Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Alf's Game Wallpaper Mashup part 2

Halo 4 Wallpaper Mashup Mass Effect 3
Halo 4 Wallpaper Mashup Call of Duty
Assassin's Creed 3 Wallpaper Mashup
Dishonored Wallpaper Mashup
All sized 1600x900
Folowing on from his mildly successful and quite frankly heinous abuse of some radical game wallpaper designs, it is with distinct distaste that I have agreed (for a fee) to upload the latest of Alf's Game Wallpaper Mashups for your critique.  No doubt with enough adverse comment, Alf will abandon his Mashup pursuit and concentrate on some lucid Game Wallpaper work.

Alf The Helper: A fee!?? What fee?
Elderly: You didn't think I was going to post these monstrocities for nothing?
Alf The Helper: Am well... I hadn't thought about.. But Yes!, ...I thought I was helping out!
Elderly: Well your not, So I'm deducting an appropriate fee from this week's wages.
Alf The Helper: But.. I can't afford...
Elderly: Too late they're up
Alf The Helper: : (

Alf's Game Wallpaper Mashups part 1

See all "Game Wallpaper" posts


Director of Appropriations said...

Mon Dieu c'est incrediable!!
This is Luigi from the Tatiana Modern, we would very much like to acquire your Halo 4 masterpiece...

Unknown said...

Huh! your kiddin me....
....where's the delete comment button....

GamingAles said...

I must agree with that 'french' bloke, these wallpapers are most excellent! Lovin the AC3 mash :)

Unknown said...

Et Tu Brute :(

Alf The Helper said...

Thanks Bickle your a pal :)

Mr. Elderly I dont' understand French, What did Luigi want?

Unknown said...

Well that is unfortunate Alf...

...I daren't repeat the utterances of that man, suffice it to say that when I find the delete comment button won't be a moment too soon...