Thursday, August 17, 2006

Pokemon Crater Battle Arena

Pokemon Crater Battle Arena is a Free online game where you can catch your own online Pokemon and battle them against other players.
Well.... Free.... how could you go wrong.....

Pokemon Crater Website Down sorry it's been fun

however you might like to try out the following

 If you find a link worthy of mention just leave a comment, Thank you...:)

Thanks to the tremendous support by Igorchete, Weee, and Wolf, this post has grown at an extraordinary rate, making it practically impossible to find various cheats and help without having to read through each commment. To that end, if you use the "find" function in your web Browser, (Edit..Find), you should be able to find what your looking for (if it's here) with little difficulty.

New Pokemon Crater Blog!!!!
A brand new blog dedicated to Pokemon Crater Battle Arena has been set up by Midnight. Midnight is asking for people's Pokemon Crater Dream Teams and if you send in your pokemon crater dream team he'll make you your very own trainers card (like the one above), so if you've got any tips, need trades, or just want to talk about the game head on over to

Where do I find Legendaries?
thanks to Igorchete and pikachu2468 for the following essential aid

In the grasslands maps: Latios, Latias, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Ho-oh, Deoxys, Raquaza, Entei, Raikou, Dratinire, and Dratinilic.
In grasslands maps water: Kyogre and Lugia.
In the cave: Deoxys, Jirachi, Registeel, Regice, Regirock, Groudon, Mew, Celebi, Mewtwo, Rayquaza and Dratinice.
In the cave water: Suicune, Kyogre, and Dratinice.
In ice maps: Kyogre, Suicune, Dratinice, Registeel, Regice, Regirock, Deoxys and Articuno.
In maps 101 and 102: Jirachi, Mew, Deoxys, Mewtwo
In map 19: Entei, Moltres, Ho-oh and Dratinire.


The following chart courtesy of Igorchete, helps a ton especially at choosing training accounts for your pokemon or while battling in a Live Battle.

elderly tags


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Anonymous said...

Ok, I am stuck, well not really, but i am trying to find a lugia and i cant. I keep walking around everywhere its supposed to be but i cant find it, so will someone trade me, i have a celebi, a giratina, manaphy,mew,phione, regice,regigias,registeel, and a shaymin, I have no clue wht the shaymin is b ut i just caught it cause it was at a high level.. my sn on there is Jakeyjake0080

Anonymous said...

thankz Pikachu2468, you don't need to train them...
and The Elderly... you seem to say random thingz... hahaha... i don't get half of it... we need more people like you...

Anonymous said...

hey guys i was wondering if any of u had a shiny torchic and is willing to trade for a shiny omanyte, i would really appreciate it BTW my account is woohoo345

Anonymous said...

Hi,I was wondering if anyone has a Shiny Dratinice. I have alot of Legendarys and Lvl.59-100 Pokemon. My ID is roboman200. Please reply.

Unknown said...

Thank Weeee, certifiable I is, but luckily no one has spotted it.. til now! 8)

Jake and anonymous.. hope someone helps out, looks like I'll have to start a trading post.....

Anonymous said...

hey guys, sorry Ive been gone for a while, my mom clicked on some retarded add and got a virus in my cpu! =[ but Im back now

Anonymous said...

hey my name is zelda299761 please feel free to battle me but PLEASE mail me first!

Unknown said...

glad to have you back L337, that's moms for ya....

Anonymous said...

Hi um....Im new and...well...Ive been reading this blog for two days now and i wanted to post my own dont exclude me....plz

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...
Rate my pkmn crater team:
lv 100: Empoleon
Lv 92 : Electivire
Lv 83 : Fearow
Lv 72 : Staraptor
Lv 63 : Glaceon
Lv 62 : Skarmory

i started yesterday :)

Anonymous said...

PkMN ROX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

hi i like all ur tips and by the way my pokemon ad is badboy 95 and i need help on the f5 trick and pleeez add me

Anonymous said...

Zack, that's an excellent team provided that you started 2 days ago.
And Anon, can you please state your problem with the F5 trick, i can re-explain the whole "process" if needed.

Anonymous said...

i dont understand how to do it and i am willing to give u my password and maybe u can do it

Anonymous said...

wer can we find wolf?

Unknown said...

hi Zack! (makes a cup of tea for Zack....) quite an acheivement that team of yours...

Hi Igorchete, helping out again I see... thank you!

Anon last time we heard from wolf was in May

Anonymous said...

never give out your password to ANYONE, no matter how much they offer you their help!!!
I don't want your pass and i'll better teach you how to do it.
Go to Battle Any Member and type the training account you'll be training at (my favourite is Zadjarock).
Make sure that the pokemon you want to train is at the FIRST place in your team (by first i mean on the highest place). Battle the first pokemon and only click attack. After that don't click attack again, you can just use F5 + Enter, don't wait the page to load just click F5 + Enter. I usually wait 2-3 seconds before i click F5 + Enter but that's coz my Internet is quite slow.
You must calculate with how much clicks you're going to beat the team. Let me give you an example. If i can kill the opposite pokemon with 1 hit i do this: I go to Battle/Battle Any Member (Computer Controlled); Type the username (for example Zedjafire); click Start Battle; Choose my most powerful or most efficient attack (depends on the opponent, if you have problems at understanding which pokemon type is efficient against another, see the chart i posted several posts above); Click Attack; Wait for the page to load; Since i can kill my opponent with 1 hit, i press F5 + Enter (to come back to the battle menu) F5 + Enter (to kill the 2-nd one) F5 + Enter (to come back) F5 + Enter (3-rd one) F5 + Enter (come back) F5 + Enter (4-th one) F5 + Enter (come back) F5 + Enter (5-th one) then come back again and kill the 6-th one. Wait for the page to load and click continue. Then the battle should be over. This is very time efficient.
Be careful with your calculations, because your pokemon can die if you're not careful!
This trick is excellent if you're using several browsers. But be careful, you must wait 10 seconds between battles or your battle won't count!
And remember, your personal experience is your best guide to mastering this trick. The more you exercise, the better you'll get at it.
I hope i helped you with this, sorry for any spelling mistakes, and if anyone has a better guide to write or has anything to correct or add, please comment :D

Anonymous said...

Well things arent working good for me....
I had an account which i cnt get in......
I cant find the small elf legendaries.....
I cant find Lugia n Raikou n Zapdos....
any suggestions ppl????

Anonymous said...

Abel Nightroad:
1) I'm sorry, i can't help with your lost account.
2) small elf legendaries?? Please be more precise.
3) You can find Lugia in grassland maps water and you can find Zapdos and Raikou in grassland maps.
One Anon had an excellent post stating where you can find each legendary some posts above.
I hope i helped ;)

Anonymous said...

Yup u ppl helped me a lot........
I followed everything u said
I have a dual Regirock
if anybody wanna trade it i ll be glad to......
I got quite better following the F5+Enter trick.........
N thnkz a lot igor....u r a real buddy.....
Elf legendary r Azelf n the other 4 of the same kind.......
BTW....Fearwise is my account in PC!!!!

Unknown said...

bloody marvelous, thank you Igorchete... looks like i can head away on holidays now, exceptionally well written guide I thank you...

hands Igorchete the keys.......

Anonymous said...

U can b dead sure.
Thankz Again Igor
N a warmer Thankz goes to, Not only from me but from every person ever veiwed this page,Elderly.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind comments :)
I've come across a problem while searching for poke's in the maps.
I installed Firefox today, and obviously there is a problem with the tabs. (i think IE 7 has them as well). I can't hunt poke's properly with several tabs, they all get mixed up.
So i'll probably stick to my good ol' Internet explorer 6

Anonymous said...

thanks IgorChete you helped alot and because of you i have 3 100lvl pokemon thnks and pleeez add me on pokemoncrater my add is badboy 95

thanks again

Anonymous said...

hey u r awesom people i m playin pokemoncrater more than one year but my exp is very less what can i do for it by the way my name is ali haider

Unknown said...

Here are all the trainings accounts but I would recommend having a high level e.g.over lvl 80 to back your other pokemon up

ZedjaFire - fire
ZedjaGrassWater - grass or water
ZedjaElectric - electric
ZedjaIce - ice
ZedjaPsychic - psychic
ZedjaDragon - dragon
ZedjaDark - dark
ZedjaNormal - normal
ZedjaFlying - flying
ZedjaFighting - fighting
ZedjaRock - rock
ZedjaGround - ground
ZedjaBug - bug
ZedjaGhost - ghost
ZedjaPoison - poison
ZedjaSteel - steel

Have fun my account isn't too good but I started 2 days ago, it's calle J-ping

Anonymous said...



Unknown said...

TrainLowLevelMetallic - For low level metallics
AncientCharizard - For level 20+ Pokemon that know Ancient Power

FrenzySwampert - For level 20+ Pokemon that know Frenzy Plant

ZedjaRock - For level 31+ Rock types that know Ancientpower

TornadoOfSouls - For level 31+ Rock types that know Ancientpower
ZedjaNormal - For any normal type

ZedjaFlying - For any flying type
ZedjaGhost - For any ghost type

ZedjaGround - For any ground type

ZedjaDark - For any dark type

Anonymous said...

