Thursday, July 13, 2006

Prey Review

finally.........scoring 85% from 11 reviews on

Reviews Summary

The game that Doom3 and Quake4 wished they could be
Ruthless, violent, action packed, subversive and innovative
Prey's campaign wont' take too long and it's rarely difficult
Potential wasted by straightforward level design (?)
Multiplayer modes will have players involved for months
A corridor FPS, grows as you play and sucks you in
Visceral shooter, great story, great visuals
Ten hours later you'l have gotten what you expect from a well-done shooter

Multiplayer dosen't add much to the package (Gamespot)

Prey official Website
msn icons, screenshots, trailers, updates and some well hidden wallpaper
PC Walkthrough
142 images 33 trailers..overkill from IGN
Prey wallpaper

elderly tags


Anonymous said...

Nice visuals, a whole level, naff story and playable arcade (pacman-style) machnines... In the demo!

Why bother with the fullgame I ask you...

Unknown said...

(elderly considers whether Gnome is psychic)

I couldn't agree more...... and the pleasure of forking out €74.99 for 10 hrs ahh thats a big no from me too.

Anonymous said...

All ninjas are psychic and Askaninja has a new episode-podcastthingy!

75e... I tend to forget how costly console games are. even for the elderly...

But, the Elderly is (are) wise...

Unknown said...

off we head to askaninja..... i like getting out......

indeed the pricing irks me, along with gamer pics on xbox marketplace, and hoovering things..... oh and doors that can't be opened in Silent Hill3

Anonymous said...

Gamer pics seems the most terrifying from the whole lot... Unopenable doors, on the other hand, seems like a tradition.

(hope you enjoyed askaninja)

Unknown said...

indeed i did enjoy your fine link, three is a magical number and now i know why...not a lot of people know it....but now i know it...and knowing it gives me power.....and power i beleive is essential to mastering the skills of the ganinja.

that and being a gnome of course

Anonymous said...

Apparently (and unfortunately) so...
Still you can be an h-ninja... or just ninja... Yes.

Unknown said...

but i so wanted to be a ganinja..... a lowly hninja or ordinary plain old garden variety ninja.......just dosen't have the same ring or power to it.

surely my race dosen't limit me, are there no special artifacts that can help me rise above my limited character stats.....?

Anonymous said...

Your stats would have to plummet. At least the height thing should..

Garden (variety) ninjas are lethal too. Awww, here, have a hanky.

Unknown said...

sniff........thanks pal........

(blows into gnomes hankie and hands it back)

I guess I was asking for too much, but my dad used to say reach for the stars and you'll at least hit the sky......

(takes gnomes hankie again.....)

blubber...i'll be fine....guess its the sugar withdrawal.....

Anonymous said...

Waitress, quick, a piece of Scwarzwald Torte. And a Chocolate souffle.

Oh, and a beer for me. Thank you dear...

Unknown said...

Torte.....sniff, well i could try a little bit.....
it wouldn't be any harm i suppose
....chocolate souffle looks....

good....hmmmmm.....thats just too good.

snicee slake chop u've ngot ere, nd wuutress int qite wubmuftiful. chanks grome uuuur e wheel pulall

Anonymous said...

waitress! Please come sit with us. And do bring some more waitresses along. And a mousse for the gentleman.


Unknown said...

(smacking his lips) that is the nicest mousse i've i couldn't take reall......

well okay just a little bit, Gnome why are there 14 waitresses sitting at our table? your using pherenomes again arent' you........

Anonymous said...

Nope.... Just tipping heavily...

(and a "Charm waitresses" spell. It's a 9th level one)

Unknown said...

ah heavy tipping (watches as gnome upends another waitress)

i couldn't borrow that charisma scroll for Saturday night could I?

Anonymous said...

Sure... I've got dozens of these things. Made in taiwan. Usually working all fine.

Unknown said...

those gotta hand it to em........ japanenious

Anonymous said...
