I also hear what your saying "why the blocky black bit?" beleive me I understand your pain, it's been added to ensure those with widescreen format get the image properly displayed, if its causing a problem on your TV format just lop it off in any image program.
Click images for dashboard size,
So how do you get them on your 360 then? well there's the long way
see the following
Setting your xbox 360 wallpaper
Themes? where the heck are they?
or simply plug in a USB flash memory stick into your PC and you can copy files from it to your Xbox hard drive and set them as the background of your dashboard. Unfortunately you'll have the same image across each blade, unlike the official xbox360 themes.
More Dashboard backgrounds

Gosh Elderly!
I'm feeling a sort of "cut your next gen nose off to spite your Dreamcast obsession face" type vibe going on... This 'Gears Of War' thing seems to have everyone hot under the collar. Yes it does look very nice...but you know what? There are already cynics pointing out graphical (?) glitches on youtube. I've never been that bothered by little visual glitches in games. The one on youtube shows the rendered environment disappearing, and big old hole appears and the gamers go back and forward through it to demonstrate the error. Now obviously, if you've shelled out a lot of money for a game, you want it to be a quality investment. EA games have been slated for their lazy development of NBA games... fair enough. But there seems to be a growing trend towards 'glitch' watching... gamers suspending their enjoyment of the game and then revelling in the discovery of a mistake! Then rushing to post it on youtube so they can be the first to find fault in their investment... WTF!? Just play it and enjoy it! On my own favourite (and very suck-in-able) Dreamcast game (Shenmue 1&2) - which admittedly hopes the gamer will be immersed into it's realistic virtual world- people tend to disappear as they get a little further away... so fucking what? If i'd have rolled my sleeves up, tossed my controller at the floor and tutted, then posted the glitch up on youtube every time one appeared, I'd never have experienced the overall beauty of the game! I'll probably hang around the 360 pod in Gamestation till I get the chance to play a bit of Gears Of War. But i will not be looking for faults... I'll just be having a go in the desparate hope I can pop in a comment to your discussion of this particular game... god when's the Wii coming out? It's the new Dreamcast... I'm now routing for Nintendo against Sony and Microsoft like I did for Sega back in the day...
How twisted is that?
God Elderly!
First Gnome and now you... is there some sort of entity gobbling up bloggers? (Ooer!) And Deitrix has been a bit quiet... I'm not used to this... I'm guessing you all have real lives and have maybe had a night out or two with real people, been playing Gears Of War, or meeting up for some sort of secret society rituals, whilst I'm (rather tragically) just hanging around waiting for one of you to hit me back! Right..I'm off to indulge myself in a bit of Torchwood. I'll see you later...email me if any of you check back this rather dull Tuesday evening... The rather scary AOL voice will alert me of your presence... (Father Krishna wraps Tom Baker style long scarf around his neck...Dons John Pertwee style velvet jacket...adjusts Patrick Troughton style Beatles wig and snuggles up on the sofa next to his curvaceous flame haired Mrs...)hey solitude is quite nice after all...
arriving home rather later 3am than expected, 3 hours sleep to catch before i'm whisked away in a iron horse, thank god they don't do breathalyser test on trains..... being snightly lebrianated, I must apologise for my tardis.... er tardiness..... currently playing fear on 360, and for a next gen title i would have expected not to see the edges of the 3d model when i near walls or crates, but i overlook such graphical impurities and like yourself take an overall view of the games quality. posting glitches on youtube is beyond me, however i reckon some people enjoy the thrill of having a few 1,000 people take a gander at their TV capture.......
having said that for the price we pay for next gen games we should expect near perfection, graphical glitches (imho)reflect a rush to publish or lazy programming, or skimping on play testing.... and the people responsible should be held.....(yep im pissed) ....responsible, in the hope that whatever the reason behing the error, future developers will seek to fine tune the game before release...
where was I?... oh yes, picked myself up a second hand series one pack of battlestar galactica.... hooked!...torchwood... beleive or not, (hangs his head....avoids closing his eyes...) i've never watched...
tired... must sleep..... Gnome has been abducted by gnome loving aliens.....
bows the most reverend.....sleep well my friend...
Sorry I've been busy playing that glitched youtube game "Gears of War"... hehehe
I've seen the glitches on youtube as well and frankly you have to look for them- I have had nothing like thos come up...
Hands down its a very fun and addicting game- just dont bother playing on the casual setting, you will blow through the game feeling empty... I started on hardcore and now going on insane..! Insane is awesome!!! The firefights you encounter are unmatched to date! A blast even to do over and over again (on hardcore or insane)!
Thats all I will give you for now..!
just got it this evening, cant' wait, thanks for the advice on difficulty see ya after ...erm an eon or two...
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