I suppose your Cindaquil is low lvl (under 15), use the SoneriC account for him (you'll have to use 1 or 2 potions). You'll get around 10-12 lvl's from each battle.
Do that 2-3 times and evolve him.
I don't have a Quilava in my account, but i think you'll ve comfortable with fighting in Zedjafire. If not, use Play With Fire which is an awesome account for training fire poke's.
I hope i helped :D

Unknown said...

I recommend ZedjaFlying for flying because the attacks will not hurt your pokemon (if it is flying) at all

Unknown said...

By the way can someone find me an elements chart like

fire beats ic etc.

Anonymous said...

if you read our blog a bit more, you would have seen that i've already posted a chart like that:

Please don't post cheats that are already given......

Anonymous said...

I HAVE BETAB]NEALL THE GYM LEADERS AND ALL sets OF THE ELITE 4 but all i have is only 1 deyoxys and i cant find any more

pleeez help me

badboy 95

Anonymous said...

I HAVE defeted ALL THE GYM LEADERS AND ALL sets OF THE ELITE 4 but all i have is only 1 deyoxys and i cant find any more

pleeez help me

badboy 95

Anonymous said...

BadBoy 95:
Be Patient!
I needed three days to find my first legendary after i beat all the gym's and elite's (btw my first legendary was Deoxys as well :D)
Use my several browsers trick (just open many browsers and start searching for legendaries)
It's all random, and a matter of luck i guess.
Don't believe other cheats which say that at some places you can find lege's more easily, that's not true, it's all random (i think Wolf posted that)
Good luck with the hunting ;D

Unknown said...

Abel Nightroad, Thank you! (blushs..)

thanks Jack for taking the time to post, hope you found the elemental chart...

sorry to hear about the firefox difficulty IgorChete, you would imagine upgrades should iron out potential difficulties, not create them... back to IE 6 it is then. Igorchete I appreciate very much the extraordinary assistance you give to people on this post, even if they don't all manage to come back and say thank you!...


Anonymous said...

Thx for the kind comments Elderly.
Not me, but you is the one who deserves all the credit because of making this marvelous blog which has become the biggest source for pokemoncrater information outside of :P
And i do this for fun and i love pokemoncrater.......
I'm sorry that only a little number of pokemon players will get to read this blog. We gotta advertise somehow :P
And i already posted a solution to Jack's problem :)

And call me Igor please, that's my real name.

Anonymous said...

Badboy 95:
Go to the last of the cave maps not the ice map but the last cave map.....go to the last line right corner n move ur sprite form that end to the other.....u can also try the 2nd last line of the fire map the same way for fire legendaries......
and as soon as u get 2 legendaries in a map change the map and return again......u can get more legendaries that way......
I hope I helped......
n thankz Igor.....I learnt helping others can be fun too from u.....

Anonymous said...

Hi...Does anyone have a Shiny Ho-oh? I really need one. My Crater ID is roboman200, if you have one please message me, This site rocks!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks for helping me and dose any1 want to be my friend

badboy 95

Unknown said...

This post has consistently topped the most visited pages on this blog, I believe the main reason for this is the excellent assistance give by those who take the time and effort to help each other out... You know who you are! I Thank you!

Thank you Igor, I never realised when I started this it would be such a success (blushes for the second time in two days....)

Nice work Abel Nightroad :)

badboy 95 hang on in there, someone will add you, no doubt

(waves to roboman200)

Anonymous said...

sorry guyz... i've been away...
and busy with moviez... alot of catching up...
and the blog flew while i was away...

Hi ya'LL...

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Weeee!

Unknown said...

welcome back Weeee, this thread is certainly taking on a life of it's own.... at this rate I'll have to fit a special scroll function....

hiya Igor...

(puts on kettle.....)

Anonymous said...

Hey Elderly,
you'll need some changes around here, it's rather hard to find what you're looking for if you're here for the first time :(

And can you please put the chart i posted on this site (it'd be much easier and more people will get to see it)

Anonymous said...

i need an acount on which i can train my elkid

pleeez help

badboy 95

Anonymous said...

Try ttkai or SoneriC

You should be fine :D

Unknown said...

Thank you Igor, I would be honoured to have your chart on this post...

Sadly my web design skills are abysmal (as you've probably guessed....) but i'll put a paragraph up at this evening suggesting people use the "find" function on their browser....

I'll think some more on the idea though and see what I can come up with...

thanks for the support :)

badboy 95 said...

can someone give me a legendry and i can give you a good pokemon from my acount
just go and chek it

my acount is: badboy 95

Anonymous said...

Badboy 95,
After all those cheats, guides and tips i posted you still don't have legendaries?? :P
Just a reminder, at this moment i'm NOT trading with anyone, maybe i will later on.
By the way, while training my low level poke's (almost 1,000) i beat my personal record in the amount of experience got by one single battle:
Each Pokemon above gained 23076 experience points.
You also won 25845 to buy items with.

This happened when i trained my Aipom in Zedjanormal. He arose from lvl 13 to lvl 59 (46 levels that is) :D
And Elderly, you can (i hope :P) at least put the link at the top of the page ;)

Anonymous said...

i need some help please get back to me as i just cant get on with the eletrictraner

Anonymous said...

hello igor...
yo the elderly...
what you guyz been up to...
badboy 95, i'd galdy give you some of my spare... i'll offer them later...

Anonymous said...

sorry for the double post but...
badboy 95, can you put a DARK POKEMON up for trade...
and i'd give you about 5...

badboy 95 said...

which acount should i use to train my aron,cubone,treecko and a nidoran m

Anonymous said...

Aron - use SoneriC at the beginning until you get to lvl 32 (then evolve unto Lairon), ehrn u evolve him, use the Zedjarock account.
Cubone - Cubone is a ground type, and training him will be quite easy. While i tested which trainig account is the best for Cubone i beat my own personal record for most experience gotten by a single battle:
Each Pokemon above gained 30000 experience points.
You also won 60000 to buy items with.
This happened when i was training Cubone on the SandBurrows account.
You can use many accounts for this guy: jhoelroma, magcargoinhere, SoneriC and many more but i personally recommend SandBurrows.
Treecko - (i have only a ghostly one). Use Sprouts account for Treecko (you'll need to use potions). After you evolve your Treecko into a Grovyle at lvl 16 and then into a Sceptile at lvl 36, use either Zedjagrass or BadSeed.
Nidoran - lol i have a Nidoran F(emale) only, but there's no big difference. I must say i've been having problems finding a suitable account for this, try lowicetrainer, SoneriC (a truly universal account), or you can (if you have the poke money) buy a strong poison attack because Nidoran's attacks suck. Or you can ahve a mentor poke. Let Nidoran die and beat the account with the strongest poke you have. Nidoran and the other poke will share the exp. (50-50). It's a bit slower, but still useful.

I hope i helped :D

Unknown said...

Congratulations Igor on the new personal best, thanks for the tremedous help with the training post... ace!! :)

Igor a link at the top as in a separate link just pointing to this post? theres a link in the top 10 posts, but thats probably not enough?

Hi! Wee been chlling with a bargain basement ps2 gem called "sos final escape" (guy stuck in the middle of an earthquake) no problems with doubleposts....

Anonymous said...

forget about the link thing i said, i didn't notice you have already put the pic at the top.
Thank you :)

Anonymous said...

hey uhh... im kinda new to pokemon crater i dont really hate pkmn but its not really huge to me in fact i have 3 games of it on game boy and 1 game of it on gamecube but that isnt the point im new to pokemon crater as i already said and i wouldnt mind some hints to the way to get better at it and avoid scammers because someone already asked me if i wanted to have all the legendairys because i was in the top 100 all i needed to do was give password and account name well i hadnt been playin for 10 minutes so i knew that was a scam but anyway any help would be appreciated

Anonymous said...

Play on Pokemon Crater for a week or so, just to feel the kick of it ;)
Then come back here and read the whole page.

Anonymous said...

sos final escape, never heard of it... is it any good?...

yo ryan... herez the run down...
buy more itemz and ballz on "your account" and move down to "Item Inventory/Buy Items" also to trade pokemon you'll need to have at least 7 pokemon... and to catch pokemonz, obvious... just go to mapz and click a section... move the arrowz and find pokemon... battle gym leaderz or accountz posted here to get stronger...
and thatz something to start you off with... and as igor said... need help?... just ask...

Anonymous said...

sorry for the double post again... o__<
but i forgot to tell you something ryan...
to earn money just beat other accountz or gymleaderz...

badboy 95 said...

so if any1 wants to trade pleez tell me hear and ckeck all my pokemon


Anonymous said...

Is there any way i can contact you more .................. personally?

Unknown said...

hi badboy, Ryan (waves hello)

im a bit of a luddite though Igor so i've no irc or im account. however u can mail me on

blend37 at utvinternet dot Co dot uk

Hi weee Sos final escape, horrendous graphics, poor controls, but it captures (I imagine) the aftermath of an earthquake pretty well, plus you get to chaperone a female survivor... worth a look, it may be available for rental.

Thanks to the both of you helping out Ryan....

Anonymous said...

Hey guys sry i havent thanked you yet my friends computer was slow... and there is alot of words on this so it was gonna take a while so i had to wait till i got home but the good news is ive been playin for about a week now and im only missing 8 badges lol i havent played over 3 hrs the whole time ive played lol and ive got a lvl 70 already my low lvls know some good moves like aurora beam so its easy to freeze them and just kill them easy even if they are 60+lvls higher so im in no worry except on the rising badge its hard to find a dragon poker except the one ive found and it was trapinch but my friend got ahold of my profile while i went to the bathroom and he just moved me around and i couldnt find another one so... im planning on just getting 2 lvl 100s or something then getting that badge... o well thx guys more help is appreciated

P.S. btw that cheat where u click item and attack doesnt always work...

