Hello!! Seamus the Leprechaun here, guest blogger on the elderly gamer. Well it's that time of year again, and on this blog it falls to me to wish you, wherever you are the best Paddy's day ever. In the the words of the Leprechaun elders,
for every Storm let there be a rainbow
for every tear a smile
for every care, a promise
for every sigh, a sweet song
Nár laga Dia do lámh
for every tear a smile
for every care, a promise
for every sigh, a sweet song
Nár laga Dia do lámh
I am about as far from Irish as you can get on the ethnic spectrum of things, but Cheers!
*raises bottle of ale*
don't worry we can adopt....
(takes out Irish adoption papers...)
just sign here....
As long as mutton and ale are in abundance, I'm onboard...
*hastily signs papers without reading fine print*
No wonder the radio has been playing Rory Gallagher stuff from the morning...
Happy St. Patricks Day Elderly
(and of course Seamus)
RC..by the powers vested in me, i now pronounce you.... hic!... Oirish...
Rory Gallagher.... (performs aid guitar segment... hat falls off...)
happy paddy's day my beautiful friend.....
(typing from an internet cafe...)
Seamus this is elderly, you've locked me out of my own home... if you don't unlock the halldoor this instant, im phoning Leprechaun control....
Happy St. Patrick's day Gnome and RC...
..hello there mr. elderly, happy st.pats.. now isn't that a terrbile thing, locked out you say... fraid im too small to reach the lock.. oh and Leprechaun Control are out of the office until Tuesday...
don't worry i'll look after everything just fine....
why do some calenders call this day "Evacuation Day"?
In 1776, in Suffolk County, Massachusetts the 17th March is an official holiday commemorating the evacuation of the city (which was a town at the time) of Boston by British forces during the American Revolutionary War. hence Evacuation Day.
..you just read that on wikipedia....
..no i knew it all along...
..how could you, you weren't born in 1776.....
It's over :( D'love to see Ireland on such a day, really.
A very belated (or very early) happy Saint Patrick's Day! *FK raises his third pint of Guinness to Seamus and Elderly* Here's to you!
Cheers FK... virtual guiness tastes much nicer with friends round....
..... as to whether i love Ireland... nope, the country I live in now bears no resemblance to the place i was born..... we let the capitalists run the place for too long...
....joins in the Guiness sampling... hair of the dog.... cheers FK...
course i love me country, im a leprechaun.. it'd be bad for the tourist business if i said otherwise..... and bad for my bank balance.... sure nobody wants their pots and pans mended anymore... a leprechaun has to live....
We could do an anti-capitalist gaming blogging league you know. Quite a hilarious sight it would be... Silly, even.
...we'd have to drop the google ads... and offer game downloads on rapidshare... and offer people shares certificates in EA and Ubisoft for when the revolution was over....
...not silly at all......
..i'll ring the doc mr.elderly, those new blood pressure tablets are doing you no good at all.....
lol drop google ads......
Drop Google Ads? That revisionist thinking will get us nowhere comrade... As Lenin said: one step backwards (that's google ads) two steps forward (that's gaming for the masses)
(takes out calculator... takes out abacus..... use pencil and paper and fingers..... pulls off socks and counts toes.....)
but it's a step forward.....here check my calculations
-1 step backward
+2 steps forward
+1 step forward
Indeed. You're obviously a revolutiary too!
(blushs....) why thank you... (chest swells up with pride...)
it was nothing really... here look
(shows gnome back of calculator...)
batteries.... all the hard work was done for me....
well yes i suppose i did have to press the numbers in the right order... why thank you it is pretty amazing really.....
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