Due 2007: Oct 23rd Us, and Oct 26th Eu
Mingling the darkest elements (we hope) of Barker's horror fiction and films, Jericho deals with the mysterious reappearance of a lost city in a remote desert. The official Jericho Website is structured like a short adventure game requiring you to search through a mini-labyrinth of creepiness to find more information about the game.
Jericho Official Website
Jericho Community Website (US)
Xbox 360 Screenshots IGN
Ps3 Screenshots IGN
Wallpaper from Justwalls

Please tell me there will be a demo on PSN or Xbox Live.
Excellent website (really), nice if pretty standard artwork, yet something tells me this won't be Mr. Barker's magnum opus. Then again I could be a tad more optimistic...
Imagine a Hellraiser video game! Now that I would buy!
sorry folks mia on Sunday/monday
Funnyman a demo? (crosses fingers behind back...) of course there'll be a demo on PSN or Xbox Live... i hope
Standard artwork indeed mr.Gnome, which always send shivers up my back even a tad more optimism would see me fearful it will not reach expectations
Hellraiser... now that would be exceptional.... "The box. You opened it. We came." yummy!!
Which apparently means you're optimistic about it, innit so Mr. Elderly?
on the shadier side of clearly optimisitc... an autumnal optimism so to speak....
Right. Exact as always...
why thank you. moments of clarity provided by medichem.Ltd.
Yes, you were right. Just finished playing the demo on PSN. Plan on writing something about it soon on my blog. You should play the demo. Both PSN and Xbox Live versions are the virtually identical, so don't feel like you are missing out if you are unable to play the PSN version.
time for a download... looking forward to your post... thanks for the heads up, haven't plugged in my 360 for nearly fortnight now.... no time...
I liked what I saw in the demo. I hope the final version keeps me interested.
demo is normally a good indicator... may be in for a real treat then... (rubs hands together gleefully...)
I could really use a different type of first person shooter now that Halo mania is over.
FPS set in the world of the Resident Evil series.... oh wait it's been done... (draws line through idea...)
FPS set under water.. no (strikes out idea...)
... ..dunno a Western FPS?
i'll make tea.. we'll be here all night..
Wasn't Gun a Western FPS?
yes you are quite right, a quite competent western FPS too.. see why we'll be here all night.. I can't for the life of me think of a game setting that hasn't had an FPS....
....(pours tea.....sips slowly...)
...gottit!!! A Convent!!!
Really? You liked Gun? The PS 2 version was dreadful. I never played the 360 edition. How was it?
see the limitations of text.. sorry Funnyman, never played the game.. but from players to critics the feedback was entirely positive... set in my sights when the pre-owned value drops....
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