Kengo Zero is a game developed by Genki for the Xbox 360 with the Japanese release date set for September 7th. There is no word on UK or US availability yet, typical.....
Kengo Zero Website (Japanese) some coolish panorama screens
Famitsu Screenshots (tiny)
elderly tags Xbox360 Kengo Zero website screenshots genki japan
I'm sure it will only be released in the Balkans...
considering Hungary, Poland and Slovakia still have to get an xbox360 launch, nothing would surprise me
A naked Slovakian gnomette would... Me at least...
okay well then except for a naked slovakian gnomette
nothing would surprise me
How about an Ukranian well dressed ape serving punch 'n' pie?
okay well then except for a naked slovakian gnomette and a Ukranian well dressed ape serving punch 'n' pie
when it comes to xbox360 nothing would surprise me...
Unless said figures appeared as leads in games...
okay well then except for a naked slovakian gnomette, a Ukranian well dressed ape serving punch 'n' pie and the slim........ Slim chance that they would appear as characters in a xbox360 game
when it comes to xbox360 nothing would surprise me...
Couldn't agree more.
(gnome assumes the unsuprisable stare 'n' stance and waits)
elderly adopts a similar posture......
are they're apes in the Ukraine?
I really don't know. But if there are I'm sure they'll be tall, sexy and blond.
blond female apes....... wow.....
(lost in reverie, but soon recovers due the nature of the apes)
no doesn't work for me......
yep still feeling totally unsurprised......
Apparently so do I...
Just kidding.
(places a breathing mask on gnome face) take deep breaths you'll be as right as rein,rain,reign in a few minutes (turns on helium cylinder...)
Gnomes sounds funny, thus shutting up and sheepishly smiling...
.....thats a wrap
im getting googd at finding stuff out lol. to quickly get legendaries, complete all teh badges and the elite four. after taht, go to the ice map and you will find as many legendaries as you could wish for. i can prove this because i started and now 15 minutes from then i have caught 7 unown and a suicune.
happy gaming :D
wrong one oops
:) it happens mr.Wolf, it happens
happy gaming
can anyone trade with me a lugia i need it to fight the elite4
my username is cousin1997. my pokemon are very weak it is like lvl50-60
will anyone trade with me a lugia
hiya justin very few visit this page... you might be better trying the comment line on the following webpage
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