Picture the scene... you and your nearest and dearest 6 year old, brother/sister/daughter/son hoovering dangerously close to your expensive gaming console...... sticky fingers and the attention span of a amoeba... and then the words every gamer dreads...
Can I play (insert most cherished game title) now....Puleeeeaaaaassee!
You know nothing short of two litres of calpol, a tube of superglue and a restraining order are going to stop them........ so what do you do? Well Huh! what's it to be?
Luckily Starz Media have the solution, and oh dear what a cleverly stunningly simply classic solution it is.
Based on the best-selling children's book series by Kay Thompson Starz Media presents the "Me, Eloise" DVD, featuring the unofficial reigning princess of New York 's Plaza Hotel who lives a life many children would envy. It's Eloise's sixth birthday, and she is determined to make it a special party. Along with planning her big day, Eloise is busy making friends with a new girl at the hotel - a Japanese violin prodigy named Yuko. Of course, things don't go as planned and Eloise almost misses her own party! Imagination runs wild and being bored is never allowed.
Directed by Wes Archer ( The Simpsons, King of the Hill ), the new ELOISE series features the star-studded voice over talent of Golden Globe winner* Lynn Redgrave ( Georgy Girl , Shine ), Tim Curry ( The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Annie ), Matthew Lillard ( She's All That, Scooby Doo ), Curtis Armstrong ( Revenge of the Nerds ), and the talented up and coming young actress, Mary Matilyn Mouser as Eloise.
The first two titles in this new series are in stores on October 10, 2006 with a suggested retail price of $14.98 each. The new releases feature fun eye-catching foil packaging and tons of cool DVD extras.
So do both yourself and your precious game collection a favour, get your life saving DVD now while it's still not too late.
More detail from very pink promotions page

I was waiting for those kids to blow up or something.... but it never happened.. hohum!
...slow fuse..... after one hundred clicks the movie disintegrates....
Sorry but my future little one is only going to watch Sailor Moon and Wedding Peach. I cannot bring her to view this torture...
...what you not even the least interested as to what happens eloise when she meets the Japanese violin player.....? for shame!
That show is based on the concept of living in a nice up and coming city that is New York. Moreso with the setting of it being the trendy uptown area where kids can be in relative saftey.
Unlike myself, living in the ghetto, the only reason why I don't sleep in the bathtub for protection of a driveby is because I live on the third floor.
My future little one might get the wrong idea.
..indeed but Sailor moon teaches an unrealistic expectation that one can somehow "transform" oneself into a magical being capable of great power.... though i beleive both overviews fall short when it comes to what kids take from tv series.
I was raised on lassie and flipper, and presumably as a child have been programmed to adopt male dominant female subordinate sterotypes of both parents..... instead i just wanted to have a cool pet that would do tricks.....
I think a video game adaptation of "Eloise" would do the trick; since this is a video game blog, it would be rawther nice if some developer would whip up such a game, preferrably for the Wii, PC, DS and the PSP... To quote Hilary Knight, the creative genius behind the drawings, "With all of the advances in computer technology these days, I think an animated version could be wonderful..."
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