Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Elderly Gamer has Expanded

Well I'm using the royal we here, less of course I count Alf The Helper and Seamus the Leprechaun, who, much to my chagrin, is still hanging around here somewhere.

By expanded I mean of course the blog is wider, much as I would like to switch to a .com address, I'm afraid coding skills and my ludite ways are still with me.

November 9th 2005 I trudged my way through the blogger interface and managed my first post, the epitomy of brevity with a game review for the astounding "Call of Cthulu Dark Corners The Earth"

I remember the trepidiation wondering how the image was ever going fit around the text... and lest you think the image above is a likeness, though Alf would disagree, no it's that self same image I used way back then..

520,486 pageviews later, and I think I'm finally getting the hang of formatting, though why Seamus the Leprechaun's Horror Wallpaper post is the most popular post ever is beyond me.

Onwards and ...erm sideways...

Alf the Helper: I dont' get it, it's the same blog!!!
Elderly: Yes but it's wider...
Alf the Helper: Wider!?
Elderly: Yes Wider... here look!!

(Elderly takes out tape measure....)

Alf the Helper: Why you'd make it wider then?
Elderly: Because, ...erm ....because it's... Alf look back in 2005, people had 800x600 screens, now they've gotten much much bigger
Alf the Helper: The people have gotten bigger!?
Elderly: No! you idiot!! their computer screens have gotten wider...
Alf the Helper:  Ah I see now!.... same old trite just wider...
Alf the Helper: gulp!. erm.. sure looks bright and wider
Elderly: Why yes it does look fresher...
Alf the Helper: Does this mean I'll be gett....
Elderly: No wage increases
Alf the Helper: :(


GamingAles said...

Yes! Loving the new look! That's a mightily impressive amount of pageviews by the way (doffs cap to mr. Elderly, Alf and Seamus). I am literally unworthy to be in such esteemed company!

Unknown said...

Nay dear Bickle of Bloggerania, I protest, tis I who is honoured by your kind comments, here rest a while, partake of some fine elven brandy, perhaps some mushrooms freshly gathered by.....

......I may need to take a break from Witcher 2

.. So far the expansion has allowed me to properly size the videos, my eyesight ain't what it used to be...

Alf The Helper said...

I thought you said it was to have larger google ads?

Unknown said...


Alf can I talk to you privately downstairs for a second!?

Oh and bring my baseball bat with you...

gnome said...

Ah, yes, excellent.

Mind if I moved in some stuff?

Unknown said...

Greetings dear and trusted leader, advisor and soon to be ruler of the known world...and the cleverly hidden unknown bits...


It would be my honor for you to move some stuff in, I've got some much room now, there's even an echo!!


Wait... where'd the echo go...?

(Heads off to look for the missing echo...)