Set in a mysterious world that is under the control of a group of girls calling themselves the "Red Crayon Family." Taking control of Jennifer, you'll have to work with the rules created by the girls as you solve puzzles, fight enemies and attempt to free yourself from dungeons. Mid way through the game, you come into the company of a dog who ends up playing an important role in your quest.In a word.... freaky
Strangely while Gamespot and IGN are without a full review, the following websites have managed to review the game. hmmmmm! Jury still most assuredly out on this one.
90% score
from score
from Review
Rule of Rose Official WebsiteScreenshots from IGN
elderly tags Rule of Rose trailer website video fmv ps2
Ok. I'll give it this... It seems interesting.
But, there's no way I'm playing as an Emily. None whatsoever. I'd rather go without tea for a week...
I will be passing as well....
(..DEITRIX goes out and parties with missing jury..)
Hey! Splinter Cell is launching with the release of the Wii.... I dont think it will be as good as the 360's version myself, but a big boost of a game for launch!!!
Alright! You found it. Sure it's another school girl outfit wearing adventure, but this time with a darker theme to it. I knew someone would pick it up. Thanks Elderly.
look i hired the costumes for the week, someones going to have to dress as emily, hell where is your sense of adventure........?
10 for the Wii outing, maybe they'll throw in some extra content..... downloadable splinters or stuff...
as ever your wish is my command oh timerunner, here see if this fits you......... (passes emilys uniform to timerunner)
The screens for the Wii's version didnt look to shabby, but not as good as the 360, of course- pretty close tho'!!
It will be interesting to see just what kind of power this thing will dish out..?
to be honest, when i'm in the thick of a game i tend to overlook the graphics, if it's as good as the xbox which i beleive is the case, then i'll be happy. It's odd the xbox still has the ability to be a wii competitor, unfortunately microsoft seem to have lost interest in it.
Right. The Xbox and the Wii. Quite so... Really confusing. What were we talking about? Aha. Dress-up!
so you'll wear the emily dress? i'm so glad i'd have hated to have to return it without it being used.... right what'll we play with first....
what about barbies?
(...DEITRIX has left the building..)
I can't wear this? It' makes my bottom look fat.
okay okay i'll wear the emily dress, but i'm not putting on the pigtails....... wher'd deitrix go..... oh well more dress up accessories for us......
I'll just take a few pics then...
these won't be flashed all over the internet now will they?
(smiles for camera.... readjusts hemline.....)
i should really have shaved my legs... hold on a sec...
Of course not. No internets here...
(walks back into room with his legs covered in razor knicks and tissue paper)
jeez i'm bloody freezing in this skirt....
okay (smiles for camera.....)
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