Set in a partly uncharted futuristic universe, Mass Effect places gamers in a living galactic community in danger of being conquered by a legendary agent gone (no not gnome) rogue. BioWare challenge players to lead a squad of freedom fighters as they struggle to restore peace in the land.
The first in a trilogy of games your mission is to halt the advancing armies, but as you lead your elite team across hostile alien worlds, you will discover the true threat is far greater than anyone imagined. US release date April 2007, tba Japan and Europe (typical)
Mass Effect website
Gamebrink game info video ....luscious
also available for download on xbox360)
35 screenshots from IGN
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Looking forward to it. BioShock won me over after Knights of the Old Republic.
"Partly uncharted" or lazily concieved one wonders...
Wowowowo wonders...
Still, it solves the question of what all those people mean by "Mass Effect". It's a game!
(quite a revelation that)
from what little i've read.....the partly uncharted areas are explorable (elderly pines for elite.......)
Gnome it please me that you have been..... amm.....revelated and popopo ponderous as to the sudden outbreak of stammering.
indeed gamerC knights was well enjoyable, but strangely i never went for the second release. (a quick search of google reveals the answer) Mercenaries was released shortly after
Besides -and please let me add that- I've never gone rogue. Only ninja! Of course, you knew that dear Mr. Elderly, but GamerC should learn too...
I have no doubt GamerC will learn oh noble one, and once a ninja lesson is taught it can never be forgotten, take for instance the number 3.......
Noble Gnome, let me tell you my favorite saying about Ninjas
1) Guns=bad
2) Ninjas=bad
3) Ninjas with guns=BAD ASS
You, my friend, are bad ass along with Mr. Elderly.
Number thr33is -of course- what you mean mr. Elderly. Or should I say BADASS thr33 GamerC?
thanks Gamer C, though i might say Saggy badass in my case,
theres that thr33 again....
It has always been there... ALWAYS
(elderly ponders why he had never noticed the thr33 before..........)
.....I've been given powers.......I can see things, hidden meaning, intersecting tangents....
(falls to his knees)i've been granted the power of ninja sight, first level.....
...thank you Gnome......this wouldn't have happened.......
(starts crying) your so can i ever repay you...
Errrmm... by giving me a hint on how to level in Baldur's?
I've been playing for ages (well, hours), made it to the 3rd chapter, and still have'nt got a 3lvl character. Or ninja.
Now that you've learned 3, have a look at 57, for this is the road to enlightement.
this might help
though from my memory there are precious little for the first in the series...
Still, there are quite a bit of BG1 stuff (and BG@2 is right next after 1 &expansion on my playlist)
thanks a lot my friend!!
issa no problem (holds googles hand)
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