Hello tis Seamus again.. (the leprechaun), well seeing as my last Porn for Leprechauns post went down like a lead balloon, I've decided to diversify.
So there I was over on digg.com looking away at the most dug diggs and an idea surfaced, probably not original , but original for me... so without further tadooo, Seamus presents his Top Ten Dugg Flash games as voted by the Diggers on Digg.com...
Pufiti.com Avoid the red balls as long as possible
Tower Defence Stop the Creeps reaching the other side
Paper Pilot How far can you throw your paper airplane
Cost of Life Unicef supported, what does it take to survive
Raitendo Trippy Platform Puzzler
Flytron Flash version of Tron
Contra A Flash remake of the classic
Red Ball Bounce the ball and hit the numbered plates in order
Tabuto Touch as many of the falling blocks as you can
Sink your Drink 18+ drink as much as you can

A most magnificent post comrade. Worthy of a set of pointy ears, indeed!
(hands Seamus the pointy ears)
Now, on to to the top 10 dugg kinky games!
(with a big smile on his face...the leprechaun looks up at Gnome )
...amazing what some spare time will do, the ears are fantastic.. i've never had a set like these before.... they're still warm?
why you think of everything....
kinky posts.. now theres an idea...
...i have to give to hand it to you Seamus, you outshone yourself there... see porn isn't the answer.....
Lead balloons are severly underrated...that said, thanks for the productivity-killers :)
...thanks you for the support RC, i can feel another porn for leprechauns post on the horizon....
and anytime to want to just loose oodles of your daytime..
well erm... thats probably happened.. erm sorry.. and thanks...
...what horizon? where?... hi RC, apologies for the leprechaun and the productivity and stuff.....
(clips Seamus across the ears...)
now see what you've done....
...what? whadda did i do... i didn't think he was going to play em...
Of course he did.... then he went around dancing naked throughout the blog-o-sphere... Quite a sight really.
Paper pilot is good, but my vote would go to the Flytron. Maybe I'm oldfashioned but...
particularily prone to the odd spot of flytron myself huskyblack... old fashioned is all the rage...
...thank you Gnome, I wasn't aware of this shameful episode....
...despite an extensive search.. the leprechaun was nowhere to be seen, latest reports have spotted the small green figure in Greece....
Now look you've gone and done Elderly! sometimes I think you're far too hard on the little fella... But really! Foisting him on Gnome could have disastrous consequences for us all! I've heard about these socially engineered cross cultural exchanges... they don't always work!
What's gonna happen when he's expecting some cornbeef, cabbage and potatoes washed down with Guinness & he's offered Moussaka, olives and Ouzo?
I don't know... He'll be worse when he gets back, you mark my words...
I hereby refute father Krishna's statement, pertaining as it does to stereotypical assumptions based on ethnic food tastes, on the ground that he's well known for talking utter shite on a very regular basis.
..i can't find the little green postule anywhere.. but he left with a real look of revenge on his face... hope Gnomes okay.....
dont' worry he'll be back for Paddy's Day.... and beleive me he can't get any worse than he his... a nightmare....!
your legal team must be costing you a fortune.. not sure if there the best though, im sure i heard one of them mentioning ...pompadum...
Pompadum??? Or popadom? Damn these accents are so confusing!
The legal team are not to be trusted... They tried to sue me for being a little off kilter...
Ah! St. Patrick's Day! Where we all sympathise with our serpentine bretheren and castigate the narrow minded monk that sent them packing from the Emerald Isle... Do I win your XBOX 360? *Hic!*
(gnome pops in for a sec)
Let it be known I hate ouzo, olives and can barely stand mousaka
(pops out)
OK beans on toast it is then!
..FK i'm sorry but that was the completely wrong response to the win a barely used xbox 360 console question, pity....
hiya gnome!! damn!
(throws greek cookery book out the window.....)....
Beans on toast? For the love of god Father... that's a torturing device.
A, yes, Turkish. Gotta love it. Kebbab. Yaourtlou... Mmm, proper food, it is.
...ah ya gotta love it....
munch!... mucnch!..
(puzzled look appears on elderlies face....)
...did i just hear a lamb bleating..?
Where? Come on, let's find it...
....okay, (grabs coat and flashlight....).... any leads... we could ring hunt a lamb? no?
Sure.. you go first... Oh, a ring hunt. Right.
...nah your right we dont' need no hunting agent to find lambs....
...right, when we find one i'll hold it and you frighten it to death with the ninja stare.....
Really,Very good game this.
I will it my pages,too.thank you
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