Friday, September 09, 2011

Resistance 3 Reviews Summary Ps3

Not just an fps, but the third title in the Ps3 Resistance sci fi series and the first of the pack to support 3D and Playstation Move.  Sci fi I hear you say, yes i tell you, set in an alternate universe in the 1950's four years after resistance 2 and it appears the US has fallen into the hands of the IMF. 

Alf the helper: erm that's the Chimera mr.Elderly
Elderly: yes of course, the Chimera... fallen into the hands of the Chimerans, I knew that

Resistance 3 boasts 16-player competitive online multiplayer modes including Team Deathmatch, Chain Reaction, Deathmatch, Breach, and Capture the Frog.

Alf the helper: am that's Capture the ...Flag
Elderly: What? yes yes I know that..
Alf the helper: In the US, Resistance 3 has released with two editions: Standard & Doomsday with PAL regions getting the Special Edition and Survivor Edition.
Elderly: I knew that too, now quit interupting...

Scoring an accomplished 83% from 41 critic reviews on metacritic, as for criticism, what little consensus there is, concentrates on debate over the game's dramatic focus, and the loss of R2's pve element (Player versus environment) in multiplayer mode. Everybody loves the guns.

Quote of the bunch:
"a declaration of intent to become the new heir apparent to the sci-fi shooter throne."

Reviews Summary:
One of the most powerful and beautifully crafted shooters on the market
As a lightweight pick-up-and-play romp, Resistance 3 is hard to resist
Managing to finally build on what the series has always had going for it.
It's certainly worth playing but, equally, it's certainly not a classic
Transformed a pretty great system exclusive into an essential genre experience
Fps unoriginality remains, meaning Resistance 3 never quite reaches its true potential
This time the action is more focused and tightly structured
Lacks the connective tissue to join its bite-size skirmishes into a seamless epic

Insomniac Games Resistance 3 website

Alf the helper: Why we got that nasty pic, where's the eyecandy?
Elderly: Extraodinarily dear Alf, there is a dearth of updated trailers and graphics
Alf the helper:  ? erm what's a dearth mr.elderly?
Elderly: A shortage, like your food rations for this week...


James said...

Ah, the joys of Capture the Frog! Good review sir, though I'm ashamed to admit that I have never played a Resistance game.

Playstation Move functionality looks interesting. Any good?

Unknown said...

(whispers to Mr.Sterling..)

fraid I've neither a Ps3 or a copy of the game, as for Move... :(

(audience rises in protest...)

..Gulp!... oh dear... me and my big mouth....

(takes off running as the audience chase the review charlatan down the street....shouts back to the genuine reviewer..)

...make yourself a cup of tea, I'll be with you... in ... am a while!

James said...

(Addesses the crowd)

"You won't be needing all those pitch forks and torches. We'll just put those to one side for now."

(Launches a desperate attempt to pacify the mob with shiny things and talk of super fast broadband)

I'm not a PS3 owner either. I can barely keep up with Xbox and PC releases. Think another platform could send me over the edge. I do like the look of the Uncharted games though!

Unknown said...

..(out of breath, still shaking in fear...)

Thank you! thank you! you brave defender of elderly people!! saved my life there!

(smiles shyly at the pacified mob)


Apart from a severe lack of plug sockets, I do indeed have a hunger for a Ps3, and have day dreams of the Uncharted trilogy neatly installed on the hard drive, some appropriate but low alcohol gaming ales to one side and the phone on speed dial for the pizza shop...

(lost in reverie...)

gnome said...

So, no Move eh? And I can't see any frogs around here either. Right.

Guess we'll have to have Alf bring a PS3 in then.

Unknown said...

:( no Move, no frogs, the leprechaun haunting me with my top 5 posts, Ripper has locked himself in the toilet and Alf is threatening to leave unless I increase his food rations...

(slumps in armchair...)

Why is nothing in life ever simple!!

gnome said...

Yes, I know, I know.

Frankly I can't understand why we even bother...

(slaps Alf)

Ration increases... Bah!

fatherkrishna said...

Bloody hell! I'm late here again!

