Monday, August 13, 2007

Nariko Wallpaper

Just upped on Rendered Beauty

see all "Heavenly Sword" posts on elderly gamer


Phantasystar said...

Nice wallpaper. May be a very very long time before I ever play the game though,

Unknown said...

don't worry you'll have company waiting.. hope she dosen't go off...!

Phantasystar said...

Yeah, PS3 is too expensive and theres no way im getting one before a 360, or Wii.

Unknown said...

yep I concur, the games wont' be going anywhere, and by the time I get around to a Ps3 purchase the three games i've an interested in (heavenly sword, Resistance fall of man, genji) should be lined up in the bargain bin...... A system seller hasn't arrived as yet....

The Sports Satirist said...

I wonder if Heavenly Sword will be like God of War

Unknown said...

sneaking feeling it will borrow heavily from that masterpiece... though i'm hoping it's unique enough to stand on it's own and avoid the "clone" tag

Anonymous said...

You don't know what you are missing. The PS3 is head and shoulders above the Wii and the 360. I have a Wii and I like it, it's fun. ...but when I want mind blowing graphics and games that are like a playing a blockbuster film, the PS3 is the only choice. And when I'm done I can pop in a Blue Ray DVD or use my PSP in remote play and watch videos or listen to music served from my PS3. Comparing the PS3 to the 360 and the Wii isn't really fair, to them.

Anonymous said...

It's well worth getting a PS3 trust me i have a ps3 and a x box 360 so i would know. If u have the ability to hook ur ps3 up to the internet it's great online gaming is completely free, it has a web page browser plus the playstation store with lots of free goodies. Also online play is amazing i have a Full HD 1080 40" screen with ps3 hooked up with HDMI and COD4 online is simply amazing.

Anonymous said...

Yea Ps3 is great but there arent too many good games so lately ive been playin Halo 3 other than my Ps3. if u have halo 3 or xbox live add me my Gamertag is Mr Snakes Alot.