Jeez what a night!! Seamus the Leprechaun here, a little the worse for wear after last night, so if you'll excuse me i'll skip the chit chat and get right down to it, and if someones got any headache tablets email em now!!!
Going out to Father Krishna, a 7 minute video review of God of War II "as nearly perfect as they come" said IGN who awarded the game a 9.7 outta 10. Armed with all-new brutal combat moves and magic, players retake the role of Kratos and embark on a new epic adventure to change the fate of mortals and Gods alike.
The request says: "Post for Father Krishna- he has never seen God of War....??
Poor B~@@@$ must be locked in a dungeon!"
From Deitrix
Upped by Deitrix
Leprechaun Requests may or not cause distress, feature harmful content, etc. but don't blame the Leprechaun, I is just doing me job.
upped by the Hungover Leprechaun

Well thank you to both yourself and the D Man for looking after my video game welfare!
What I love about this site is how you are so lovely as to respond to requests!
I don't know of any other site (well maybe Gnomes) where the requests of the audience are fulfilled!!
Oh and BTW I think GOW 1/2 look FAB! Will defo check it out...
I'm skipping this game again. And for reasons I'm sure you all know.
(slowly backs away from soapbox and inches toward the door)
...sure twas nothing, fulfillment is a Leprechauns middle name... i knew nothing bout the video or your imprisonment till Deitrix mentioned it....
bows to Timerunner..... (locks door...) ..just take a peak, if theres any porn i'll switch it off immediately, how could you miss the opportunity of watching the all new brual combat moves.....
i'll make tea....
(covers eyes) No please! I must not see it. I don't want to see any threesomes. (whines)
Seamus! how could you!
(switches off video.....unlocks door....)
sorry Timerunner I can't apologise enough.... I quite well understand if you wish to press charges against the green vomit..
..Charges? but? I was only giving him an opportunity.. to see the new god of war... look i did nothing wrong... oh god charges... please timerunner don't press charges.. i can't go back in there ..
..go back in?
....erm.... tea?
No, thanks.
All I wanted was to praise God of War 2, the brilliant video-review you discovered and go. Byeeee...
thank you Gnome, your support is always a joy to receive...
now Seamus, tell me the truth, have you spent time in prison? a god fearing member of ancient order of greenies, member of the Leprechaun council, registered leprechaun with the Local Government Development plan...
me... spend time in prison? why I cannto countenance how you can ask me such a question...
me... Seamus... your buddy?
..why when you say it like that, im sorry.. look forgive me... i dunno what made me ask you such an insulting question.
im sorry seamus, please forgive me
.. ill think about it
(finishes viewing video)
well that was one of the most graphic, bloody and violence filled game scenes I've seen to date.
and no threesomes!
I like. (the ultra violence, not the threesomes.)
too bad the game is still what it is though, I shall sadly skip once again.
(slaps timerunner on the back...)
Well fair dues to you for watching it, that took some courage... see it wasn't all that bad....
(releases the handcuffs and the head restraints....)
there that's better... now how about some beer and pretzels?
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