Due US on 12th and Eu on 16th November, raising the bar in space platforming and replayability scoring 96% from 5 reviews on Metacritic.com.
Reviews Summary
It's rare to play through a perfect game or one that nears perfection, but Galaxy definitely fits that mold.
Nintendo has crafted a platform game that. . . . . . is more fun to play than "Mario 64.
You're going to want to take your time with because there is just so much to do in the game.
This is what gaming ought to be like.
Don't play Galaxy simply because Mario is the timeless godfather of gaming. No, play Galaxy because it's fantastic.
Sample Reviews
Official Website
Japanese Website

I haven't got the slightest interest in this game, but I've got EVERY interest in a new post from possibly the greatest blogger in the blogosphere The Elderly Gamer...
I'm buying this game just 'cos Elderly recomended it!
Hats off to our Emerald Isle icon!
Good to see you back beloved brother!
The Elderly is posting again! Glad to see you are back. I miss reading your comments on my blog. I was worried that you might have been in a car accident or something. I am happy to know that everything is fine. Father, what makes you think The Elderly is recomending this?
Ah, lovely new post thingie Elderly dear and -despite not being particularly fond of Mario- this one I'm buying.
OK Funnyman, I'll re-phrase that...
I'll buy it 'cos Elderly thought it was worth flagging it up!
Quality & Elderly go hand in hand...
Again I'm so pleased you're back Elderly!
I see. Now, that makes more sense Father.
:) hiya FK.... (hugs FK....) it is god to be back... and the place is looking much better now that Gnomes eaten all the spiders... but the the greatest blogger in the blogosphere? I haven't put on weight have I... (checks his shape in the mirror...) oh god I have... (sucks in belly)
quality and elderly (blushs beetroot red...) nah!!!! im still wearing the same t-shirt here take a whiff!.....
Thank you Funnyman (hugs funnyman...) it is good to be back... and forgive me for not heralding my disappearing trick! indeed I can imagine it did look like i'd been abducted by aliens...
(hugs Gnome....) thank you (breaths deeply) yes it's good to be posting again.... just hope i can keep it regular... and remember you might not like mario.. but mario loves you....:) hic!!
sorry i forgot... brought back some virtual tequila..... (pours drinks for his friends.....)
hic! sorry... dinking tee fost...
it is good to be back.... now i must resucitate Seamus.... where ever i left him.... (heads off in search of seamus the leprechaun)
*Hugs Elderly* Wow virtual tequila! It's been a while since I had one... erm three... of those! Heres to Elderly! Cheers!
Welcome back Elderly!
Super Mario Galaxy... hmm, if you can dig up any info on Animal Crossing Wii I'd water your plants some more :-)
Also, thanks for posting the lovely Heavenly Sword wallpaper!
Huging me is a little feminine, but I am willing to accept your hug as long as the hug comes with money.
and not even a hint of a virtual hangover FK.... (downs another tequila, sucks salt container and sticks lemon slice in his ear....) ohhhh virtuality I love it!!!!
Thank you Ross it is good to be on here again.... latest is that Animal Crossing will be a social networking MMO and very little else, due japan 31st Dec, TBA US. more when i hear it... ah yes Nariko...!! Funnyman has the inside track first though im afraid..
lol.. So i can hug you for money? Funnyman ... we should reclaim hugging!!! a fine masculine tradition usurped by the feminist lobby....
*Hugging Elderly for longer than necessary...* FECK!
Who with the what now?
I'm wasted...
(avoids the hugging orgy)
Mario likes me? Whoa! How come... We've never met... Oh, dear.. must have been that night in Firenze...
You could just send a greeting card. I save the hugging for Nariko and Angelina Jolie. To be more precise, I will be hugging my pictures of Nariko and Angelina Jolie. Did I say that out loud? I lose my thoughts when I am drinking and typing.
Super Mario Galaxy is awesome. I don't know how you could own a Wii and not want or not have already bought it. I just wish I had more time to play it.
Elderly, just wanted to let you know that your link to GNADE GAMES should be changed to GRADUATE GAMES' BLOG - http://blog.graduategames.com
changed the URL...thanks
This blog is very interesting. Some of the games may be too exciting for the elderly :)
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