Sequel to the game Area 51 and set for release on Ps3, PC, and Xbox 360 on November 5, 2007. Set in the present day, players take the role of a decorated military veteran charged by the government to lead a squadron of "secret soldiers," as they fight off the invasion of unidentified enemy races.
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I just found your blog. I like it!
Never finished the original, but I am tempted to go back and complete it.
How do you decorate your veterans oh Elderly?
(elderly blushs... shuffles feet uncomfortably...) thanks wfhsteve.... :) neat idea by the way a 360 sales site...
me i skipped over area 51, though the reviews were ok.. 72% on metacritic... time for a rental methinks.. if i could find time to play anything though id be really happy...
hiya Gnome... most veterans at the old folks home tend to go for plastic yellow name badges, takes the stress out of worrying about who you are and where you should be.....
And how would you decorate a christmas tree?
I just want to know what is so secret about the soldiers.
If they fixed the framerate this time, I might give it a go.
hiya all apologies for such a long absence, I'm back for a little while at least.
Christmas trees.. why would we want to decorate christmas trees..i mean it's only... (looks at calendar....)
YIKES!.... damn....
the secret soldiers? funnyman no one knows about them cept us... erm.. i think...
hiya timerunner, I tried the demo.. .too short but the rain was nice...
Well you could say that -date aside- trees are way more pleasing than war veterans, so decorating them would ..uh.. be nicer.
erm well yes.. thats true... far prettier . plus trees don't complain when you stab them in the chest with a medal pin...
(scratches head...) wot! im right!! now thats novel...:)
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