1up have done a neat job of clearing up all the speculation and rumours that have surfaced following a magazine leak, they've also done a nifty job of jumping all over IGN, Kotaku and Gamespot in the process.. Hell 1up even got a thank you from
Bungie in the processGamesite Wars anyone?
1up and Halo 3 rumurs, the Facts!
Clickable inkies
Halo 3 rumours latest 1up
Ok, so now you will be able to carry a gun on your back.. (like Gears of War!!!)....
Which is nice, even R6Vegas is making that work very well! Have you played the demo yet???
I wonder if they will be using the all famous "COVER SYSTEM" in this one...? Plus if you can carry a shoulder mounted laser, plus a weapon on your back- then, does that mean you will be able to see yourself while playing??? Otherwise whats the point of saying you can strap them on your back if you only get a first person view???
Im sure it will be good no matter. Just wondering if its going to be like GOW or R6 instead of the straight foward 1st person view..?
I can see the advantage in knowing what your enemy will be wearing at the time (such could be a real help in online play)
It's odd that even some of 1up's subscribers are chidding 1up for doing what they did. (speaking as one of those 1up users)
I see the next gen war is going to be fought besides with the console releases.
1up... Pah! They don't know the ultra-rumour that the HALO franchise has just (15 minutes ago) been sold to Sony. In exchange for 5 impressive prostitutes... Really. They did. Oh, and a ziggolo for that lady in management.
Oh, and let me say your recent posts having have been quite amazing. Excellent too...
(wheels in tea and cake trolley...)
Sorry i'm late been playing both R6 and eragon demos (snuck in a replay of fear while I was at it) R6 is smooth and responsive and alot more polished in graphics than I would have imagined. I am more than impressed, First person view, though third person might be available as an option on the full build, not sure.
Eragon stunk! an xbox title reminiscent of the LOR series... not happy, immediately deleted. Fear still had the hairs on my neck rising, but compared to R6 the movement was more cumbersome.... going to have to think long and hard bank wont' accede to two shooters.....
timerunner I was surprised at the seeming relish which 1up took in admonishing in a very "parental" style the imaginative development of the leaked translation, maybe that was what got up peoples nose. though on mature reflection (hee hee) a gamesite war would be good for viewing figures...
Halo sold out for sex.... bet they were blondes.... and thank you Gnome for your kind and generous comment, though if you look in part those posts would never have seen the light of day were it not for Fkrishna and Deitrix.... still I hope my blushing has faded... (passes Gnome secret stash of custard creams)
thank you all for looking after the place was I was gone, I've never seen it so clean, which one of you did the hoovering?
Im buying R6 and doing a 5 day rental for FEAR... I've played alot of FEAR on pc anyway... Even tho' I was never able to finish it... So I think I will pick it up sometime when gaming slows down a bit.... ??? I get GOW on Tues!! Wed. at the latest...
That demo is said not to be a polished n' finished product either!!! I cant wait till you can pick your own gear n' guns- plus the customization on multiplayer is sweet! I love screwing my supressor on and off... over and over and over again.. HHhhhhmmmm ... I love the look of my supressor as well.. Aaaah oops I got my pages mixed up there.. Thought I was still chatting with HrNybunnE23 for a moment... Crap! I sent her something about controlling 3 guys and how well they handle in Rainbow... EEEuuuww.. I gots to goes do some explaining now!
Catchya later!
...controlling three guys..... and how well they handle... don't worry she'll thank you for that.......
By the time Halo 3 comes out there will be alot of competition out there for games, I wonder how this one will blow everything else away..? It will have to be quite the game...!
..you my interpid blogger buddy are once again indeed correct. correctness personified if i may be so bold, it'll have to knock the socks of the (by then) increasing gaggle of clones..... an onerous task...
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