Not here till August and known as enchant arm in Japan, where it failed to charm
famitsu reviewers . The first Japanese RPG on the Xbox360, places you in the control of Atsuma, who during the course of the game makes use a support cast of Golems as he works through the game's strategic battle system.
Official Japanese websitePalgn previewXboxyde eyecandy page (trailers, screenshots, concept art)
IGN's hands on preview of english version
elderly tags xbox360 enchanted arms enchant arm website preview screenshots rpg
I like the look of enchanted arms especially the whole battle system and story are unqiue. Also for uk/eu its being released on the
8th September 2006
opening my piggybank for Dead Rising, but enchanted arms may see me busking on the streets, it looks fantastic a definite purchase whether it's from the shelf or a pre-owned copy perhaps. I'll try a rental first though.
It doe look fantastic that screen alone shows beautiful the game looks and we all now nowadays the games have to look great for anyone to purchase them.
Indeed it's a must, I love my eyecandy, though dirge of cerbrus and ninety nine nights didn't fare too well, both have amazing visuals, but critically poor gameplay, or so i'm told.
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