"The lost Ayleid City Varsa Baalim has been unearthed by a rogue Telvanni arch-mage, in pursuit of a fearsome Daedric Artifact, Mehrunes Razor, which he believes will give him the power he needs to topple the Imperial reign - but what horrors lie in wait beneath the Valus mountains; and can you overcome them to claim Mehrunes Razor as your own?"
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The download is small by comparison to the others and it's the most expensive todate. Originally Bethesda in response to uproar over the cost of horse armour responded:
"we’re still trying to find the right spot, so we’re putting a much larger plugin out for less than the last one and we'll see what happens"
Well they bucked that trend very quickly. Mehrunes' Razor weighs in at a skimpy 844kb and costs 250 points . This time around they've put out a very small plugin for much more than the last one. You've done well Bethesda, don't bite the hand that feeds you.
Thieves Den weighed in at 2.31mb cost 150 points $1.87
Wizards Tower 7.56mb cost 150 points $1.87
Orrery 9.87mb cost cost 150 points $1.87
Horse Armour 2.56mb cost 200 points $2.50

Can't help but feeling this is a major (like really really big; absolutely huge actually) rip off.
Charging money for horse armor? What in he double hockey stick stupidity is that.
The armour should have been included in the game, they took some stick on that one.
I haven't downloaded the mission yet (still busy trying to get back in favour with the fighters guild). Just hope it's worth every cent, because if not i'm got the perfect vehicle to launch a tirade.
the gamer pictures and themes, now there's a rip off!
I'm sure there must be away of transfering the (free) PC material to the Xbox..
as far as the xbox is concerned there's not much left they can't do. The 360 they've found a hack using windows media centre (not media connect), not sure if a pc plugin or mod would work on the 360 though.
Why not..it's the same game engine after all.. It should work.
the pc plugin is 2.89mb and also requires a region specific patch to work. The 360 plugin (presuming we've been patched already) is only 844kb.
Unless they put more grass in the pc plugin we have a problem already.
So, that's why not.
hmmmm maybe we could squash the pc file?
I downloaded mehbrunes razor and finished it in 30 minutes simply using my non hack 156 stealth agent, 6 hours my as$ I didnt even take out my sword
ya dude i didnt hav to kill one guy cept the mage or whatever
but the one thing i did like about thi was the morag tong assassin in the jail that i killed
he has poopin sweet armor
I released him, and found him later dead, but i can't remember searching hime, hope the hell he's still there......
my friend said that he should be at faregyl inn right next to the inn of ill omen cuz he freed him to and he went to faregyl and he was there
not this guy he was as dead as a dodo last time i saw him.... course he coulda revived, off te fargyle inn i go..... hi ho..... hi ho
wow he shudnt hav died he supposed to PWN drothan or whatever
bwilliant, I already started the game a second time cause i got thrown out of the fighters guild for hitting my horse (by accident). Oh well guess when i finish the game in 2027, i'll get round to replaying mehrunes again.
Thanks for the tip
make a secksi assassin
wish we could get some decent costumes on the 360
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