Underworld: Awakening (also known as Underworld 4) is an American 3D action horror film directed by Måns Mårlind and Björn Stein. Set Six months after the events of Underworld: Evolution, Kate Beckinsale reprises her role as Selene. It will be release in Digital 3D, IMAX 3D and 2D theatres on January 20th 2012.
Reviews: .. it's got Kate Beckinsale in it. :)
Underworld Awakening Movie Wallpaper on Eyesurfing
(checks to see if he's alone)
Just when I thought that drooling had been outlawed....
This is never going to stop, is it?
...don't despair mr. Narrator... we've now been fitted with drool suppressors...
ahem!..that may need some re-design...
But they mostly work. Have to install them in the Lair it seems...
(turns red faced...)
ah yes, meant to tell you about that...
am... sorry!?
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