*Nods to the assembled throng and chucks Alf a donut...*

Now then! I HAVE played Resistance 1 & 2 and the PSP outing and I have to tell you they are absolutely superb. The IP is growing exponentially in terms of quality with every release, and there was even an interractive functionality between Resistance 2 and the PSP game, meaning you could play the PSP version using your PS3 controller!

So the back-story, visuals, voice acting and playability are all good. The difficulty spike is fair and the game is one of the best Playstation exclusives around.

It's one of the very few games this particular miserly gamer would fork out full price for!

Unknown said...

your so right, do they appreciate us slaving away over smoking cigars and wine glasses, plotting their future for them? NO in fact...

oh heck it's FK, quick Gnome the workman's overalls.....

oh hi FK, me and Gnome were just play acting again.. :) ahem!

..but on a more serious note, a rather fine, passionate and impressive overview of Resistance you've given there, I'm sold!

(heads next door to break open the neighbours piggybank)

gnome said...

This thing is itchy.

Oh, and I do hope that was a juicy donut dear Father. Alf does love 'em juicy.

Right Elderly?

(kicks Alf)

Unknown said...

(hands gnome some anti-inch cream)

Yes Indeed Gnome, Alf has a extremely varied diet, no chance of rickets here... no siree

(Clips Alf's ear...)

fatherkrishna said...

I think we all like 'em juicy if we're honest Gnome! ;)

Unknown said...

Hiya FK :) (waves)

?..we are still talking about doughnuts aren't we?

gnome said...

At least not Alfs I hope.

Unknown said...

Alf's got doughnuts? but he couldn't afford doughnuts?

Right who gave Alf the doughnuts...
Alfffffff! get in here...

...oh right I forgot I locked you in again...

sorry Gnome one second...

gnome said...

You sure Father safely gone? Can I change back to my suit now?

Unknown said...

(enters dragging Alf by the ear...looks out window....)

Yep we're clear again, phew..thank heavens, I do miss my smoking jacket...

(The protagonists assume their formal dress and all is right in the Capitalist den)

right! Gnome some cognac? :)

gnome said...

Yes please.

Now, let me light your cigar up.

Ah, yes, that's life!

The glory of the free market and them enslaved peoples.

Isn't it wonderful Alf?

Unknown said...

(inhales deeply.....)

Thank you dear Gnome... ah yes Alf, where would we be without the likes of him....

Alf the helper said...

thanks for talking to me Gnome :)

gnome said...


gnome said...

(grabs Alf)

Here he is Elderly!

Unknown said...

lol, well done Gnome... right hold him while I get the hand cuffs,rope and the sodium penthatol, a little vial I picked up from a retired renditioner....

Alf the helper said...

:( but Gnome I thought... well I thought you were a friend..

(Alf starts to cry...)

gnome said...

See dear Alf? That's a valuable and most definitely free (thus friendly) lesson. Never trust the upper classes.

Unknown said...

heee heee, show em a little kindnes and they behave like lap dogs...

(handcuffs the wide eyed Alf to a chair, rolls up Alf's sleeve, administers truth serum...checks watch...)

...right Alf, where did you put the leprechaun?

(tuns to Gnome...) I doing this right?

Alf the helper said...

...put him in the generator room...

gnome said...


And after I smoke this cigar it's off to the generator room.

See, it wasn't that difficult, was it Alf?

(pets Alf)

Unknown said...

....thank you Alf you've been most helpful....

heeeehheeeee lol

Alf the helper said...

...but he's not weres I put him...

...he's gone... famished...

..erm vanished...

like the wiiinnndd he has...

gnome said...

(slaps Alf)

Off to the generator room it is you slimy prol.

Unknown said...

(the trio enter the dark recesses of the generator room, snaking their way through the cramp confines past the whirring instruments, their path lit only by a flickering candle... finally they reach the spot where Alf had left the leprechaun's corpse....)

He's gone!!! it's gone... right well that's it, Alf my patience is at an end...

Only you knew where he was, only you knew where you put him, so explain to me...

Where is he?????

Alf the helper said...

(Despite the heavy sedation, Alf begins to cry...)

..I don't know mr.elderly, honest cross my heart...


I left him here, went up to work on the avatars with Ripper..

whose missing a mandible by the way..