Anonymous said...

The cheat when you click attack and an item does always work, but you need to be fast enough. Click the item first, then click attack as fast as you can.
Trapinches are quite easy to find (i have about 20 of them), you can have one if you want.
Pm me at pokemoncrater, my ID is Igorcete (no h)


Anonymous said...

ONLY 4 badges left now all are the last gym leaders sad part is ive tried all of them... there last poker gets me every time...

Anonymous said...

Hey guys whats up i got some good news for elderly anyway... your site is so good it actually gave me alot of good hints and i beat all the gyms and elite four leagues in under 4 days thx for your help guys oh and if anyone can provide me a list on what maps i can catch legendary pokerz on just lemme know

Anonymous said...

hi all its me again and i cant stress the fact that everyone on here is so helpfull oh and anyone that wants a legendary for say another legendary let me know and when i get a second of that one i might be able to work into a trade oh and thx igorcete for telling me you have to beat all the elites also b4 u can get any legends anyway my sn is pdaddyvol789 on crater contact me when u need me
zip it up and zip it out dudes and dudettes
PS thx elderly this has got to be the only blog helpful enough i actually posted to it and i plan on keepin on stay kool

Anonymous said...

man i have got to be the only person on the east coast o well anyway if anyone wants a shiny aerodactyl im your man add me on crater im pdaddyvol789 it is lvl 11 cuz im not training anything for someone else lol just message me say hi tell me how you been yadayadayada all that and ill put it up

Anonymous said...

hey can someone walk me through the zedja thing like where to type it in all that cuz i am a slooooow learner lol

Anonymous said...

I advise you to train your Aerodactyl before you trade it because i think you'l get a better bargain.
And the map thing for the legendaries has been already posted by an Anon, but i'll copy it again (Elderly should put it on the top of the page)
In the grasslands maps: Latios, Latias, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Ho-oh, Deoxys, Raquaza, Entei, Raikou, Dratinire, and Dratinilic.
In grasslands maps water: Kyogre and Lugia.
In the cave: Deoxys, Jirachi, Registeel, Regice, Regirock, Groudon, Mew, Celebi, Mewtwo, Rayquaza and Dratinice.
In the cave water: Suicune, Kyogre, and Dratinice.
In ice maps: Kyogre, Suicune, Dratinice, Registeel, Regice, Regirock, Deoxys and Articuno.
In maps 101 and 102: Jirachi, Mew, Deoxys, Mewtwo
In map 19: Entei, Moltres, Ho-oh and Dratinire.
Credit goes to ~Pikachu2468 for posting this.
And for the Zedja thing, just go to Battle, then choose Battle any member. You can choose an account to fight depending on the type of the poke you're training.
For example, if you wish to train a fighting type, battle Zedjafighting. If you want to train a rock type, battle Zedjarock (this account is marvelous for every poke that has an Ancient power attack, such as many legendaries or Rampardos)
BTW, Zedjawater is a bad account, so i recommend pmwater (which is not on my list of accounts)


Unknown said...

Igor you've surpassed yourself again, I know the effort it takes to continuously put together substantial walkthroughs and guides to the numerous queries. Your help on pokemon crater is extraordinary.

Ryan, what tremendous progression you've had, quite a feat. Thank you for your kind comments, bu as you can see it's people like Igor and Weeee, and the spirit of posters like yourself, that really make this page sing...... welcome on board!


Anonymous said...

well ive found a page for all the things ill post it for EVERY legendary ill copy it

#493 Arceus: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Cave maps, lava map, ice maps
#144 Articuno: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Ice cave, grass maps
#482 Azelf: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Mansion map
#251 Celebi: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass maps, cave maps
#488 Cresselia: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Mansion maps
#491 Darkrai: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Cave maps, ice maps, mansion maps
#386 Deoxys: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; cave maps, grass map, mansion map, ice map
#483 Dialga: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; cave maps

(these are some of the made-up legendary Dratinis made by PC.)
#F01 Dratinice: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, cave map, ice map
#F03 Dratinilic: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, electric maps
#F02 Dratinire: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, lava map

#244 Entei: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, lava map
#487 Giratina: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Mansion maps, cave maps
#383 Groudon: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; cave map, electric maps, ice maps
#485 Heatran: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Lava map
#250 Ho-oh: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, lava map
#385 Jirachi: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; cave map, mansion map, electric maps
#382 Kyogre: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; water in cave map, ice map, water of grass maps
#380 Latias: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass maps
#381 Latios: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass maps
#249 Lugia: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; water on grass maps
#490 Manaphy: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; water in grass maps
#481 Mesprit: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Mansion maps
#151 Mew: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; cave map, mansion map
#150 Mewtwo: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; cave map, mansion map
#146 Moltres: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, lava map
#484 Palkia: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Water in Cave maps
#489 Phione: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; water in grass maps
#243 Raikou: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, electric maps
#384 Rayquaza: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, cave map, electric maps
#378 Regice: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; cave map, ice maps
#486 Regigigas: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; cave maps, grass maps
#377 Regirock: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; cave map, ice map, electric maps
#379 Registeel: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; cave map, ice map, electric maps
#492 Shaymin: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Grass maps
#245 Suicune: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; water in cave maps, ice maps
#480 Uxie: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Mansion maps
#145 Zapdos: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, electric maps

and i dont know what u mean by type zedja rock or something like that

Anonymous said...

whats up with the maps 101 and stuff like that though

badboy 95 said...


maps 101,102,103,104 and 105 are places in the grass maps.hope i helped and i can still not find any legendary so pleeeez help

Anonymous said...

Badboy 95,
im still waiting for u to tell me whawt u will give me for articuno

Anonymous said...

hi all i just wanted to know what anyone would give for a dark monferno(16), ditto(13, metalliv poliwag(14) and metallic spinarak(15),Shiny aerodactyl(like 11 i think)and shiny octillery(86 i think)

just tell me what u want and what u will give and ill put them up

TY so much

Anonymous said...

Hey all i just wanted to ask... is there anything special about the house on the grassland map cuz i went in it and it looks like your room on the gameboy advanced games just wanted to ask...

Anonymous said...

sry guys about causing all the trouble with the zedja deal i figured it out i didnt read thouroughly i have a bad habit of skimming =( sry

Anonymous said...

There's nothing special about the houses on the grassland maps, they just have trainers that you can battle. But, other than that, they have no importance whatsoever.

badboy 95 said...

Rayan your meganium is being trained so you will get it by tomorrow and some one pleeez help me with my incident of finding no legendaries pleeeeez

Anonymous said...

sorry guyz... i've been busy and had alot of tennis...
and about the battle a trainer offline thing...
itz easier if you go to "Miscellaneous" than click on "Member List" and scrool down to the bottom and type in there username...
after that you'll see there name and a "battle" all you have to do now is right click "battle" (if you're using a tab bar EX. firefox/slim) and "open in new tab," if you don't have a tabbed bar just open in new window...
and after you win... just close the tab/window and right click and battle again... much faster... 8)
also badboy 95, i've offered some legendz for you... but itz been dayz and you haven't accepted yet...
and thankz The Elderly... you're giving us too much credit... maybe i should rent the game... if therez a girl involved... hehehe...
and sorry guyz... i don't think i've posted my account on here yet...
itz LaO_260, any commentz or if anyone wantz anything just ask...
but i will only trade pokemon in my tradez.... and if you're lucky i'd give you a dark...

Anonymous said...

ok anybody youve pratically got a free regigigas on my trade list its ghostly and lvl 80 all i need is a dragon type pokemon in full evolve form thx guys

Anonymous said...

my crater name is pdaddyvol789 for new people and ill be giving out a metallic mewtwo in the near future
thx guys for your help its the reason im doing this

Anonymous said...

im just starting out on pokemon crater my friend told me about it. any tips?

Anonymous said...

hey guys can you give my friend nick a welcome he started playing this yesterday give him some hints cuz ive tried everything lol

Unknown said...

wow Ryan thats one impressive post, nice to have it on here, appreciated....

glad you figured out the zedja tip.

Cheers Igor for the info on the grasslands house

what's up with no legendary's... check out Weee's post

Weee excellent tip on the battle offline, credit where credit is due weee...thank you. the ps2 game, Yep I'm a succour for an in-game damsel in distress, lol but the tennis sounds like a whole lot more fun..

welcome on board nick, tips where do we start? take a quick read through the rather excellent faq section on the pokemon forums, and the keeping your account safe guide on the website discussion/help....

badboy 95 said...

thank u weee and all those legendrys and if u ever need any help jus ask and i will be ther

Anonymous said...

well, The Elderly... Tennis is not that bad... i just need more football... i can never get enough football...

Anytime badboy 95... i'm gald i could help... and i didn't need those legendz anywayz.... i can alwayz catch more...

Nick, welcome! just as The Elderly said... read the forum and if you have questionz ask...

Anonymous said...

Hi all,
I see everything's perfect here.
Do you want a Salamance (lvl 100, fully evolved) for your Ghostly Regigiggas (if you still have him)?

