Fallout 3 is an RPG currently under development by Bethesda Softworks, for PC, Xbox 360 and Ps3. Set for release in US in March 2008 TBA for Europe. Bethesda have stated that the game will be rated M for mature, and will have the same sort of adult themes, violence, and depravity that are characteristic of the Fallout series. Fallout 3 will use a version of the same Gamebryo engine as The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and is being developed by the team responsible for that game.
Fallout Official Website
Fullsized screenshots from IGN

Please, sit, as we marvel at the second screen.
It's beautiful innit? You know what it means, don't you? It means we'll be able to target individual body-parts a la original Fallout!
Now, to the other pics...
(fantastic post Mr. Elderly, beautiful)
I absolutely concur with what Gnome just said! Without you showing us all that is great about vide-ogaming, life would be a much poorer place...
*FK steams up to Elderly, grabs him and lifts him off the floor in a manly heterosexual bear hug...*
God you're great Elderly... Justified and Ancient...
I love the third screenshot. Guess I'm a sucker for anything decked in power armour :(
(pays attention to Gnome and monitors the second screen....) hit points for body parts... now that will indeed be glorious...:)
Thank you FK, I'm quite overcome with such beautiful comments, it almost negates the intense pain of the four cracked ribs... (readjusts ribcage.....) thank you!
Power Armour and Plug Suits Roys! nothing better to start the saliva running... I feel a leprechaun pron post coming on......
(happy with the attention and comments elderly does a pirouette in the middle of the room and promptly explodes into a fine red spray)
Why thankyou Elderly! The Wiikly Sermons Piccie link is just beautiful! A work of art! Stunning no less! I am very grateful!!!!
I'd comment further but the ship's leaving! Cheers everyone! Take care!
Both Gameplay of RE5 & MGS4.
thank you FK, I attempted to get a picture of you stark naked, however i believe no such pictures exist, though Gnome has told me there may be some hidden camera footage from his blog I can use.
Gnome what Ship? leaving... a ship? leaving where? dont' tell me your going on another holiday.... sniff!... but you just got back.....
Deitrix you specialist class video finder you... appreciated.. stand by for posting... well okay sit down, relax, have a cup of tea.. and some of FK's fairly fresh jammy dodgers
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