Hello Seamus the Leprechaun (top guest blogger on the perverted gamer)
If your accustomed to touring the internet looking for tasty gaming snippets, then for your delectation ebizmba.com have joyously selected the top 25 gaming websites ranked by a combination of Inbound Links, Google Page Rank, Alexa Rank, and U.S. traffic data from Compete and Quantcast.
Understandably the degenerate gamer didn't figure highly (ok didn't even get a look in), but amazingly the following supremely significant game sites managed to elude the compilers. Shocking, I'm sure you'll agree.
The Saturn Junkyard
Deitrix Artworks
The Sega Master System Junkyard
The Download Munkey
J's Corner of Randomness
Gnome's Gaming on the Go
No Signal Input
Interestingly ebizmba.com included the
Top 25 Most Popular Blogs
Top 30 Largest Social Bookmarking Sites
Top Sex, Video and Torrent Sites
posted by the Leprechaun

Listen you jumped up micro organism, for the last time it's
the elderly gamer
please remove the link to the top sex, video and torrent sites or Olga hears about the strip bar.
the elderberry gamer... got it!
Olga already knows about the strip bar, we have no secrets.... Blackmail is beneath you mr.elderly.... anyway i've written it in indelible ink... I can't delete the link....
DEITRIX ArtWorks didn't make it!
(pssst Deitrix... the Leprechaun did it)
Thank you for the plug Seamus and Elderly! It's lovely really!
(bows & exits)
Oh, uh, Elderly, you ok?
Yes mr.elderly
Why isn't Deitrix's blog mentioned?
well mr.elderly issa post on gaming blogs... so mr.Deitrix's blog sorta didn't....
Seamus maybe you didn't here me... why isn't Deitrix's blog mentioned?
erm... well see mr.Deitrix runs an Art blog and because....
Yes mr.elderly...
remember Gougon Charlie?
oh yes Gougon Charlie, cheated on his wife and she went and chopped him into tiny little pieces with a carving knife, not unlike the carving knife your holding now mr.elderly....
i see your point, wont' be a second......
Thank you Seamus...
gulp!.. no problem mr.elderly....
Deitrix, may i apologise for a technical glitchs relating to this post, which as you can see has been resolved.....
I still of course find it absolutely horrendous that none of our esteemed blogs made it into the top 25 hotspots....
Gnome forgive me, a return to work following a lengthy absense, rendered me incapable of doing anything else but mope..... luckily i have taken some anti moping formula derived from the testicles of Aberdeen Angus and feel quite myself again..... The Aberdeen Angus is however is not doing so well....
Leprechaun for sale!!! enquire within...
Feck! I got more game info than all these 25 sites....!!
PS3 dropped $100..!!
I bet you nobody knew E3 was last week either... HAH see I told you!
I should be gettin' paid!
I'm going to take a dump and relieve this stress now. Goodbye.
Poor Angus' testicles... Still, the result is what counts...
I'm on there? :S
See, I'm thinking around more original content these days and when my mind is blank (which happens a lot) it means no updates!
Either that or I'm just lazy.
Deitrix, I made a lengthy post about E3 ;-)
As a vegetarian, I'm now holding a requiem for the poor testes of that Aberdeen Angus...
However, as a shameless self publicist, I'm absolutely thrilled that The Saturn Junkyard AND the much neglected Sega Master System Junkyard got a mention...
Seamus and Elderberry, I hold you in the highest esteem!
Why the feck!? Were we not ALL invited as luxury VIP guests, (including Deitrix... Who could have sketched his impressions of the event) to E3?
I reckon when the gaming industry has recognised our contribution to video-gaming, we'll be whisked off to E3 2029 with no questions asked...
Seamus! Do you have a passport photo? Are you tall enough to get your picture in one of them booths?
I can lend you a box...
yep Deitrix... can't figure it...
oh wait..!!
Im changing the water in the goldf... (toilet flushs.....)....
... no worries I can get more goldfish......
Indeed Gnome, on a happy note though, the Aberdeen Angus now has less to distract him....
Tom ahah!!!... someone else with a blank mind syndrome.... I thought I was alone
jeez that makes me so happy..... (elderly cries tears of delight...)
The testes Requiem... has a nice ring to it FK..... re E3 you did know that Gnomes father owns it?..... which means next year we're in with a good chance of getting an invite
2029?.... please god let it not be that long.... hell i'll have to be wheeled around if thats the case...
Thank you FK, ol buddy ol pal... but being of diminutive stature I have acquire a quite wonderous pneumatic lift...... with three speeds mind you?... (winks...) for those inaccesible crevices.....
a photo... well indeed i should, but unfortunately being naturally shy creatures we tend not to have our photographs take... makes it more difficult for the police to identify us as we all look so alike.... I hope you understand...
Seamus! I really think we need a photo and soon! I'm building up a mental image which might tend toward the stereotypical... I'm picturing you about three feet tall, head to toe in green, derby hat on your diminutive head, ginger hair and beard, corn cob pipe stickin out yer mush, gold buckles on shoes, stripey socks and a box of "Lucky Charms" cereal under your arm...
Am I way off the mark? (I purposely neglected the huge pr0n stash in the other hand...)
Come on! We've had pics of Olga...
Now proof of the leprechaun!
(posts naked pic of Seamus)
oh sweet jesus..... (elderly quickly looks away....)
Gnome what have you done... that's ... it's all over the internet now!... what if Olga sees it...
i'm ruined.... Olga will be mortified... I'm mortified... you could at least have blacked out my dingaling...
....and it's all your fault FK.. if you hadn't.... (seamus leaves in tears....)
(erases the internet's memory of said offending picture)
...it's been on available to the public for the last 48 hrs.... it's all over the place..... look!
(shows Gnome al jazeera site....)
they saying i'm a new anti-terrorist weapon....
..im doomed!.....
....the CIA have it as well.... oh dear.... seems your a new terrorist weapon as well.....
(calls the KGB)
What do you mean "defunct"?
(reads KGB decipher book) says here it's russian catchphrase for
"we've now got your number, expect a delivery of plutonium 210 soon"
..whats that all about then?
(packing suitcase....) right that's it, I'm of to the Fairy ring fort to lie low for a few weeks, till all this blows over....
whats my mum going to say....! oh dear me... oh dear oh dear oh dear.....
...looks at Leprechaun photograph on BBC News Site...
...am Seamus you may want to look at this.... (shows photograph to Seamus....)
what? i haven't time... i've got to get outta here pronto.... right you didn't see me... you don't know where I am, i'll text you later in the week.....
bye fellas... remember mums the word
(Seamus leaves elderlies house for a secluded hiding spot...)
(looks at Gnome.....)
BBC News have reported that the photograph has been photoshopped.. it's a complete fake!
thats not him at all is it?
why Gnome that was utterly brilliant....
Thank you!!!
Welcome welcome
(BTW, you and Seamus must absolutely do special blog/site/story/whatever together)
if only I could get on with my miniscule alter ego.... ah that would be bliss.......
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