The game Currently on Shelves in US, makes use of the Ageia PhysX engine. and manages to score a healthy 76% from 7 reviews on Metacritic.com
Reviews Summary
An encouraging sign that good Sonic games can still be made.
By no means perfect, it's tricky to master but once you do, it really shines.
Moments of greatness moments of imprecise control or insulting design choices.
Something that is definitely worth a rental, some might find it too short to be a purchase,
An excellent sense of speed and plenty of depth, makes Sonic fun again
Innovative single-player, but multiplayer is another low-budget "Mario Party" rip-off
A Sonic console game you can feel proud to own
Screenshots (147) from IGN
Official Website
Sega Sonic Fan Boards
Japanese Site

ABMSAIA you say... Hmm... Still, it's 60 euros Elderly, and well, that would be a nice weekend away or an innovative game...
Rental? right. Where from?
The rise of the Hedgehog! Oh YES! The new icon for the cult!! A small blue rodent risen from the gaming grave, come to heal the Nation and carry on in the footsteps of the Great Segata!!!
Oh YES!! FK is back from his self imposed Resident Evil exile...
Apologies my friends for my rude abstinence and absence...
indeed we are most delighted to have you back, Seamus was thinking mrs. K had finally flipped and buried you in the back garden.... sonic cult? well i dunno, we forked out a lot for the judo outfits and the elvis wigs....
Rental? (checks Greek game rental stores....) right well this could take me a while.... you are indeed though most correct 60 yuyos would get me a pretty decent weekend in Greece, wouldn't last past the first evening in Ireland...
god why can't i live in Greece and work in Ireland.....
Hello old skool Sonic. it's good to see you back in old form again. And by meaning old form as in not making out with cute teenage girls in the debacle Sonic the Hedgehog game on the next gen systems.
You should stay old skool more often, seriously...
"Go Sonic! Go Sonic! It's yer birthday.. It's yer birthday... go party like it's yer birthday etc.."
So, we having a cult? Live in Greece? With 60 euros? Actually, when I said weekend, I only ment staying in a house, just outside Athens and only drinking from bottles and only having fun by having sex,thus saving on bills of every kind...
Anyway. It's lovely having the lovely FK arund again, aint it? RE? Bahh...
(worried that Timerunner will pet the blue hedgehog, elderly quietly moves the photograph behind a protective screen....)
..well FK we could set up an altar to him, with candles and moss and .... what do hedgehogs eat?
one can never join enough cults Gnome, even you know that, money couldn't buy the social life and naked dancing...
Indeed, even if such were the case for the Sonic, it would be a sad one indeed. Look at the game releases since Sonic Adventure...
..i dunno we could improve, hire programmers to remod the games, the "sonic mod cult" has a neat ring to it... all we need is a leader someone with the vision to elevate sonic to superhero status...
The hot sonic Pc-gaming segata anti-pr0n fiercely porn cult? I'll lead you. Trust me.
(throws himself on the ground beside Gnomes feet....)
Now, that's the spirit! On to glory it is then!
..glory it is master, .... where is glory again?, will it take us long to get there, should I make a pack lunch? will there be women...?
Of course! Gloriously glorious women. To gloryyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!
(charges forth)
(runs after the charging gnome....)
... wait for me........
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