Ahead of the games multi-platform September release, Ubisoft have launched their Splinter Cell Double Agent website. Early days at the moment, but you will find one wallpaper, some brief game info, trailers, screenshots and buddy icons. Age verification on entry, which might deter a 2 year old.
elderly tags ps2 xbox xbox360 splinter cell double agent website wallpaper buddy icons msn icons screenshots
Let's call Sam over for tea some time. He can have fun brutalizing the (built) environment.
" Age verification on entry, which might deter a 2 year old."
Haha!! You'll be surprise to see what two year olds can do.
Sweet, I'll check the site out later.
He reminds me of my local barman, at closing time. Still a cup of tea might sooth his shatterd nerves.
And yes Gamer C, i'm forgetting what 2 year olds can get up to.
Thanks both of you for dropping in!
Always better to drop in, than on. Glad you were around!
Never was a truer word spoken, even from a health and safety perspective.
You are most welcome anytime
Lookin' Good!!
I think this guy has a gernade in his hands..?
Aaaahh shoot! You have these screens posted below...
Thats what I get for being a week behind!
I hadn't spotted it till you said it but yes the guy looks like his got a grenade.
It also looks like sweat on sam, either that or they have matted out the 3d model. Glad your back whether a week behind or not.
In the videos the sweat looked awesome- only better if it was running off of Mrs. Jolie up there...
Not sure if it will actually run off him in real time tho'..?
If Sam just waits alittle longer that guy will die from blood loss and he will have a nice gernade added to his inventory...
thats why i stink at shooters, not in a million years would I have thought of that. gory but nice!
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