Warriors Orochi, known in Japan as Musou Orochi was initially a PlayStation 2 action video game developed by Koei and Omega Force. the game being a crossover of two popular video game series, Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors (Specifically Dynasty Warriors 5 and Samurai Warriors 2). A port of the game was released for the XBox 360 in Japan on September 13 2007. A western version will see release alongside the localized Playstation 2 version in US September 18th and tba October in Europe.
Because Warriors Orochi is a crossover game, it takes the liberty of combining elements from both the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors games.
Crossover changes and character list on Wikipedia
Ps2 Preview from IGN
Xbox 360 Preview from Gamespot
360 screens on 1up
Ps2 screens on 1up
Japanese Website (slow)
English Website

Issa nice...
issa look nice.. but me fear issa samey ol samey ol... plethoras of m n ees, loadsa loadsa button pressing... but eyesplitting dazzling... which remind me.. (takes two anadin to fend off oncoming eyestrain....)
I think what the elderly is trying to say is that it's going to be the same ol' shit all over again. Am I right? =)
Personally, I'm sick and tired of seeing Koei milking those series without mercy. Enough is enough. Create a decent new game with tons of new content, or move on to something else.
I'm going to play this one just to see if Koei finally makes some much neede changes to freshen up the gameplay a bit.
No PS 3 version?
Did you want to exhange links by the way?
indeed exactly Nebachadnezzar... you read my mind... pouring through some of the revised game the changes aren't that dramatic.. Orochi Recycles maps from both games, with graphical differences such as lava, burnt ground, and demonic-looking castles. There is a new stages specifically for this game, Koshi Castle, where the final battle against Orochi takes place.
this type of game is no doubt about it spectacular and exhilarating.. but in small doses, I've alread got one Koei game... im afraid they'll be nothing to add to that original formula....
Spooky (waves to Spooky) indeed your right a fresh approach to this type of game would be most welcome...
funnyman no mention of a Ps3 release.... exchange links you betcha... gonna do some work on my sided panel.. i'll put up a graphic if you don't like it, just holler and I'll change it.... :)
thanks for link funnyman just spotted it..... :)
link up and running (right sidebar near end of page..) hope you like it.... if not tell me what you'd like.... nariko? perhaps?
Perhaps the best of both worlds. Something to get someone unknown to the two series to gain a fan base?
I dunno, ticks all the boxes for me, but then I'm easily pleased...
LOL. That is fine. No need to have Nariko. I already have her picture in my bathroom, bedroom, and pretty much my entire house.
Indeed Timerunner consolidate bases then attack for $49.99 with some of the best content from the other games...
..easily pleased perhaps FK, but then you know what you like....
lol....Funnyman you'd did tell her about me didn't you?
Ooooohhh.... look at all those comments...
(grabs an anadin too)
..no Gnome thats not an anad.... oh dear!..... (phones for emergency services....>)
I've never been a fan of the Warriors series... just seemed too repetitive and mindless to me...
No, no, don't call 'em! It's way better, I feel so, so (thud) ....
hi ross, I agree you played one you've probably played them all.. me i've played one.. and feel i've experience all there is to in the genre.... but they just keep on producing new versions every year, someone must be buying them..
now if you'll excuse me.... Gnome is close to death again....
"yes that's right.. Od'd on dog worm tablets.... turned bright blue and his tongue is swelling... please hurry"
(turns Gnome on his side.... props pillow under head....)
everything is going to fine Gnome.. the emergency services are on they're way... any minute now they'll come rushing in and save you.... oh if only we hadn't kil.... erm .... stay with us Gnome... stay with us....
Ok I'll stay...
Can I seat per chance?
..gosh! Gnome no ... i think any sudden movements may be adverse to slender hold on life... please i beseech you remain motionless.... try and not blink... very good! they'll be here any second now...
Ok. Can I talk though? And could you turn on the TV? I'm getting bored and they haven't come since ..uh.. Wednesday...
why yes forgive me... (switch on Fox News.... they are taking their time.. I'll phone them again.. I'm very sorry about this...
....hello yes.. emergency services... last wednesday.. dying gnome.... erm you what?.. but it is a serious call for help... yes wednesday.... why are you laughing? this is not a joking matter.... okay well make it snappy it may not make it....
erm.. they're on their way Gnome.... 20 minutes at the most... hang on in there... deep breaths.....
OK... Can't we watch something funny though? Fox news? I mean... Really, what where you thinking?
... sorry Gnome (switchs to cartoon network.....) now thats better... (checks watch) they're taking their time arent't they, still they know what they're doing.... do you feel any pain at all Gnome?
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