Anonymous said...

sry guys i havent been posting and im fixing to accept whoever gave me the ebst offer cuz ive been on another game that uhh adventure quest game its pretty fun lol anyway ill be on pokerc thx elderly

PS im going to see the simpsons movie in about an hr :)

Anonymous said...

that will be good igorchete

badboy 95 said...


meganium is trained upto lvl 83 and anyone need charizards and nick every one hear will help you all the way

Unknown said...

Hiya weee, yep i agree you can never have too much football, now if i could get rid of the shirt pulling for corners I'd be a happier bunny.. it's gone beyond a comedy....

Indeed Igor quite perfect! partly thanks to yourself. I was just about to make a fresh pot of tea for everyone,

regards Ryan, tell us some more about the adventure quest, sounds interesting, great reviews for Simpsons movie...

badboy95 thanks for the support, appreciated, glad to see things are going well for you

Anonymous said...

so true The Elderly... the shrit grabbingz pretty bad... ain't much you can do but keep running... hahaha...

Unknown said...

lol that or handcuff the defenders....

Anonymous said...

If anyone has any shiny legendaries they want to trade, I have Arceus, Articuno, Celebi, Darkrai, Deoxys, Dialga, Dratinilic, Dratinice, Dratinire, Groudon, Jirachi, Latias, Latios, Mesprit, Mew, Mewtwo, Raikou, Regirock, Registeel, Regice, and Zapdos up for trade. My account is Pikachu2468.

midnight said...

ok listen up dudes and dudets! i have been reading thru all these comments (alot of reading) and i thing i can help out a bit more by making a pokemon crater all in 1 with heading!!!! (omg i know!) so il start of know.

1. how to train to lvl 100
training to level 100 is so easy with the trip iv learned. the tricik is use training accounts like zedja or nitrodown. the best1 to use for me is zedja and this is because his account are wicked. what you have to do is go to battle any member (computer controled) and if you have a pokemon like spirit tomb with a attack like ancient power which is a rock attack then you type in zedjarock and 6 lvl 100 tht hate rock attacks with fight you and you will kill them easy because they have attacks like splash wich are RUBBISH! by the way there isnt just zejdarock there is:
zedjafire, zedjawater, zedjagrass, zedjarock everything just type zejda and the type you are useing and your done.

2.Quick time training
this trick may need some poractise to understand it but when you have masterd it, it is realy usefull. what you have to do is when you are fighting a pokemon or team after you clicked attack for the first time then keep on pressing F5 and when you get the pop up press enter, keep doing this untill you think that the battle is over and wala your pokemon gets lots of xp and the other team is dead (what an evil advantage)
p.s. this trick will keep on useing the attack you first used and i only recomend useing when you are fighting against a training account and you no that you are going to win :) happy training.

3. attack and heal (not sure if works)
this trick iv heard about loads but never used. what it is, is that when you are low on health and you think you will die on your next turn then what you do is use the potion and then quickly press attack and it should do both. sounds like a good trick.

that is all the realy good tricks i no but i am allways learniong more. (i only started playing 14 days ago on the 15th and iv allready got 27 lvl 100s over 400 points 0 loses and about 20 lvl 100 legends :)). one more thing actualy is that when people say they no a backdoor that when you go to edit my account and change your e mail address to the one they say and press forgot my password dont beleaive them because what realy happens is that you send them you password and they hack your account.

that is finaly everything for this week but what i will do is move in with the elderly gamer, pay half his rent and try and help you guys with questions lol.

my pokemon crater account is: midnightamin if any1 wants to check out my pokemon and give me a fight i would love some friendly messages and remeber to keep reading elderlys blogg because its helps loads.

midnight out!
c ya dudes and dudets!

Unknown said...

impressive collection Anon...

midnight.. pleased to meet you and overjoyed and delirious with your post.. quite the advancement you've made after only 14 days... and such exceptional tricks!!... i've freshened up the guest bedroom for you, but just to warn you I snore, hope it dosen't keep you awake...

I'll make some tea.... you must be starving after such a stupendous feat of typing...... thank you!!


Unknown said...

midnight if you want I can post a link to your blog when you've got some content, a blog entirely devoted to Pokemon Crater would be such a great help....

Anonymous said...

sir help me catch a larvitar,luxray,lugia and ho-oh plz sir

midnight said...

first of all, thanks for the tea elderly and snoring is not a problem cus i snore aswell!
secondly my blog has started up and i would love people to check it out and thanks for the offer to post on my blog elderly, that would be great.
thats it midnight out!

Anonymous said...

hey guys ive had a real good time just watchin this blog grow even bigger which almost seems impossible and the adventure quest thing is reallly fun if you want the link its

as far as the simpsons movie lol...
spider pig spider pig does whatever a spider pig does... can he swing... from a web... no he cant... hes a pig look ooouuuuut!!! he is a spider pig!!!!! lol

pokemon crater has really caught my eye because when you play certain games it really gets old and boring and i think this is what i needed to take me out of boredom thks guys preciate it lol

PS speaking of football ive got practice in an hr lol (58 minutes) lol gtg to it now :)

Anonymous said...

handcuffingz good... hahaha...
but in a way itzjust better to run past them...

so Ryan, you play football eh...
what kind of football?...
and what position?...

Anonymous said...

I play football as well, guys :D
(If you mean soccer).
I'm always the goalkeeper, but a not very good one. I have the reflexes, but i'm damn clumsy, the ball keeps slipping. But football never was my favourite sport.
Tennis is. I train for more than 3 years ( 1 year with a private coach)

(Thank God we've gone offtopic)

P.S. I'll take my brain to another dimension, pay close attention!

midnight said...

hiya guys a question for elderly here. you have seen my blog and i can prodly say that it is rubbish so can you please tell me how to make all the comment come up allready like your because on mine you have to click on a stupid button and i dont like it. thanks =) remember the kettle!

Unknown said...

link added Midnight, that blog is going to see some action.. excellent idea :)

Hi Ryan will put up a separate post for I can well see the attraction... practice...yuk!!!

Hi weee.. yeah gotta keep running, (elderly out of breath..) but just one time for just one corner.... handcuffed... to the goal posts....

lol Igor... (watches igor bran warp....) I was pretty overweight when i was younger, only place they thought of putting me was in goal... blocked most of the shots with my chest and belly, god i can still feel the pain.....

to the rescue in next comment Midnight

Unknown said...

to Midnight

I'm presuming you know alot of this so forgive me if im a bit pedantic.

Log onto enter your dashboard click
"create new post", (this bit you know or you wouldn't have got the Welcome post) leave this window open

now open a new widow or tab, browse to your blog, open the comment section, copy and the text you've got in your commment section

head back to to the other browser page (where you've opened your create new post editor..) simply paste the text into the large box and press Publish...

your done!!! but if you've some time on your hands...

you can head to either "Template" and click the "fonts and colors tab (real time cosmetic changes won't be final until you press "save"


head to "pick new template" to mess around with your blogs format..

My first post on this blog took me about 7 attempts at posting before i got the hang of it

when i add a comment to my blog i do it from outside the blogger dashboard... so i visit the site, click the comment section and type away....

hope some of this was of use


Anonymous said...

hey sir i am a crater user plz help me my id is



on crater help me catch larvitar,luxray,lugia,ho-oh and any rare if u can help me

Unknown said...

hi varuntiwari2006, i've taken the liberty of "adjusting" your email to stop it from being used by email spambots, hope you don't mind..

you've got search for them varuntiwari2006 or get someone to buddy up with, from earlier very long page

"Suicune can be found in the cave water and ice maps, Lugia in the grassland water, and Articuno in the grassland and ice maps. "

Anonymous said...

You don't need help from others to do that.
If you want to catch many poke's, open several browsers, log into your account on them, and search for poke's on different maps.
DO NOT use Tabs (found on Firefox and IE7), because it'll all mess up. (i found this the hard way)
The poke's you get are totally random so i can't really help you at catching the poke's you want.
I think Elderly should post the Legendarie's locations at the top of the page.

Anonymous said...

man i thought i was in shape lol im so sore from yesterdays "light" practice as the coaches call it and i plan on playing either center, linebacker, and if im lucky tight end i play american football but i can play soccer really well lol first time i played with real players from school i got a few steals:) but really i dont think ill start a new blog elderly lol i spend too much time on this one as is lol oh and you guys should really going to see the simpsons movie still lol

(another simpsons quote)stay back i got a chainsaw *makes chainsaw noise with mouth* hahfavababvabdsabas.... habdsabhsakja....
*people look at homer making chainsaw noise* basdsa...bdas... uh oh..

Unknown said...

Thank you Igor, and once again I've followed your welcome advice :)

HI Ryan, coachs gotta love em and hate them in equal measure, age has slowed me down considerably and "light" training normally involves a walk round the block.. lol

the spider pig line is a running gag at work... i've got to see go see it...

Anonymous said...

lol elderly light training for me is doing a bear crawl around 4 bags nonstop for about 8 times... and that is dry,hard,grass... and it hurts like idk what not to mention the other 5 drillz lol i was out of breath after the bear crawl which is only the 3rd drill i wanna see one of my fat coaches to do everyone of those drills without fallin lmao today we had to practice our stances it was 105 F yesterday lol it was HOOOOOOOTTTT

Anonymous said...

erm.. what shold i do
people are asking for my password well look


I am admin of this site if you want to enter this tournament you must send your password and account name iff you lose you have 5 legandary poke

immediately write me ok
if you win the tournament you earn 30 normal and 10 legendary 100 level pokemon

good luck
and bacouse i wont give my password he says hes going to close my acount

Anonymous said...

