video upped by Extorsionador
For Ps2 and Wii with an October 23rd release in US, published by Activision but no credits on the Developer and precious little information other than the less than catchy caption
"Shake it up as you tango with the stars of the popular TV show"
exhaustingly energetic trailer though, now if you'll excuse me I must sit down now.

I will buy it if I can have a date and dinner with one of the female dancers.
LMAO!!! FINALLY the gaming community have created a game that caters to my tastes... Seriously, is this an all time low for gamers?
Casual gaming at it's most precise?
But you know what? It might actually be loads of fun!!
I'd seriously consider a rental...
Jesus, dancing on ice... The concept alone makes me shudder...
Whatever happened to wasting zombies??
Oh yeah, I remember THAT post... LOL!
(sits down next to Elderly)
No, no tea or dancing... thank you...
could be organised!! though given my status in the entertainment industry it may take a decade or so....
FK dancing on ice is nothing compared to making it home from the pub on a Saturday nigh, perhaps a gaming low point but to expend that much energy in a game.... exhausts me just thinking about it...
Gnome some.... oh! right! here try some tequila, we'll sit this set out.... high kickers arent' they....
KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?
*shoots himself*
High kickers indeed.
(empties glass)
Have some orange?
oh my god!....(elderly stares at Timerunners lifeless corpse....) a desert eagle.... wow!
orange... certainly, here hold this... (hands Gnome Timerunners desert eagle.....) and dont touch the body.....
Why? Think it'll try to touch me back?
I might consider buying it if it came with a free subscription to Playboy magazine.
nah your fine gnome, this time Timerunners really done it... judging from the brain splatters on the plasma screen.... shame..... no you might incriminate yourself having blood on one hand and the desert eagle in the other....
a free subscription to playboy... what a capital marketing idea....
Incriminate? Me? Blast...
I can't believe they are developing this game. It's a joke, only it's not funny. *shakes head in disapproval* With any luck the factory storing all copies of this game will burn down the week it's due to be shipped to retailers.
dont' worry Gnome I doubt interpol have a Gnome fingerprint database...
and speaking of incrimination.. J if the factory does burn down the week it's due to be shipped, I heard nothing from you.... mums the word....
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