Tomb Raider: Anniversary is a remake of the original Tomb Raider game using an improved version of the Tomb Raider: Legend game engine. Eidos claims it will include all the original levels with new features, such as a bigger arsenal of weapons and improved interactivity with environments. The game is being developed for Sony's PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 2, and Microsoft Windows. The release date is set for Spring 2007, which will mark the 11th anniversary for the Tomb Raider series. Vid from thekingz
Update! Read the Reviews
Eurogamer Preview
Gamespot Preview
Official Website
Screenshots from IGN

HOw do I go about exchanging links with your blog? My blog: gnadegames.blogspot.com would very much like to be listed on the right. Thanks-
your wish is my command (bows, uses screwdriver.....)
et volia!
a brand new shiny logo on the elderly sidebar
(stands back to admire his handywork......)
.... not sure about this one..? I have never been able to get into any of the Tomb Raider games... Maybe if it took on some more realism like say Splinter Cell with Laura ... hhmmmm now that would be cool..!!!
How's it going Elderly..? I'm just stopping in to say hi.. Work and family has been keeping me very busy as of lately..!! Will try to get back to things as soon as possible!
Ah, Mr. Elderly, it does seem Eidos started thinking for us too... Classic boobed Lara in classic levels mass-murdering endangered species. Only, with new graphics and a weighty price - tag. Innovative? Not! Fun? Sure sounds like it!
Hi Deitrix!
(bear hugs Deitrix...) how ya been? where ya been? when ya coming back? Deitrix... Deitrix?
(hands deitrix's tea to Gnome...)
..oh no! endangered species? how ever could she do such a thing.... (considers dropping email to eidos...) classic boobed you say......
(...lost in reverie....)
The first Tomb Raider game was the best one. I just hope they don't go and f**k it all up. I don't think I have the patience to sit through another Tomb Raider game, so I won't be too fussed either way! *shrugs*
i finished Legend recently, game was over before it began, smooth controls, ace graphics but i was left expecting more...
Hello gentlemen! *Nods to assembled, whips tea off Gnome*
Deitrix! Good to see you... IM me we've not chatted recently and I've lots to tell...
Sorry if I've been a bit unsociable lately, now well stuck into RE Code Veronica...
I must say I'm very excited about this new (old) Lara release. Bought and experienced the very first one for the Saturn a month or two ago, which I dipped into for a little while.
I understood why it was such a hit. Must've been amazing at the time...
The screenshots look lovely...
Oh and the video... lovely! I'll be buying it as soon as I've completed the original...
Please, not another Tomb Raider. Please no, have we not had enough. Why is there no Tifa Raider?
hiya FK (makes another cup of tea for the weeping Gnome....) indeed the tomb Raider experience was excellent even got my lady friend at the time to play it... come to think of it she still has it...... how's veronica? never played it.
a Tifa raider has great merit timerunner, Lara's ample charms can take a bit of getting used to.... have you seen advent chldren? i can just imagine executing a slow mo leap over a canvernous abyss......
Screw Tifa, that Lara wallpaper is rather nice. And the Trauma Center one is good too.
(protects tea, drinks tea, pets timerunner, argues with Lara, hellos deitrix, heys ross, envies FK and sits down)
Ahhhh... Another Tomb Raider. As J said, let's hope they nail it. Better yet tie it... hm...
(considers Ross's Tifa suggestion.. snaps out of day dream....)
They are quite excellent Ross, bu the Tifa suggestion wins out....
Gnome..... for the love of...
the elderly would like to stress that he or this blog in no way endorse the restraining of humans for sexual gratification ......
Screw Tifa?!?!?!
I challenge you to a duel!
No, no, not screwing.... Just some slight/soft bondage and a bit of S/M really. It is such a welsoming blog after all (despite 'em silly disclaimers Elderly seems to put up everywhere)...
(smacks gnome with glove)
You have sullied the name of Tifa, I challenge thee!
Wow! Gnome! do you want me to hold your coat?
..oh no there's going to be blood isn't there? i just know it? oh dear... oh dear....
..timerunner please, look i've made a fresh pot of tea.... gnome please, take your finger off the button a surely you'll agree a tomahawk missile attack is a disproportionate response...
please..... FK talk to them your a priest, they'll listen to you.....
(runs off to get video camera....)
(gnome runs off)
(returns with a projector ..er.. projecting Tifa in hardcore exxxtreme scenes)
(timerunners faints)
(gnome pets stuff)
Masterful..... (turns his attention to film)
wow never knew you could do that to a living creature... is she upside down or is the camera upside down....?
...holy heavens she'll never....
she did!...
(runs back into room, sees film... drops camera... sits beside Gnome and elderly......)
...... she'll never... not a chance....
she Did!!!! bloody hell, that's not physically possible ....
She's a true artists. Wait till she opens the beer-bottle... Ah, yes!
fecking extraordinary....
(applause.....wolf whistles)
(applause.....) wait wolfs don't whistle...
..they don't... look it says so here on wikipedia.....
(carries tft screen over to Gnome, pulling the cable out of the elderlies computer.. and blowing the graphics card in a spectacular loud bang and bright smokey puff.....)
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