IgorChete, soccer ain't that bad... and itz pretty easy to play... besidez the part where they purposely kick you... hahaha... Tennis is a pretty good sport too... you seem pretty good... i'm just a beginner... guess i need to fix my slicez...

hahaha.. The Elderly you're funny as alwayz... you can run for more than a block... maybe i need to see the movie too...

Ryan, i never played football in high school.. so i wouldn't know that much about how they train you... i only see it... and itz not that bad... but no pain no gain right?...

varuntiwari2006, i'd be gald to give you some pokemon... but i checked and i didn't find that user in Pokemon Crater....

and Anon, just don't reply to people asking for your password... or scammerz in general...

Anonymous said...

hey gyz im gonna take a break from pokemoncrater k? ill still play but not as much oh and if neone wants to give me pointers for soccer thx cuz i dont play it much

Anonymous said...

weeeeee if you have dailga ill trade you for it plz and ty i do anythind or for palkia, my user is vethukaj

Unknown said...

Ryan my body cringed at the thought, 105 degrees, they're not part time prison officers by any chance.... and a break is good, sometimes too much of a good thing can ruin it.... Soccer Pointers, well taking a leaf from Weeee's books, avoid the ankle kickers... is a good place to start....

Anon, he's bluffing, admin would already know your email and password, ignore him.

HI weeee... what!!! I'm supposed to run?... nah.. too old for that... run , i'm tired just thinkin about it...

Anonymous said...

hey elderly there has been one question bugging me since i read this thread but... if u dont play pokemon crater why did u start a blog about it? (not to be rude)

Anonymous said...

vethukaj, i'd love to give you a dailga/palkia... but.. give me a day or 2 to catch another 1...

and The Elderly... funny as alwayz... hahaha... sometimez i feel like that too... too tired to do stuff...

Ryan, sorry i can't help you with pointerz... but learn as you go...

Unknown said...

Ryan, nothing amazing im afraid, had just experienced a hate fest tirade during a Halo multiplayer session and was feeling pretty disgusted with online gaming, went to GAF forums, spotted a link to battle arena, visited the crater forums found them really friendly and supportive (part from the password scammers). Descided to support such camraderie with a simple link... and now look!

Hi weee, hope the tiredness passes , holiday weekend over here, so sleep will be in short supply... I hope

Anonymous said...

I know football is damn fun, but it knows to be dangerous. I remember last sumer i was playing with my friends and played as a defender. On one of the opposition's counter attacks i tried to tackle and steal the ball from one of my friends. But, clumsy as i was, i did it very badly, and my friend who just then wanted to kick, he ..... well ...... let's say he kicked the wrong ball :(
It hurted as hell. I even find myself lucky not to end up sterile (or whatever it's spelled like)
From that day on i never play as a defender!

midnight said...

hey thanks for fridly comments on my in progress blog and for doing so i would like to put a link to your blog on mine (if you dont want just tell me and il take it of) by the way i hid the kettle because i broke it and didnt want to get told of :( sorry il by another one from argos and make every1 tea of coffe if your a coffe person =)
midnight out!

Unknown said...

(cringes having read Igor's tale...)damn that must have been painful, worst ever happened me was getting winded and spraining my ankle.... though there are some shocking pics on the net of broken legs....

Midnight, thank you, i'd be honored to have you link here... chuffed even... appreciated :)

Shame about the kettle.. but entirely understandable. No worries I'll bring a flask until the new kettle arrives...

And congratulations on such a worthwhile and courageous venture, I well understand the commitment and hard work (not to mention the occasional frustration) involved.

good on you midnight.....

midnight said...

thanks for understanding about the kettle and not shoutin at me elderly and i think a flask is a great idea. by the way sorry but i just need to tell people somthing!

my blog has started and im asking for peoples pokemon crater dream teams so if you go onto my blog and send in ur pokemon crater dream team and if your a boy or girl and il make you a trainers card that you can copy onto paint and print it out!! if you want elderly il even make you one! just send in the things i asked and ul have 1 thx
midnight out!

Unknown said...

A dream team and Trainers Card is a brilliant idea... I'll post your comment beside the link above... can i use the sample card you've got on site as an example?

midnight said...

as always thxs for the supportive wiords elderly and yeah no problem using the sample card i left =)

Unknown said...

excellent... hope it drives people your way....

midnight said...

thanks alot for putting the sample card up. its help business start of with 2 requests in 2 days and over 20 visits since you put up the link so thank you so much elderly i really apreashiate (spelled it so wrong) it. bi midnight out!

Anonymous said...

hey guys, anyone miss me? m computer broke down and it has not been getting fixed. im now backso if nybody want to ask me any questions then im here 4 ya!! by the way elderly is it against the rules to reveal stuff on here like mobile phone numba and email address and stuff?

Unknown said...

HI Wee welcome back, well the computer would explain the smoke coming from your direction of the comment room.... hope it was nothing too serious

re the numbers, emails etc... I have no idea who reads the column Weeee, the people like Igor, Wolf, Ryan, Midnight etc are A okay, but I'd be afraid someone less trustworthy might see them....

email addresses are fine I suppose but mask them, otherwise your inbox is going to be full of spam....

for example might read
ABC at 123 dot com, if you see what i mean....

Unknown said...

hey midnight, delighted to hear things are off to a good start, your blog is really a really cool place to visit........congratulations..

Anonymous said...

:'( im wolf........ i had the broken computer.......

Anonymous said...

:'( :'( by the way if anyone wants to get a cool pic of two pokemon spliced together, ask me and ill make it then email it. it might be helpful to tell me your email address though.

midnight said...

thx again elderly for helpin out so much with the blog an stuff. hi wolf nice to meet ya and welcome back. id like to c a mewtwo + mew toghter..... because i wanna c mewthree. my e mail is master_amin0 at hotmail dot co dot uk
midnight out!

Anonymous said...

woooooooo people have noticed me! ill get right to work :D

Unknown said...

sorry wolf both about the misidentification and the computy, blogging late at night does that to old people... forgive me... noticed you why your a veteran on here by now..... spliced pokemon the mind boggles....

hiya midnight not a problem...

...I'll make some tea... take my "Must not get confused" pills...

Anonymous said...

lol dw bout it elderly. midnight, i have sent freak mew / mew3 to you and you should hopefully get it soon. by the way if i say things that sound like words, but aren't, its like spliced words that i sometimes say like today i tried to say discussion and i said discussment!

Unknown said... i know that spliced word feeling....:)

midnight said...

hi wolf mew threes a bit wierd init with its tail twise the size of it body! lol sorry people hu dintsee mew three =( cant help out. and elderly as for the memorie problem try re tranceing your steps backwards. i did it once and ended up in nappies! lol
midnight out!

Anonymous said...

sorry guyz... i was busy yet again....

Igor, sorry to hear about that... but itz against the rulez to kick someone like that... and i like to play on the defense side sometimez... itz fun to intercept the receiverz...

The Elderly?... is it too late for some tea?... tea soundz pretty good about now...

Anonymous said...

anybody else want a splice?

midnight said...


Unknown said...

lol, retracing my steps now Midnight... trick is to regain some hair before I reach nappy stage... I hope the link is drawing much deserved visitors....

Tea and Custard creams Weeee not a problem....

wolf you know what they say a splice in time... is worth.. no i got that wrong...

Anonymous said...

Here are the locations of every Pokemon, including the fourth generations!

#460 Abomasnow: Evolve from Snover
#063 Abra: Grass maps, mansion maps
#359 Absol: Grass maps, mansion maps, cave maps, ice maps
#142 Aerodactyl: Cave maps, ice maps
#306 Aggron: Evolve from Lairon
#190 Aipom: Grass maps
#065 Alakazam: Evolve from Kadabra
#334 Altaria: Evolve from Swablu
#424 Ambipom: Evolve from Aipom
#181 Ampharos: Evolve from Flaffy
#347 Anorith: Cave map, ice maps
#024 Arbok: Evolve from Ekans
#059 Arcanine: Evolve from Growlithe
#493 Arceus: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Cave maps, lava map, ice maps
#168 Ariados: Evolve from Spinarak
#348 Armaldo: Evolve from Anorith
#304 Aron: Cave map, ice maps, electric maps
#144 Articuno: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Ice cave, grass maps
#482 Azelf: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Mansion map
#184 Azumarill: Evolve from Marill
#298 Azurill: Water in grass maps

#371 Bagon: Grass map
#343 Baltoy: Cave maps, ice maps, mansion maps
#354 Banette: Evolve from Shuppet
#339 Barboach: Water on cave maps
#411 Bastiodon: Evolve from Shieldon
#153 Bayleef: Evolve from Chikorita
#267 Beautifly: Evolve from Silcoon
#015 Beedrill: Evolve from Kakuna
#374 Beldum: Cave maps, ice maps, mansion maps, electric maps
#182 Bellossom: Evolve from Gloom
#069 Bellsprout: Grass maps
#400 Bibarel: Evolve from Bidoof
#399 Bidoof: Grass maps
#009 Blastoise: Evolve from Wartortle
#257 Blaziken: Evolve from Combusken
#242 Blissey: Evolve from Chansey
#438 Bonsly: Cave maps, grass maps
#286 Breloom: Evolve from Shroomish
#437 Bronzong: Evolve from Brozor
#436 Bronzor: Mansion maps
#406 Budew: Grass maps, electric maps
#418 Buizel: Water in grass maps
#001 Bulbasaur: Grass maps
#427 Buneary: Grass maps
#412 Burmy (Plant Cloak): Grass maps
#412 Burmy (Sandy Cloak): Cave maps
#412 Burmy (Trash Cloak): Mansion maps
#012 Butterfree: Evolve from Metapod

