Sunday, April 08, 2007

Sadness Preview (Wii)

A gothic horror adventure game with survival horror elements. The game plans to make players confront their fears with only what they can grab from their environment to protect them.

The game is set before in the early 1900s, and presented entirely in black-and-white. Billed as a game for adults only, with strong nerves, you'll be using the power of your wii-mote in pretty innovative ways, driving away swarms of rats, using a rope to lassoo and climb a wall, slashing a persecutor with a jagged piece of glass.

Set for European release December 2007 and a TBA for the US. vid upped by ThomBerry

Update! well curses, it appears things are not going as well as planned, thanks to a certain Gnome, the following will be of extreme interest
sadness loses publishing partner

Images from IGN
Nibris (developers) Official Website

Clickable inkies


gnome said...

It does look VERY prmising, despite some rather disturbing news:


Let's just hope the game exists.

Unknown said...

im going to cry..... thanks to you i've updated the post accordingly...

i owe you... here

(hands Gnome an entire packet of custard creams...)

Anonymous said...

cheer up guys, i've emailed Nibris to find out who the actress in the trailer is... something good will come of this after all, wait and see...

(stares intently at Gnomes packet of custard creams......)

are you going to open those?

gnome said...

Yes, yes... Of course. Here. Give some to Elderly too. Nice...

Anonymous said...

munch... lovely... hmmmmm can't be a custard cream with a nice.... thankshsss Gnome....

elderly put on the kettle...

Unknown said...

Seamus... they were a present to Gnome..... to share with his family.......!!!!

Anonymous said...

gulp!..... well why didn't you say that... here Gnome sorry..

(hands back half eaten custard cream.......

Unknown said...

sigh!!! don't worry Gnome i've some chocolate coated kimberly's here somewhere.....

fatherkrishna said...

*Father K nimbly whips a custard cream from Seamus before they all disappear...*

I like the look of this! I like the idea of a black and white game!

I'll be watching this one...

Unknown said...

Piss, the Wii needs games like this... I'm playing more gamecube games on my Wii rather than Wii games...

This better be on the way!!!

gnome said...

Oh, great! Just great. The Father ate the last bits... Anyway. What's a kimberly?

Unknown said...

it's not looking very positive, an unfortunate event if it never makes it to fruition

and a kimberly Gnome is a mild ginger flavour soft biscuit sandwich with a sugar coating mallow centre, coated... and i hope your sitting down for this

coated in milk chocolate.....

Anonymous said...

...erm about the chocolate coated kimberly's, well im afraid ... well erm...

well it was easter and they were just sitting there unopened, unloved.. growing staler with each passing hour... so i am...

so i am

... sigh!

gave them to a passing poor woman who had no food for her children and only a shoe to live in...


fatherkrishna said...

"She gave them some soup, without any bread... Then whipped them all soundly and sent them to bed."

If only more parents followed these sound principles the world would be a better place...

NSonic79 said...

This news does make me sad. LIterally.

gnome said...

You're obviously talking about the kimberly and the shoe lady right?

Oh, dear. And the mills closed down. We're destitue. Guess I'll have to cook you Seamus...

Anonymous said...

elderly please tell me Gnome was talking to me and not selecting me as a alternative food source....

Unknown said...

don't worry Seamus, Gnome was only kiddin... now how about checking the temperature of the oven for me ... yes thats it Seamus hop in.. yes all the way in.... gooood..

(elderly shuts oven door....)

Gnome .. 220 degrees.. 45 minutes..?

Timerunner, a let down.. it'll take a while to organise another publishing partner.... pity it showed such promise.

FK i presume your referring to the soupt part and not the corporeal punishment.....

gnome said...

Wait, do we have the BBQ sauce ready?

BTW, that was sooo deviously cunning Mr Elderly...

Unknown said...

nearly done, your in for a treat if you've never eaten roast leprechaun before.. though they are much nicer deep fried in batter.....

Anonymous said...

...we'd had reports about you mr.elderly... what have you got to say for yourself.. how could you write such inciteful.. erm... writing.... well.. well were listening...

Unknown said...

(looks at Gnome for help....)
..well Gnome and I were.... erm...

.... playing hide and seek, and we couldn't find Seamus so we were joking thinking he'd hid in the oven.. i mean how stupid would you have to be to hide in a oven.. right?

and voila...(opens oven door...).. there he is.. look no harm done.. a little singeing nothing more... right as rain aren't you Seamus...

Anonymous said...

(steam rising from his body, Seamus smiles at elderly) fine mr.elderly.. oven's plenty warm now.. whats for dinner anyway....? hey whats the Leprechaun Council doing here... hi guys....

gnome said...

(gnome -once again- is nowhere to be seen. Better safe than sorry, and a council is a dangerous thing to confront)

Unknown said...

(sees last of the leprechaun council to the door....) bye now have a safe journey.....


okay it's safe to come out now Gnome....