Does exactly what it says in the title, essential walkthrough guides, cheats, tips and hints for the intrepid Halo 3 gamer. Culled from a 40 minute trawl of all thats good and unholy on the www.
Gamefaq Walkthrough from zukowskc
Mycheats Superguide
Lunabean walthrough work in progress
Games.net cheats tips hints & skulls
9/9 skull locations Youtube user madhead360
Halo 3 Skull locations from 7th columnist
Top Ten Multiplayer tips from noddegamra
Halo 3 Weapons database
Tips for mastering Halo 3
Where is my Hayabusa Armour? (all armour unlocks)
PC Blank map canvases for download
Halo 3 Reviews Summary (96% from 35 reviews)
Master Chief Wallpaper(10)
Halo 3 Official Website

Halo 3 is in my top 5 first person shooters, but it is not my favorite.
Hi there. Thankyou for linking to my halo 3 multiplayer tips. I am extremely greatful :)
Ok, that's an honestly pure post, but really can't see what the fuss is with this HALO 3. It's a bloody generic FPS...
Congratulations on the Burma link!
Halo 3? Halo? What is this? I am not familiar with Halo on this page...
your favourite shooter... fear? perchance
an honour to link to your site noddegamra, you've got a excellent list of tips
(nods to Gnome...) as a fps single player it has some rare touches but indeed i agree with you, it's the multiplayer which made halo great.. it's a pity I stink at it... which makes me averse to playing multiplayer...
halo? it's that circle glowing over your head timerunner.... (bows to Timerunner....)
Yeah FEAR is my favorite. Great guess. I have Halo 3 listed as number 2 on my list of top 5 first person shooters.
my favourite would be Doom 3, however on a recent replay on the 360 I didn't get the same sense of being "enclosed" and up against the odds... strangely it runs better on my xbox...
Fear would be a clear second favourite with me, with half life in third.. Halo the original game would go 4... this chart though is subject to change once i get my hands on halo 3
Halo holds no appeal to me whatsoever... Bioshock on the other hand has had me considering ram raiding my local Currys for a 360...
My complete list is:
2. Halo 3
3. Resistance: Fall of Man
4. Bioshock
5. Golden Eye 007 (for the N64 back when Nintendo was a respectable company)
Now my first person shooter list is subject to change after the release of Call of Duty 4 and Killzon 2, but for now that is my top 5.
Besides, what's with the Master Chief name? I can imagine the scene... Microsoft managers seating around a sleek black table, when the sibject of naming Halo star pops-up. Guy to the left suggest Master something, random suit guy suggest Chief something, and then the smart guy comes up with Master Chief and all are happy...
A touch of class eh?
(leads in suffolk ram...) say no more FK! I'm ready when you are...
..never got my hands on golden eye, and resistance fall of man is in my sights but not my bank balance... COD4 I do hope will rock.... Killzone 2 ...drooooooo!
a one act travesty indeed Gnome... the name has never suited him..
I also thought Half-Life had its moments
indeed Funnyman i loved the first half-life sitting slack jawed at then state of the art ai... I have a head full of images and happy moments from half life 2.. again sitting slack jawed at the physics engine...
...must see my doctor about that jaw of mine...
I finished the fight, but there was not a feeling of accomplishment afterwards. FEAR was challenging, and I felt like I really accomplished something.
aye now that you mention it Funnyman twere an anti-climatic ending, strange how i'd forgotten that.. maybe because i enjoyed the journey so much....
It all depends on which ending you saw in Halo 3. Yes, one of the endings was anti-climactic. There was another ending that was better.
I am still a fan of Bungie, and I'll end up getting Halo Wars.
two endings.. .where did i go wrong?....
(smiles at Gnome...)
don't get me wrong Funnyman i like bungie, but maybe it's the constant hype since halo 2 that has numbed my senses to halo 3.. oh and also because i stink at multiplayer...
If you need to boost your confidence at the multiplayer, then play Master Chief. I am certain you can beat him because all he does is say "lolololololollolllololololololololololoololololol."
Oh and everyone, please do watchthe Halo 3 review @ Zero Punctuation. It's brilliant!
thank you Gnome....
lololololollllolollo Funnyman... will do.... (sound of a sniper shot.....)
Good luck trying to find his gamer tag.
ahhah.. perhaps not...
(opens universal gamertag encyclopedia....)
got this for €1.50 down at my local market... now lets see... oh that's unfortunate the pages are all blank....
ahaaaa invisible ink.... erm... how do you make it so you can read invisible ink....
Try looking under the name lolololollllooolol. You might find it there.
(holding pages over candle....)
lolololollllooolol you say?
right.. .oh no!!!.. quick Fire... fire... hot hot... (book bursts into flames....)...
oh my
oh dear....
Did not expect you to use a candle. Did your flashlights run out of batteries?
(bandages charred fingers.....)
flashlight!! you mean..... I never thought!.... it would work ... with....
i shoulda asked....
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