Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Catherine Walkthrough Xbox 360 Ps3

Still no official release date for Europe,  although the hut have it tagged for 9th December? even steadfast Eurogamer were forced to review an import copy.

Infuriating, vexing! shakes walking frame at Atlus execs...

But my enthusiasm for this weird, whacky and wonderful departure from the norm, albeit terrifying in it's difficulty (I'm reliably informed...) has not been diminshed.  So bemoaning my place of birth, I ventured into the realm of spoilers, tips, walkthroughs and cheats and discovered realms of building blocks, enigma coins, a hidden Rapunzel mode, the Stray Sheep bar, all too much to take.

Fortunately I saved the highlights of my ill advised ramblings to bring you the cream of the crop.  Hopefully by the time the game arrives, I'll have forgotten what I've read.

mycheats at 1up:  text and video walkthrough
Gamespot: Super Easy Mode and the Rapunzel unlock
Videogamesblogger: Video Walkthroughs
Gamefront Vid and text guide
Rapunzel Stages Guide
Catherine Reviews Summary


gnome said...

You might also care to read this lovely bit of blogging Elderly dear:


Unknown said...

....astounding, the brainy gamer has elevated game reviews to an art form... and sated my appetite, excellent find dear Gnome, and now a bookmark favourite... thank you :)

gnome said...

You (and of course Alf; hey he's been pr0n trained! look at him watching Catherine) are indeed welcome!

Unknown said...

Right, drinks are on me!!....come on Alf, we'll introduce you to alcohol,

(grabs jacket...)


there still is a blogger bar isn't there?

gnome said...

Of course, of course. The Narrator has already ordered for us.

Blogger Narrator said...

Wot... I didn't.. wait ...hold on.. ......brilliant all the blog conversations in the known universe and I end up with this lot....

Unknown said...

:) nice one Gnome!

gnome said...



Unknown said...

;) giggles....