Ps2 version 84%
Xbox version 85%
xbox360 version 86%
from Metacritic.com
ps2 reviews summary
Teammate AI is very impressive, often getting to baddies before you even see them, but once again, Raven has designed a game that is better through cooperative play.
If you're a comic-book fan, this is probably the most satisfying videogame ever made for you.
pretty much the same game we’ve seen before. The level design and puzzles are a snooze, lacking any innovation.
Tons of gameplay, a plethora of Marvel characters, a great presentation, and successfully balances the action and RPG elements
Xbox reviews summary
Marvel Ultimate Alliance could be the geekfest that keeps players wrapped onto whatever platform they chose like a pair of tight blue spandex with a big 4 on the chest.
There is always great action and the potential to share that action with your friends, and that is what really make this game rise above its predecessors and a total joy to play.
It's a well-made game that you can try again and again with numerous heroes and their plethora of powers.
Xbox360 reviews summary
The critical path is incredibly long and is joined by bonus comic missions for most of the characters.
Successfully balances the action and RPG elements, while letting players choose just how much they want to micromanage.
We wish good luck to anyone looking to pry any comic collector they know away from this game long enough to complete a sentence.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance is a feature-packed game; one of those rare birds that feels like arcade gaming, but with that next-gen edge that helps to justify $400+ dollars of hardware.
Official Website fanart section/wallpaper
88 Screenshots from IGN
31 videos from IGN
thanks to Deitrix for heads up!

I have to pass on this one... To many better games coming all so soon...
Unless one is a "true believer" I think I shall pass on this as well *gets back to his PSUing*
Still, an actually above-average Marvel game? Quite impressive, really...
indeed an above average title, and so many hotly tipped newly releases
...but the costumes... all the lycra and nylon..... cough!
I was dressed like that once. Publicly. Really...
Quite embarassing, now that I think of it...
..(brindling with excitement of a major scoop, elderly continues with care....)
...am any pictures! here have some of my homemade fruit cake.....
Well there are... but it was in Patras, it was in a Carnival, we were in a drunk & stoned mood, and the photos are in analog format..
Still. Thanks for the cake!
...analog.... so they can't be erm scanned then i presume.... or could they....? I mean posterity and all that...(places some carrot cake with extra cream icing in front of Gnome)
...here let me fill that cup of tea up for you, it must be gone cold by now.......
(..Reuters remain on HOLD)
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