Proving a bit of a toughie, but if your stuck, it dosen't get much better than the following most excellent Video Walkthrough site, with videos on both normal and bonus maps, including least steps, least portals and least time guides including footage on how unlock the 300ft long jump and terminal velocity achievements. Ace!!!
Portal Video Walkthroughs
Orange box achievements list from Gamefaq

Why would anyone need a walkthrough for a 1 hour game?
aye indeed why would anyone want a walkthrough for a 1 hour game mr.elderly....? well? sheep got your tongue?
well. erm... I felt .. that am .. somepeople, might be having difficulty.. plus the videos are pretty!!!
..the videos are pretty..... tut tut! your wasting valuable blogger space mr.elderly..... a leprechaun pron post would have been much more useful.... tut!
I am one of those people that would like a walkthrough for that game (or any game for that matter) some of us are "special needs gamers". We need all the help we can get...
Now, I haven't watched anything (don't spoil the fun just yet) but that's the way to go with walkthroughs... Great find!
Anyone can easily finsh this before even starting to read the walkthrough. What kind of special needs to do have? I finished this while I was drinking with no problems.
(elderly stands up...) i'm a special needs gamer too.... it's why walkthroughs are a must.... i get confused.. fall down.. experience bright lights in my eyes and a pounding banging in my head... thank you FK and Gnome.. i felt alone... until now....
...drinking and playing games.... tut... what is the world coming to .. hic!.. pardon me...!
I'm with funnyman......
well for a small fee, he can take you.....!! in fact i'd nearly pay him at this stage...
So this is Portal. And it's connected with Half Life 2 in the Orange Box. IF that's the case then, I might want to reconsid...
(looks at raspberry)
Oh, well...
... now that would be perfect as a centrepiece for the sherry trifle i'm making... takes raspberry.. places it in middle of whipped cream...
imagine carrying a raspberry around with you like that.. fortuitous to say the least..
(heads of the get spoons and make tea....)
You know yes it's an easy game..But sometimes everyone gets stuck..It can be the most ovbious thing in the world but you just keep missing it..So if your so amazingly great at games..Go play them instead of moaning at everyone else for doing so..
portal is a great game but i just cant get through some of the levels they're just to complicated!
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