#331 Cacnea: Grass maps
#332 Cacturne: Evolve from Cacnea
#323 Camerupt: Evolve from Numel
#455 Carnivine: Grass maps
#318 Carvanha: Water in grass maps, Water in cave map
#268 Cascoon: Evolve from Wurmple
#351 Castform: Grass maps
#010 Caterpie: Grass maps
#251 Celebi: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass maps, cave maps
#113 Chansey: Grass maps
#006 Charizard: Evolve from Charmeleon
#004 Charmander: Grass maps, lava map
#005 Charmeleon: Evolve from Charmander
#441 Chatot: Grass maps
#421 Cherrim (Non-Sunny): Evolve from Cherubi
#421 Cherrim (Sunny): Evolve from Cherubi
#420 Cherubi: Grass maps
#152 Chikorita: Grass maps
#390 Chimchar: Lava map
#358 Chimecho: Evolve from Chingling
#170 Chinchou: Water on grass maps
#433 Chingling: Grass maps, mansion map
#366 Clamperl: Water on cave maps, ice maps
#344 Claydol: Evolves from Baltoy
#036 Clefable: Evolve from Clefairy
#035 Clefairy: Evolve from Cleffa
#173 Cleffa: Grass maps
#091 Cloyster: Evolve from Shellder
#415 Combee: Grass maps
#256 Combusken: Evolve from Torchic
#341 Corphish: Water in cave maps
#222 Corsola: Water in grass maps
#346 Cradily: Evolve from Lileep
#408 Cranidos: Cave maps
#342 Crawdaunt: Evolve from Corphish
#488 Cresselia: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Mansion maps
#453 Croagunk: Grass maps
#169 Crobat: Evolve from Golbat
#159 Croconaw: Evolve from Tododile
#104 Cubone: Cave maps, electric maps
#155 Cyndaquil: Grass maps, lava map

#491 Darkrai: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Cave maps, ice maps, mansion maps
#301 Delcatty: Evolve from Skitty
#225 Delibird: Ice maps
#386 Deoxys: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; cave maps, grass map, mansion map, ice map
#087 Dewgong: Evolve from Seel
#483 Dialga: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; cave maps
#050 Diglett: Cave maps, electric maps
#132 Ditto: Grass maps, cave maps, ice maps
#085 Dodrio: Evolve from Doduo
#084 Doduo: Grass maps
#232 Donphan: Evolve from Phanphy
#148 Dragonair: Evolve from Dratini
#149 Dragonite: Evolve from Dragonair
#452 Drapion: Evolve from Skorupi
#147 Dratini: Water inside cave map.
#F01 Dratinice: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, cave map, ice map
#F03 Dratinilic: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, electric maps
#F02 Dratinire: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, lava map
#426 Drifblim: Evolve from Drifloon
#425 Drifloon: Mansion maps
#096 Drowzee: Mansion map, grass maps
#051 Dugtrio: Evolve from Digglett
#206 Dunsparce: Grass maps
#356 Dusclops: Evolve from Duskull
#477 Dusknoir: Evolve from Dusclops
#355 Duskull: Mansion map, grass map, ice map, cave maps
#269 Dustox: Evolve from Cascoon

#133 Eevee: Grass maps, electric maps
#023 Ekans: Grass maps
#125 Electabuzz: Evolve from Elekid
#466 Electivire: Evolve from Electabuzz
#309 Electrike: Grass maps, electric map
#101 Electrode: Evolve from Voltorb
#239 Elekid: Cave maps, electric maps
#395 Empoleon: Evolve from Prinplup
#244 Entei: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, lava map
#196 Espeon: Evolve from Eevee
#102 Exeggcute: Grass maps
#103 Exeggutor: Evolve from Exeggcute
#295 Exploud: Evolve from Loudred

#083 Farfetchd: Grass maps
#022 Fearow: Evolve from Spearow
#349 Feebas: Water in cave maps
#160 Feraligatr: Evolve from Croconaw
#456 Finneon: Water in grass maps, water in cave maps
#180 Flaaffy: Evolve from Mareep
#136 Flareon: Evolve from Eevee
#419 Floatzel: Evolve from Buizel
#330 Flygon: Evolve from Vibrava
#205 Forretress: Evolve from Pineco
#478 Froslass: Evolve from Snorunt
#162 Furret: Evolve from Sentret

#444 Gabite: Evolve from Gible
#475 Gallade: Evolve from Kirlia
#445 Garchomp: Evolve from Gabite
#282 Gardevoir: Evolve from Kirlia
#092 Gastly: Grass map, mansion maps
#423 Gastrodon (East): Evolve from Shellos (East)
#423 Gastrodon (West): Evolve from Shellos (West)
#094 Gengar: Evolve from Haunter
#074 Geodude: Cave maps, electric maps
#443 Gible: Cave maps
#203 Girafarig: Grass maps
#487 Giratina: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Mansion maps, cave maps
#471 Glaceon: Evolve from Eevee
#362 Glalie: Evolve from Snorunt
#431 Glameow: Grass maps
#207 Gligar: Cave maps, ice maps, mansion maps
#472 Gliscor: Evolve from Gligar
#044 Gloom: Evolve from Oddish
#042 Golbat: Evolve from Zubat
#118 Goldeen: Water in grass map
#055 Golduck: Evolve from Psyduck
#076 Golem: Evolve from Graveler
#368 Gorebyss: Evolve from Clamperl
#210 Granbull: Evolve from Snubbull
#075 Graveler: Evolve from Geodude
#088 Grimer: Cave maps
#388 Grotle: Evolve from Turtwig
#383 Groudon: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; cave map, electric maps, ice maps
#253 Grovyle: Evolve from Treecko
#058 Growlithe: Grass maps, lava map
#326 Grumpig: Evolve from Spoink
#316 Gulpin: Cave maps, ice maps
#130 Gyarados: Evolve from Magikarp

#440 Happiny: Grass maps
#297 Hariyama: Evolve from Makuhita
#093 Haunter: Evolve from Gastly
#485 Heatran: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Lava map
#214 Heracross: Grass maps
#449 Hippopotas: Cave maps, grass maps
#450 Hippowdon: Evolve from Hippopotas
#107 Hitmonchan: Evolve from Tyrogue
#106 Hitmonlee: Evolve from Tyrogue
#237 Hitmontop: Evolve from Tyrogue
#250 Ho-oh: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, lava map
#430 Honchkrow: Evolve from Murkrow
#163 Hoothoot: Grass maps
#187 Hoppip: Grass maps
#116 Horsea: Water in grass maps
#229 Houndoom: Evolve from Houndour
#228 Houndour: Grass maps, mansion maps, lava map, ice map
#367 Huntail: Evolve from Clamperl
#097 Hypno: Evolve from Drowzee

#174 Igglybuff: Grass maps
#314 Illumise: Grass maps
#392 Infernape: Evolve from Monferno
#002 Ivysaur: Evolve from Bulbasaur

#039 Jigglypuff: Evolve from Igglybuff
#385 Jirachi: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; cave map, mansion map, electric maps
#135 Jolteon: Evolve from Eevee
#189 Jumpluff: Evolve from Skiploom
#124 Jynx: Evolve from Smoochum

#140 Kabuto: Cave map water, ice maps
#141 Kabutops: Evolve from Kabuto
#064 Kadabra: Evolve from Abra
#014 Kakuna: Evolve from Weedle
#115 Kangaskhan: Grass maps
#352 Kecleon: Grass maps
#230 Kingdra: Evolve from Seadra
#099 Kingler: Evolve from Krabby
#281 Kirlia: Evolve from Ralts
#109 Koffing: Cave map, mansion map
#098 Krabby: Water on grass maps, ice maps
#401 Kricketot: Grass maps
#402 Kricketune: Evolve from Kricketot
#382 Kyogre: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; water in cave map, ice map, water of grass maps

#305 Lairon: Evolve from Aron
#171 Lanturn: Evolve from Chinchou
#131 Lapras: Water on grass maps
#246 Larvitar: Cave maps, ice maps, electric maps
#380 Latias: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass maps
#381 Latios: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass maps
#470 Leafeon: Evolve from Eevee
#166 Ledian: Evolve from Ledyba
#165 Ledyba: Grass maps
#463 Lickilicky: Evolve from Lickitung
#108 Lickitung: Grass maps
#345 Lileep: Cave maps
#264 Linoone: Evolve from Zigzagoon
#271 Lombre: Evolve from Lotad
#428 Lopunny: Evolve from Buneary
#270 Lotad: Water on grass maps
#294 Loudred: Evolve from Whismur
#448 Lucario: Evolve from Riolu
#272 Ludicolo: Evolve from Lombre
#249 Lugia: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; water on grass maps
#457 Lumineon: Evolve from Finneon
#337 Lunatone: Cave maps, mansion maps, lava map, ice maps
#370 Luvdisc: Water on grass maps
#404 Luxio: Evolve from Shinx
#405 Luxray: Evolve from Luxio

