Hello Seamus here, guest blogger here on the feathery gamer. Denied an appropriate porn for Leprechauns post, I decided a shot of Milla Jovovich in suspenders would just have to do. The official trailer and behind the scenes footage were an afterthought.
The film is set 3 years or so After RE1 and RE2, and borrows plot elements from the game "Code Veronica". We find Alice hiding in the Nevada desert, teamed up with Carlos Olivera and L.J., along with new survivors Claire, K-Mart and Nurse Betty (Ashanti in a nurses uniform........)
Together the unlikely named bunch try to eliminate the deadly virus that threatens to make every human being undead. Now being undead can't be all bad if one was just left alone to get on with the whole zombification scene. But oh no, not content to let the undead... erm.. undie in peace, Milla and her buddies are intent on seeking justice.
Alice, Genetically altered (and wearing suspenders....), her super-human strengths, senses and dexterity are put to good use in what the Official website is declaring is her last adventure.
Set for general release 21st September 2007, Trailer upped by brian199232
Official Website
Extinction on Wikipedia
Behind the scenes youtube clips from neto2night
Extinction on IGN
Porn for Leprechauns Nurses post
posted by the Leprechaun

Finally a decent video game movie is going to come out soon.
But where's Jill?!?!?!!?
Right Seamus! What the bloody heck do you think your doing???
You know that trained counsellors have just let me emerge from my RE CV Dreamcast induced stasis... and then you throw this at my ass!!!
I've only just come to terms with Ghost Rider...
I think it'll be fecking awesome!!!! and I stand by that!!
Now Milla in suspenders... *twitch*
Zombies *twitch*...
And I'm watching the South Park Dreamcast/tooth fairy episode...
Fucking hell!! My LOFT/Upstairs stinks of fecking weed cos of my next door neighbour!!! He must have a fecking farm growing next door!!
Jeez it's only Thursday!!! and I don't even smoke any more!!!
jill? .. timerunner, I thought she was with you? at the end of res2 she was in the car I swear it...... don't tell me we forgot Jill?
forgive me father for I have sinned, but milla in suspenders, I mean how could i pass up on that..... having purchased ....yes paid hard cash for 1 and 2 I ain't gonna let R3 slip through my hands... no sireeeeee.
..and as for that twitching.. here try rubbing this into your skin...
(hands FK a suspicious and familiar looking green leaf....)
I got it from your neighbour....
Gnomes like Milla. They especially prefer Milla in suspenders (preferably only suspenders, too). Then, again gnomes just adore the Nurse Betty film...
No shit! I nearly crumbled! i know this sounds a little like paranoid delusions but there are a couple of facts that need to be pointed out...
One: the insulation/draft exclusion between the Victorian terraces where I live are poor...
Two: My next door neughbour has shit loads of herbs at his disposal!
Hence the aromatic invasion experienced here this evening...
Three: had he answered the door before I'd be high as the proverbial right now... thank the Lord for Hot Chocolate and alarm clocks and work...
why to a man... and a leprechaun it appears we're all milla fans... we're going to have to draw lots.... but a nurse betty film worries me...
(stares inconspiciously at Gnome...)
there may be reprecussions from releasing a Nurse Betty film....
as in maybe a LIFE time of reprecussions if you catch my drift...
FK is saddens me and induces drooling thinking your living next to Nirvana gardens.....
(attempts to breath deeply...)
(leprechaun walks in carrying a piece of paper.... hands it to the elderly)
What the hell is this?
I drew lots..... well do i win? do I? huh? well did I? huh? did I win? well did I?
What's that then?
Film looks shit. Capcom shouldn't allow Hollywood to butcher their IP with this crappy films. I hope Ashanti knows what's she doing appearing in this crap.
J!!! I think you're being a tad harsh! Film looks great!!
I spent Saturday night watching Dream Girls based on your and Junlee's reccomendation... it wasn't too shabby, but at the same time it wasn't my greatest cinematic experience..
I welcome Milla, zombies etc... If it's shit, it's my kind of shit!!
(hands timerunner the piece of paper with the crude drawings of auction lot numbers that Seamus had handed him....)
draw lots indeed, I'll never figure out that Leprechaun...
J...milla jovovich would make shit palatable... hell i even bought ultraviolet.... and yes where milla is concerned im a tart....
Glad you overcame your RE twitch FK, it was unnerving to see you in such turmoil....
I wonder if this is where I'd find my Jill at...
...you mean the green blob has encoded some secret information.. nah he can barely spell let alone encode something....
... i think!
... we leprechauns have powers you know... there was a lot of thought went into drawing that
(pointing at the piece of paper in Timerunner's hands....)
it may lead you to Jill.
it may not.....
my lips are sealed.....
Talk Seamus! This is Jill we are talking about!!! I don't care if this Claire is attractive, I want my Jill!!!
(adopting an ancient Leprechaun sitting technique, Seamus enters a trance....)
...seek and you shall find Timerunner, but beware, what you seek you shall find, and what you think you want you may not need...and what you need you may not want..... Thus spoke O'Reilly King of the Fairies..
theres a good chance Jill is a 50 year old housewife with 2 teenage kids by now.......
She didn't look 50 in the second movie. The mini skirt proves that.
As for the kids....(looks on)
Sweet! Although the whole Western thing looks a little weird. But you cant go wrong with Milla even of the first 2 movies were in "its bad but good" category.
Ive been playing these free games called Kuma\War and DInohunters and they rock. It uses the Source engine just like Counter Strike . Check it out at http://www.kumagames.com
What can i say timerunner, lights, camera angle, cosmetic surgery... makeup... it changes people.... though of course leprechauns would never resort to such subterfuge
..thanks for the tip E, the outfit is a bit of a style hash, there is no doubt....
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