The trailer from the Tokyo Games Show 2006, featuring the enigmatic "young" solid snake lookalike at trailer end. MGS4:Guns of the Patriot, the next-generation adventure set in the aftermath of MGS2: Sons of Liberty and more mystery to keep us guessing till by all accounts late 2007. Stunningly the trailer was made by editing together clips from someone's actual gameplay session. The only difference from the real gameplay experience is that cinematic camera angles are used in the trailer.
The game is no longer about "sneaking missions." you have a goal, and you're free to decide how to get there. You can use stealth to get to the goal with minimal resistance, or you can kill off all your enemies. All extremely impressive, but who the hell is the new guy?????
83 screenshots and 10 videos from IGN
Trailer Details from IGN

Hey whats up Elderly, I finally got the new 360style.net up. It took me a while but here it is.
I got a new affiliates page, i will add your link to it soon. I just lost my current host password(duh).
Anyways keep blogging. Ill keep reading.
That was a pretty impressive looking video there!! I wonder how many different characters you will play as..? If it will be like MGS2? Play as old Snake then maybe someone else... Raiden or young Snake maybe- they all look cool!
Ah, yes, impressive indeed. More impressive than the carricature of a human being solid snake is...
(searching for avid x3ro's password, elderly stumbles upon his buddies Deitrix and Gnome, humbled as ever by their presence, he makes a nice pot of tea and places some bourbon creams on his most expensive china plate.)
Great to see you, indeed as impressed as both of you was I, particularily on hearing it was gameplay footage..... how about this for a theory, could the incredible snake lookalike be........ Snakes Son? son of snake as it were..... drink up! i've a complete list of theories here we can discuss them all in greater detail.........
This one of course takes place after MGS2... -and the Snake in MGS2 was not that old! So theres no way he could have a son... Plus this grey haired Snake looks to old to be the one from MGS2 I think!! Unless this one is around 20 years later from MGS2? That would put Ocelot somewhere around 80 years old or maybe more.. and the Snake from MGS2 in his 50's to 60's. Then it would be possible for him to have a son in his 20's.
I dont think its that far in the future tho'?? Theres a screenshot of Meryl and she still looks as young as ever!
Im not sure where the old Snake or the young Snake came from..? Nobody else has really aged from MGS2?? What are you guys thinking..?
(gnome gets all indifferent and refuses to further comment on games with incomprehensible titles)
Right well that blows that theory out of the water.... okay so my second theory involves cosmetic surgery, where did I put....
(looks for his theory list.. notices Gnome chewing something.....)
Gnome! you didn't by any chance just eat my theory list did you?
(...DEITRIX yells from other room- "Has anybody seen my list of character names?"...)
("Why is half of my legal pad missing?" ("That was the end of my story damnit!!")
not here! i'm still missing my mgs4 theory list........ i'll have a look in here!!!! what's a legal pad?
(elderly scratches his head... gnome continues munching.....)
Gnome just what are you eating??
I'm eating MY theory list and MY character names list. Havent touched (or bitten or fondled) anything that doesn't belong to me...
and just precisely how did you identify them as yours? I don't remember you coming in here with any lists....
Detrix!!! I think I know where your character list is..... was....!!!
(gnome is definitely not there)
...where the phekk did Gnome go?....
oh well guess it's time for another theory list......
Deitrix? have you seen the stationery box... it was right here in front of Gnom.............
nah he'd never....
Theres only one way to get it all back..... we will just have to wait!
These are legal pads.
ahhh .... now i know, well i knew... well that is a part of my brain ...knew what legal pads were, ???
but another more significant half told the bit what remembered to forget.... ??
so i had forgotten.. but an image was enough to jog my latent concsciousness....
where am I again...?
( DEITRIX yells for the bartender to bring another round of shots )
Nevermind where you are... here. Bottoms up boys!
Bottoms up!!
(still not here though)
(running into the room)
I here i just finished a late shift.... jeez Deitrix that bartender pulls a great pint....(drinks long and hard..)
aahhhhhhhhhhh! I needed that
(takes off coat, put on some Martha Reeves...)
so any sign of Gnome.... (checks watch....) the ink on the lists should have taken effect by now... that was a great plan of yours Deitrix, to get gnome to reveal the secret of the lost lair... Sodium Penthathol and gms particles mixed with the ink was sheer genious.....but how did you know he was going to eat the lists?
(switches on gms tracker device)
Scratch n sniff stickers! Gnomes dont know the difference.. I stuck them all over the paper and gnomes are inclined to eat them..!
Just look over there -> you see I stuck one to the waitresses butt and the rest is history!
(You can barely see the top of the 3ft mans hat behind the bar... back n forth, back n forth it goes trying to keep up with the busy waitress..)
Well anyway he will be gone for a while..
(absent gnomes keeps a watchful eye)
(shakes the scanner.....) this bloody thing is gone wonky... according to this Gnomes standing right behind us..... bloody technology you can never trust it...... What's the waitresses name by the way.?
(checks watch) I wonder where Gnome is?
(elderly can't shrug off the feeling he's being watched)
.......anyway Deitrix, it's time to discuss plan B, now we know gnome regularily imbibes at some local hosetleries... so what we
Where the feck did Deitrix go.....
(eldery notices a small blob of blood on the seat where Deitrix had been only seconds before....)
(the hairs on elderlies neck bristle....)
wher'd the waitress go?
......(elderly heads to the bar to speak with the dwarf barman.....) Gone!.... where is everyone gone..?
(elderly notices the edge of a shoe underneath the couch..... he quietly tip toe towards the shoe, grabs it..and pulls.........)
Elderly is presented with his gift: the Zombie Strippers!!!
(elderly stumbles backwards.... gasps! collapses .... face turns red..... then blue..... )
Sorry for cutting in like this, but i think you might have overdone it Gnome... look like the poor guy's having a heart attack
I'll get the ambulance...... he keeps his tablets round here somewhere....
and for gods sake get rid of the naked zombies, what are the authorities going to say when they get here......
(Gnome rushes to the medicine cabinet...... unsure of what medicine to pick he closes his eyes and picks a small a bottle with yellow tablets inside it.......lable reads"
"Take one when Dying, take with food, may cause drowsiness, do not drive or operate heavy machinery"
(gnome duly folows advice, prepares a meal, turns of the super-dildo, ant pops a pill)
Feck it... Forgot you Mr. Elderly... Sorry... Here. Ave a pill
what dildo?
.....oh sorry!!!!
(reverts to character)
(seconds after elderly swallows the pill his skin colour returns to normal.... and he resumes breating properly again... the crisis has been averted thanks to the swift action of our superhero... Gnome the leveller)
(a not yet quite fully recovered elderly whispers under his breath....)
.........what dildo?
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