Friday, September 02, 2011

Bodycount Review Summary

In stores now! for PC, Xbox 360 and Ps3
View, Read,  Weep, Avoid!
Bodycount is set in a dystopian, war-ravaged near-future, with the action following an ex-forces hardman, employed by shadowy private security firm, "The Network", to fix combat hotpots around the world

Famous first words:
"Could well be one of the most progressive and individual shooters for many years" Guardian

Metacritic score 52-55% (ps3, xbxo 360) from 7 critic reviews

Bodycount Official Website
Bodycount on Facebook: current likes 2,157
Bodycount on Twitter: current followers 740

Alf the Helper: We're not getting it then?
Elderly: Nope, not a chance
Alf the Helper: But there's guns and explo....
(Elderly glares at Alf)
Alf the Helper: .....sigh! okay so


gnome said...

There goes my Christmas gift idea. Damn...

Unknown said...

...sorry Gnome..:(

Don't worry there's always the lambhorgini..


(turns on stripper radio....)

I'll make us some hot chocolate...

gnome said...

And I'll order a chocolate Lamborghini asap!

Unknown said...

? they make chocolate Lamborghini, like with chocolate steering wheels and engines... those Italians are cleverer than I thought... put me down for two....

(...rustle, faint sound of a zipper opening....)

...gotta love stereo....

gnome said...

Uhm, what exactly are you doing?

fatherkrishna said...

I actually think it looks fairly good in the video, but the percentages would suggest otherwise! The trick is to just hang on till it costs about £7 pre-owned in Blockbuster (probably about two months) then if it really is as bad as those critics say (and I rarely trust a critic) then I won't be that arsed about forking out for it!

Unknown said...

@Gnome.. what am I doing? I'm listening...?

(pointing to the radio)'s stripper radio..!! stereo, what could you possible do listening to stripper radio??

@Father Krishna, indeed the video looks so cool, even as a brainless fps it appeared to have potential... as for reviews been thinking about analysing which ones I can trust, all's changed so much, the reviews don't get published til a day or two before release... and I also will be adopting your most sensible policy... only over here they fleece us for preowned games.

Preowned red dead redemption sombie add on is still only a euro less than original release price!!!

Only two games stores and they seem to have done a deal on prices rather than compete.. not good!

fatherkrishna said...

Is ebay a better bet then? Still, you can't beat a good rummage on the high street - (or in my case the huge warehouse sized Blockbuster a few miles from my house). My most cherished games have been bought over the counter there, rather than off the internet.

Unknown said...

Indeed FK ebay seems to have fantastic offers, always that nagging thought in the back of mind though that I'll get a disc that resembles the surface of the moon.

So I'm slave to the price mungers for the moment, though where I'll find the time to finish the games I currently own is beyond me :(

gnome said...

Uhh, guess I'll go and listen to some stripper radio and relax then. Yes, I need that.

Unknown said...

:) what a splendid idea dear Gnome, thank heavens for the Stripper channel I say...

wonder if they do podcasts???

gnome said...

Oh yes. Everything is done with va***ally operated equipment I here. Hope somebody films them podcasts really. Children love this kind of stuff.

Unknown said...

8) filming the shows...?!!

nah your kidding me! can't see that catchin on....

still it's amazing what people will watch these days, and TV and video are indeed very good babysitters....

...though not sure what Spock would have to say about this choice of material....

....I'll ring Dial a Deceased...

gnome said...

You can be so overtly active...

I'll just rent some podcast and relax...

Unknown said...

sorry can't help it, the result of being free from that cellar of yours


(hangs up phone...)


(pours a glass of wine for Gnome and fills a large wooden bowl full of nachos...)

I do like these times together :)

gnome said...

Ah, yes, glorious quality time indeed.


Unknown said...