#068 Machamp: Evolve from Machoke
#067 Machoke: Evolve from Machop
#066 Machop: Grass maps
#240 Magby: Cave maps, lava map
#219 Magcargo: Evolve from Slugma
#129 Magikarp: Water on grass maps
#126 Magmar: Evolve from Magby
#467 Magmortar: Evolve from Magmar
#081 Magnemite: Cave maps, grass maps, ice maps, electric maps
#082 Magneton: Evolve from Magnemite
#462 Magnezone: Evolve from Magneton
#296 Makuhita: Grass maps, cave maps
#473 Mamoswine: Evolve from Piloswine
#490 Manaphy: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; water in grass maps
#310 Manectric: Evolve from Elektrike
#056 Mankey: Grass maps
#226 Mantine: Evolve from Mantyke
#458 Mantyke: Water in cave maps
#179 Mareep: Grass maps, electric maps
#183 Marill: Evolve from Azurill
#105 Marowak: Evolve from Cubone
#259 Marshtomp: Evolve from Mudkip
#284 Masquerain: Evolve from Surskit
#303 Mawile: Cave maps, ice maps, electric maps
#308 Medicham: Evolve from Meditite
#307 Meditite: Cave maps, mansion maps
#154 Meganium: Evolve from Bayleaf
#052 Meowth: Grass maps, electric maps
#481 Mesprit: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Mansion maps
#376 Metagross: Evolve from Metang
#375 Metang: Evolve from Beldum
#011 Metapod: Evolve from Caterpie
#151 Mew: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; cave map, mansion map
#150 Mewtwo: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; cave map, mansion map
#262 Mightyena: Evolve from Poochyenna
#350 Milotic: Evolve from Feebas
#241 Miltank: Grass maps
#439 Mime Jr.: Grass maps, mansion maps
#312 Minun: Grass maps, cave maps, ice maps, electric maps
#200 Misdreavus: Cave maps, mansion maps, grass maps
#429 Mismagius: Evolve from Misdreavus
#146 Moltres: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, lava map
#391 Monferno: Evolve from Chimchar
#414 Mothim: Evolve from Burmy (Plant Cloak)
#122 Mr. Mime: Evolve from Mime Jr.
#258 Mudkip: Water on cave maps, ice map
#089 Muk: Evolve from Grimer
#446 Munchlax: Cave maps
#198 Murkrow: Grass maps

#177 Natu: Grass maps, mansion maps
#034 Nidoking: Evolve from Nidorino
#031 Nidoqueen: Evolves from Nidorina
#029 Nidoran (F): Grass maps
#032 Nidoran (M): Grass maps
#030 Nidorina: Evolve from Nidoran (F)
#033 Nidorino: Evolve from Nidoran (m)
#290 Nincada: Cave maps, electric maps
#038 Ninetales: Evolve from Vulpix
#291 Ninjask: Evolve from Nincada
#164 Noctowl: Evolve from Hoothoot
#299 Nosepass: Cave maps, ice maps, electric maps
#322 Numel: Cave maps, lava map
#274 Nuzleaf: Evolve from Seedot

#224 Octillery: Evolve from Remoraid
#043 Oddish: Grass maps
#138 Omanyte: Water on cave maps
#139 Omastar: Evolve from Omanyte
#095 Onix: Cave maps, electric maps

#417 Pachirisu: Electric maps
#484 Palkia: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Water in Cave maps
#046 Paras: Grass maps
#047 Parasect: Evolve from Paras
#279 Pelipper: Evolve from Wingull
#053 Persian: Evolve from Meowth
#231 Phanpy: Grass maps, cave maps
#489 Phione: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; water in grass maps
#172 Pichu: Grass maps, electric maps
#018 Pidgeot: Evolve from Pidgeotto
#017 Pidgeotto: Evolve from Pidgey
#016 Pidgey: Grass maps
#025 Pikachu: Evolve from Pichu
#221 Piloswine: Evolve from Swinub
#204 Pineco: Grass maps, ice maps
#127 Pinsir: Cave maps, grass maps, ice maps
#393 Piplup: Water on grass maps
#311 Plusle: Grass maps, cave maps, ice maps, electric maps
#186 Politoed: Evolve from Poliwhirl
#060 Poliwag: Water on grass maps, ice maps
#061 Poliwhirl: Evolve from Poliwag
#062 Poliwrath: Evolve from Poliwhirl
#077 Ponyta: Lava map, grass map
#261 Poochyena: Grass map, mansion map, ice maps
#137 Porygon: Grass map, cave maps, ice maps
#233 Porygon 2: Evolve from Porygon
#474 Porygon-Z: Evolve from Porygon 2
#057 Primeape: Evolve from Mankey
#394 Prinplup: Evolve from Piplup
#476 Probopass: Evolve from Nosepass
#054 Psyduck: Water on grass maps
#247 Pupitar: Evolve from Larvitar
#432 Purugly: Evolve from Glameow

#195 Quagsire: Evolve from Wooper
#156 Quilava: Evolve from Cyndaquil
#211 Qwilfish: Water on cave map, ice cave

#026 Raichu: Evolve from Pikachu
#243 Raikou: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, electric maps
#280 Ralts: Grass maps, mansion maps
#409 Rampardos: Evolve from Cranidos
#078 Rapidash: Evolve from Ponyta
#020 Raticate: Evolve from Rattata
#019 Rattata: Grass maps
#384 Rayquaza: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, cave map, electric maps
#378 Regice: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; cave map, ice maps
#486 Regigigas: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; cave maps, grass maps
#377 Regirock: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; cave map, ice map, electric maps
#379 Registeel: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; cave map, ice map, electric maps
#369 Relicanth: Water on cave maps
#223 Remoraid: Water on grass maps
#112 Rhydon: Evolve from Rhyhorn
#111 Rhyhorn: Grass maps, cave maps, lava map, ice maps, electric maps
#464 Rhyperior: Evolve from Rhydon
#447 Riolu: Grass maps, cave maps
#315 Roselia: Grass maps
#407 Roserade: Evolve from Roselia
#479 Rotom: Electric maps

#302 Sableye: Grass maps, mansion maps, cave maps, ice maps
#373 Salamence: Evolve from Shelgon
#027 Sandshrew: Grass maps, cave maps, lava map, electric maps
#028 Sandslash: Evolve from Sandshrew
#254 Sceptile: Evolve from Grovyle
#212 Scizor: Evolve from Scyther
#123 Scyther: Grass maps
#117 Seadra: Evolve from Horsea
#119 Seaking: Evolve from Goldeen
#364 Sealeo: Evolve from Spheal
#273 Seedot: Grass maps, cave maps, ice maps
#086 Seel: Water on grass maps
#161 Sentret: Grass maps
#336 Seviper: Grass maps
#319 Sharpedo: Evolve from Carvanha
#492 Shaymin: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Grass maps
#292 Shedinja: Evolve from Nincada
#372 Shelgon: Evolve from Bagon
#090 Shellder: Water on cave maps
#422 Shellos (East): Ice maps, water on grass maps, cave maps
#422 Shellos (West): Ice maps, water on grass maps, cave maps
#410 Shieldon: Cave maps
#275 Shiftry: Evolve from Nuzleaf
#403 Shinx: Electric maps
#285 Shroomish: Grass maps
#213 Shuckle: Grass maps, cave maps, electric maps
#353 Shuppet: Cave maps, mansion maps
#266 Silcoon: Evolve from Wurmple
#227 Skarmory: Grass maps, electric maps
#188 Skiploom: Evolves from Hoppip
#300 Skitty: Grass maps
#451 Skorupi: Grass maps
#435 Skuntank: Evolve from Stunky
#289 Slaking: Evolve from Vigoroth
#287 Slakoth: Grass maps, cave maps
#080 Slowbro: Evolve from Slowpoke
#199 Slowking: Evolve from Slowbro
#079 Slowpoke: Water in grass maps
#218 Slugma: Grass maps, cave maps, lava maps
#235 Smeargle: Grass maps
#238 Smoochum: Ice maps
#215 Sneasel: Grass maps, cave maps, ice maps, mansion maps
#143 Snorlax: Evolve from Munchlax
#361 Snorunt: Water in cave maps, ice maps
#459 Snover: Ice maps
#209 Snubbull: Grass maps
#338 Solrock: Grass maps, cave maps, lava map, mansion map, ice maps
#021 Spearow: Grass maps
#363 Spheal: Water in grass maps, ice maps
#167 Spinarak: Grass maps
#327 Spinda: Grass maps, cave maps
#442 Spiritomb: Mansion maps
#325 Spoink: Grass maps, mansion maps
#007 Squirtle: Water on grass maps
#234 Stantler: Grass maps
#398 Staraptor: Evolve from Staravia
#397 Staravia: Evolve from Starly
#396 Starly: Grass maps
#121 Starmie: Evolve from Staryu
#120 Staryu: Water on grass maps
#208 Steelix: Evolve from Onyx
#434 Stunky: Grass maps
#185 Sudowoodo: Evolve from Bonsly
#245 Suicune: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; water in cave maps, ice maps
#192 Sunflora: Evolve from Sunkern
#191 Sunkern: Grass maps
#283 Surskit: Water on grass maps
#333 Swablu: Grass maps
#317 Swalot: Evolve from Gulpin
#260 Swampert: Evolve from Marshtomp
#277 Swellow: Evolve from Tailow
#220 Swinub: Ice maps

