better than free Willy, but less important than free Mumia.
Still, a noble site...
Quite so, much less important oh learned educator....
and now for the tap dancing lessons
Taps! dancing? what ever will they think of next...... I'll phone a plumber just in case.... you can't be too careful with this sort of thing...
Hopefully he's neither Italian nor a Mario.
(poor joke I know, but it's 5:15 in the morning and still haven't put everything back to its place)
no it's much better than mine... mario always makes me smile.... though i've never played a single mario game..... ain't that peculiar
Quite. Still. Use an emulator. It really is worth it (especially Mario 64).
the beauty of all this is that I actually know what an emulator is..... i wouldn't have 4 months ago..... learning can be so much fun.... okay well i got beyond good and evil and fallout because of you so i won't change horse in midstream... as John wayne would have said..... Thank you oh most emminent emulator advisor....
Surfing the web I found this site, www.nutsgames.com .
The games are really fun and easy to play :D
Neat link thank for the heads up.....
You have this astonishing ability to make blush...
(gnome promptly blushes)
Still, I do hope you'll enjoy Mario 64. Hopefully... Probably. Most people do you know...
Did you call me eminem? No? I must have misheard...
yep anyone i've met who played it enjoyed mario..... not the most likely game character, but a hint of madness often results in a stroke of genius......... eminem? no but i came pretty close....
:) (pulls out the generator)
geez this gusy on rocket fuel tonight....... no wait..... bum seal....... cheap japanese variant..... can't pass it.... comments still open
Ha ha.....
Hor hor hor...
(comments closed)
yep it's a good one....... move along peoples
Can anybody point me in the direction of a Zelda download for macintosh. I've searched but with no luck. I'l be checking comments for tips. Thanks
spent some time searching came up with zilch.... try asking on the following Zelda classic forum
which for some reason dosen't have a search function
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