For Wii, Xbox 360, Ps2, PC, PsP, DS
Due US Oct 2nd, EU Oct 12th
Inspired by the Spider-Man film trilogy and the Spider-Man comics, Spider-Man: Friend or Foe challenges players to defeat and then join forces with notorious Doc Ock, Green Goblin, Venom and Sandman, and embark on an epic quest to overcome a worldwide evil threat. Players control Spider-Man and one of numerous Super Hero or Super Villain sidekicks, mastering unique fighting moves and styles, while switching between characters to execute team combos and defeat foes.
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I hope there will be a PS 3 version.
dosen't look likely, lest it does well and gets a reprieve by xmas... which is suprising considering the game was in development in time for the ps3 developers kit... strange
Beware Spiderman games, I had one for the Wii and it was shit...
The best game I have ever played featuring Spiderman was Revenge Of Shinobi... (In which he had a small cameo...)
It was shit because the Wii is inferior to the 360 and PS 3, not because it was a Spider-Man game. I don't understand why it won't be coming to the PS 3. Sony essentially made the movies come to life, so why are the game developers working with the 360 and not the PS 3.
Funnyman, don't you ever get tired of repeating the same -frankly boring- mantra all over the place? I mean... tsk.
Anyway. It's a Foe surely...
duly noted FK (walks around spiderman game....) maybe i should put up a sign case anyone touches it....
The wii isn't in the same league as the 360, but i want one and when i do get my sweaty hands on it, it will share equal space with my 360. from what i've read i'll probably derive equal pleasure from it, now the ps3 is a whole other ball game.... once it gets it pricing sorted..
i must humbly offer Gnome Spider-man is a friend.... and would be much more likeable if he got rid of that feckin hyphen....
Hope the 360 version will be as brilliant as Marvel Ultimate Alliance.
He's got a hyphen? Oh dear...
...im glad you reminded me Funnyman ... (underlines marvel ultimat alliance on must get list..) a magnificent game by all accounts
Indeed a hyphen Gnome, takes a bit of getting used, indeed it does... funnily i can accept the blue lycra far easier.....
I love Spiderman and New York, so I will end up getting this.
even with the lycra outfits..it'll have to be pretty special for me to fork out for this,
I was interested in the game for a while, but I played the PC demo and then read the reviews. I won't buy this even for my kids.
And Spider-Man 3 sucked on all platforms (except the DS).
And it's a real shame: Spider-Man is a character that should exciting to play.
BTW, Elderly, I've been seeing Wiis in a certain Target every Sunday for the last 3 weeks. Too bad I can't get you one and ship it.
But are you saying that you think you would have more fun with the PS3, if the price dropped?
There are rumors that we'll see a $399 PS3 before the holidays this year.
A 399$ PS3 sounds fine even though this will still mean 400 yoyos I'm afraid... Oh, and blue lycra it is then...
hi guttertalk, pity spiderman isn't up to scratch, the character certainly deserves a outstanding game... and rehashing his appearance in a stream of games isn't going to endear him to a new audience... strangely in my head i reckon I'll have more fun with the wii than the Ps3, because of it's growing library of retro games..
my experience so far with next gen consoles has shown me a slew of 360 titles that were technically and graphically brilliant but soon ended up on my trade in list....
... blue lycra Gnome, is much more reasonably priced than game.. and it's machine washable as well...
So, if you had to do over, would you still get a 360?
I talked to a guy who's been playing the Call of Duty 4 beta on the 360, and he was showing me the Halo 3 player info site. The info they track for multiplayer is pretty impressive. And the online chat and video is pretty smooth. To be honest, I don't know that Nintendo or even Sony could produce a centralized online network like that for some time, even though MS is probably bleeding money for it.
to be honest gutteralk, I probably would, even though i'm not the most fantastic online player, I have had oodles of fun with Forza, lag free and no hastle setup, the 20c pics and themes still irk, and a larger retro catalogue would have me smile wider though Surely the Ps3 network is on a par with the xbox360 or am I in for a big surprise?
(adjusts Gnomes hat...) there that's better.... :)
Just got it recently. Plan on writing a review soon. Spiderman, Spiderman spins his web like a spider can...
lol... spiderpig song still cracks me up... looking forward to review..
(with new readjusted hat and smily face)
Speaking of Spiderpig, I have to play the Simpsons game when it comes out.
...hope it's a treat... i may rent...
I agree. Once you have seen the humorous moments, it is not appealing the second time through.
still a valiant experience for spiderman fans...
Since I am a fan, I always get the spiderman games (excluding the ones based on the movies). I feel like I can relate to Peter Parker.
..im puzzled, why not the move based ones?
Nine out of ten times games make an unsuccessful transition from movies to games. For instance, Fantastic 4, Ghost Rider, Xmen, The Da Vinci Code...The list goes on and on. My general rule of thumb is that I try avoid them. But there are always exceptions like Chronicles of Riddick.
ah i see now and completely agree... why do they get it so wrong... movie cash in it appears has no morals....
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