Third person action adventure with players facing off against multiple enemies, simultaneously. Enemies consist of past Soul series fighters as well as some new comers. Earn honored titles such as Knight or Soldier as you master special attacks acquired throughout the adventure while battling through diverse stages and environments. Due November 2007
screenshots and eyes on preview from IGN8 screens from 1upnot interested? what about some Soulcalibur IV screenshots then? well take a look see at
J's corner of randomness
Clickable inkies Soulcalibur Soul Calibur Legends Wii graphics screenshots screen shots
Soul Calibur coming to the Wii!!! Hurrah! Will there be any way to motion sense Ivy's whopping...
*The Saturn Junkyard's legal team has edited this comment for legal reasons*
I think this game looks a little crap to be honest. The character models don't even look as good as the ones in Soul Calibur on the DreamCast. I know because of the style of the game that sacrifces had to be made for the character models, but surely Namco could come better than this!? *points to image*
I'm still a bit skeptical about 'Legends', but I'm willing to take a wait and see approach. Namco could surprise us all and there's always time to tart the graphics up.
I just hope Namco don't f**k this game up. I'd be upset if Wii owners ended up with a shitty game like 'Death by degrees' with the Soul Calibur franchise, whilst 360 and PS3 owners get their brand spanking, amazing new entry into the series.
You got yourself quite a legal team there father. They are most cunning int the wys of the law. lucky you!
Now, November 2007 you said Elderly, dear? Oh, and love the way those lovely colourful Wiimote like dildos of Amazon look like... Wacky.
dildos?.... oh my go....
the elderly gamer would like to point out that any advertisements featuring adult orientated looking merchandise are purely co-incidentally, merchandise featured in elderly gamer are purely for playing with.
...phew!.. that should do it... you had me going there Gnome, I would also like to acknowledge FK's legal team.. for there dedicated attention to duty...
J the gameplay mechanic should make up for any apparent graphical quality.. however if it doesen't then our beloved soul calibur series will indeed have been tarnished...
sorry for taking so long to reply
Still, they do look kinda naughty...
I'm looking forward to this game. Soul Calibur has always been known to be a technical game, so it would be very interesting to see how the controls would work with the Wiimote.
I reckon there's going to be a variety of hand movements that we'll have to memorize. No aimless swinging of arms here. ;)
well I'll give you that Gnome, but I'm sure you'll agree naughty in a pure, innocent carefree way....
Hi Mike, Welcome! from what i've read alot of thought is being put in to the wiimote controls and indeed your right, no aimless swinging, least that's what they're saying...
Oh yes!
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