There was a thunder storm ...the lights dimmed.. bolt of lightning I reckon..came down to check the machines...and ..

...he was gone...

I didn't do nothings to him I swear... please mr. elderly mr.gnome it's the truth..

..I'm innocent... and.. I think I want to use the bathroo...

(a tiny trickle of liquid gathers around Alf's feet..)


nope fine now

gnome said...

Right. I believe him.

Let's turn this into an adventure game and be even richer. Surely Alf can code, can't he?

As for the leprechaun I wouldn't worry. These things happen every day. I myself got burned to death somewhere else on this very blog.

Then again an apparent resurrection does call for a party. And an exorcist.

Unknown said...

:( yes sorry about the immolation, but I'm taking steps to rectify that...

but I see your point, anything is possible on the wubbernet, but resurrection, I dunno, and where are we going to get an exorcist? more importantly how much will one cost.. for Alf! coding is one of many his weak points... but that javscript sex adventure you reviewed, surely it wouldn't be difficult to ... nah I'm dreaming again...

..oh well nothing more we can do here, sure there's a logical reason for what's happened, we best release Alf and let those drugs wear off... no use to me in his current state....

An adventure game with Gnomes,old people, cretins and missing leprechauns corpses... dunno maybe we could include a vampire, beleive there very popular these days...

on an eerie and serious note, my keyboard packed completely during the typing of this comment... something odd is happening round here....

...the kitten?

gnome said...

What about it?

Never mind. Just don't let it distract you.

I'll start working on that adventure asap. And I do mean this semi-seriously.

Unknown said...

and when your semi-serious, you get me all semi serious, that simple browser text was effective, surely it would run just as well with html? wonder if we could use blogger to implement it...though it sounds cumbersome.. the way thank you for Frotz :) totally enthralling, any day now I'll be drawing my own maps ala all those years ago...

gnome said...

Glad you are enjoying it. I'll get a copy when I get an iFing of some sort, though I'm pretty happy with PC versions of interactive fiction.

Oh, and I suppose we could use (semi-seriously) something like Parchment instead of plain old HTML.

And it's pretty easy coding a text adventure these days with the help of Inform.

Unknown said...

:) was there a mini revolution when I was in the dungeon..?

(reads wikipedia article...)

it reminds me of c64 basic, without the call sprite routines... still all those [ and ;'s

(erects shrine to Graham Nelson..)

gnome said...

And it's actually much easier than any scripting language I've ever encountered...

Unknown said...

(builds extension to Graham Nelson Shrine....)

the clickable options, whilst not in keeping with the traditon, does remove the frustration of typing.. maybe I'm being a tad lazy here... but could inform handle that?

gnome said...

Absolutely (or, well, so I hear). Haven't finished reading through that "Creating I-F with Inform" book just yet.

Oh, and you really should play the Blue Lacuna. It's amazing.

Unknown said...

(opens scroll, and rolls it across the floor....adds addendum to must play list...rolls up scrool )

Blue lacuna it is then :) thank you!

(replaces incence sticks at the Nelson with fresh ones....)

not too pungent I hope....?

gnome said...

No, no, definitely not.

Absolutely worth ones time.

And it's free.

Unknown said...

reopens scroll, rolls across the floor, adds note...)

even better :)

nearly two weeks without switching on my 360, have I matured or regressed ?

not to worry...

erm.. right.. so I suppose we could start playing our respective IF's...


Gnome I just had a genius idea...!!!

(pulls up workd domination table and chairs, turns on red light, puts blog in temporary shut down mode....)

....right the idea I have is.. am.. am... oh damn.. I've forgotten..

you can't do that mind reading thing again can you?


gnome said...

Not anymore.


Come on. Think man! Think!

And do not open that 360.

Unknown said...

;( it was about the IF..

sigh!... (concentrates hard...)


:) ah yes, this is brilliant!!!

what about an interactive interactive fiction game...

:( no sorry that's not it.. interactive. inte.. ah got it..

:) multiplayer!!!!

:D well whadda ya think and interactive fiction game that includes a multiplayer element.!!!

Unknown said...

...oh sweet mother.....


gnome said...

I think it's a great idea. No, really.

Unknown said...

You do!! :D

(Hugs Gnome...)