#276 Taillow: Grass maps
#114 Tangela: Grass maps
#465 Tangrowth: Evolve from Tangela
#128 Tauros: Grass maps
#216 Teddiursa: Cave maps
#072 Tentacool: Water on grass maps
#073 Tentacruel: Evolve from Tentacool
#468 Togekiss: Evolve from Togetic
#175 Togepi: Grass maps
#176 Togetic: Evolve from Togepi
#255 Torchic: Grass maps, lava map
#324 Torkoal: Cave maps, lava map
#389 Torterra: Evolve from Grotle
#158 Totodile: Water in grass maps, ice maps.
#454 Toxicroak: Evolve from Croagunk
#328 Trapinch: Grass maps, lava map, electric maps
#252 Treecko: Grass maps
#357 Tropius: Grass maps
#387 Turtwig: Grass maps
#157 Typhlosion: Evolve from Quilava
#248 Tyranitar: Evolve from Pupitar
#236 Tyrogue: Grass maps

#197 Umbreon: Evolve from Eevee
#201 Unown: All letters found on both the ice cave and cave maps.
#217 Ursaring: Evolve from Teddiursa
#480 Uxie: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; Mansion maps

#134 Vaporeon: Evolve from Eevee
#049 Venomoth: Evolve from Venonat
#048 Venonat: Grass map
#003 Venusaur: Evolve from Ivysaur
#416 Vespiquen: Evolve from Combee
#329 Vibrava: Evolve from Trapinch
#071 Victreebel: Evolve from Weepenbell
#288 Vigoroth: Evolve from Slakoth
#045 Vileplume: Evolve from Gloom
#313 Volbeat: Grass map
#100 Voltorb: Cave map, ice map, electric maps
#037 Vulpix: Grass map, lava map

#320 Wailmer: Water in grass map
#321 Wailord: Evolve from Wailmer
#365 Walrein: Evolve from Sealeo
#008 Wartortle: Evolve from Squirtle
#461 Weavile: Evolve from Sneasel
#013 Weedle: Grass map
#070 Weepinbell: Evolve from Bellsprout
#110 Weezing: Evolves from Koffing
#340 Whiscash: Evolve from Barboach
#293 Whismur: Grass maps, cave maps
#040 Wigglytuff: Evolve from Jigglypuff
#278 Wingull: Water in grass maps
#202 Wobbuffet: Evolve from Wynaut
#194 Wooper: Water in grass maps
#413 Wormadam (Plant Cloak): Evolve from Burmy (Plant Cloak)
#413 Wormadam (Sandy Cloak): Evolve from Burmy (Sandy Cloak)
#413 Wormadam (Trash Cloak): Evolve from Burmy (Trash Cloak)
#265 Wurmple: Grass maps
#360 Wynaut: Grass maps, mansion maps

#178 Xatu: Evolve from Natu

#193 Yanma: Grass maps
#469 Yanmega: Evolve from Yanma

#335 Zangoose: Grass maps
#145 Zapdos: Defeat the Elite Four and all gyms; grass map, electric maps
#263 Zigzagoon: Grass maps
#041 Zubat: Cave maps, mansion maps, ice maps

By the way, feel free to add me on the Pokemon Crater. My username is Pikachu2468. Also, I have lots of legendary Pokemon up for trade, so if you want any of them, offer any pokemon you don't want and I'll accept.

midnight said...

WOW and if i was to offer you a level 8 pikachu for a lvl 100 legend would you still accept? good work by the way

ELDERLY!!!!! make him some tea!

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I'll take anything, even a level 8 Magikarp. :) But message me first, then I'll put the pokemon up for trade. You can choose out of Arceus, Articuno, Celebi, Darkrai, Deoxys, Dialga, Dratinilic, Dratinice, Dratinire, Groudon, Jirachi, Latias, Latios, Mesprit, Mew, Mewtwo, Raikou, Regirock, Registeel, Regice, and Zapdos.

And here's a little trick I use when searching for pokemon. On the maps, instead of clicking on the arrows, press F5 or Refresh. It makes finding pokemon much easier. (Tip: Open up several browsers, then do this on each one.)

Hope I helped! ~Pikachu2468

Unknown said...

Megapost Pikachu2468 simply mega... thank you so much.... wow! helped? that listing and the f5 tip have blown me away...

tea for Pikachu Midnight? I think it's time to bring out the chocolate cake....

midnight said...

chocolate cake!!!! YAY!!!!! im like chocolate cake!!!! mine all mine!!! muhahahahaha!!!! me and my chocolate cake will take over the world!!!!

Anonymous said...

No problem Elderly. I'm glad it helped.

Chocolate cake! My favorite!
<(^.^<) (>^.^)> ^(^.^)^ <(^.^)>

Unknown said...

(staring at the empty plate full of chocolate cake crumbs. . . .)

Looks like I got here too late......

midnight said...

elderly... more chocolate cake!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey elderly im sorry i havent been on long but 3 and a half hour practices dont give me much time to anything lol i have practice from 3:30 to 7:00 im so tired when i get home which is around 8:00 and bedtime is 9:00 cuz im to tired in the morning lol oh and uhh... good for you and your uhh.. chocolate cake... midnight?

Anonymous said...

hey guys but theres a website called and its really fun if you know how to play texas hold'em then post on this blog telling me and ill tell you what to do all you gotta do is make a free account (you can make a members account and get more things to do) but you still dont get cutoff from your games like a demo

Unknown said...

(back from the store.. elderly present another large chocolate fudge cake to the assembled guests...)

okay midnight here ya go, I'll put on the kettle for a nice cup of tea..

Great site Ryan, thanks for the heads up... damn but that training schedule takes some dedication.... I'm sure the French Foreign Legion didn't have to got through as much....

midnight said...

hi elderly yay for more cake but ryan! im angry at you!! you said me and my chocolate cake when it me and my chocolate fudge cake! get your facts right mate!!!! chocolate FUDGE! cake!!!!!! FUDGE!

c you lot next week me and my chocolate FUDGE cake are going on a holiday for a week so you will be seeing me next week but you wont be seeinf my choclate fudge cake! cus im gonna eat it! muhahahaha

Anonymous said...

How long dose it take to find mew or mewtwo ? i need it now now now now now ! right now ~ right now

Anonymous said...

To all who didn't know, Version 7 of pokemon Crater has been announced.
I'm hardly waiting for it!
The Pokemon Crater forums have a new look, i recommend you check them!


Unknown said...

have a great time on holiers midnight, we'll join chocolate fudge rehab in the meantime......

I can well understand your frustration anon, perhaps some kind soul can swap with you...

Thanks for the heads up Igor.. appreciated...

Anonymous said...

sorry yet again... this time i went camping...
caught alot of fish... but they're not big enough...
too bad there was so much rain where i was staying...

well... how is everyone?...

Unknown said...

Hi weeee, we've been stuffing ourselfs with some virtual chocolate fudge cake... watching midnights blog go from strength to strength... salivating over bioshock footage... and erm... thats it really.... shame about the fish.. though presuming you threw them back, they'll be much bigger next year... and they'll recognise you.. erm ... which might be a bad thing.....

Anonymous said...

Who whants a good cheat ?

go by the rocks on map 103 to find mewtwo it works every time !!!!!

Anonymous said...

If u want to make a trade on pokemon crater my user is luckylou

But if we trade i need good prof *

Anonymous said...

Sorry i made a misstake if u need mewtwo search the rocks on page 102 ! and dont foget to trade me my user name is luckylou

Unknown said...

Thank anon nice tip... much appreciated.. hope you get the trades you want.. thanks again.... here have some of Midnight's fudge cake....

Anonymous said...

Thx for the Fudge cake Elderly appreciat it ..... if u need more tips and cheats remember to msn me on pokemon crater my user luckylou . Im selling all sorts of Pokemon , Shiny mew , Mewtwo , shiny Carizard , and loads more Shinys , Legondarys , Metalics and Gostlys . so y not message me !

Anonymous said...

The new 7-th version of Pokemon Crater is out, and i advise you to check it out (if you already haven't), coz it brings some really cool changes.
But, i must say i disagree with some of 'em.
Searching for pokemon in the maps is WAAAAY easier now, since the whole page doesn't load for every direction you choose, now you can search for pokemons on the same page.
The Battle system is also changed and is much easier to access (although the potions and the poke balls are a bit crunched together.
New message system which doesn't interest me much.
And the best thng, a cool new layout and background. It;s a bit darker now, but much cooler :D
Now, what i really hate about the new version is the navigation. They completely screwed it if you ask me. Now, top trainers, online members and your account is accessible on the left panel. The good thing is, it doesn't load a new page, but the size of it is quite small, and the older one was way better.
That's my opinions, i'll go and test the multiple browser cheats, maybe (i hope not) we'll have problems with the new map navigation thing.
P.S. Elderly, you should update the pic on the top which still says Battle Arena v.6

Anonymous said...

Well, i have some bad news for you.
If you haven't noticed already, you can't use the F5 trick anymore T.T
I think it's a very bad decision from the creators coz many people will leave crater coz of that.
And also, there ain't a link to the forums (had to use google.)
Well, it's a terrible blow to the pokemon crater cheating community, no more fast lvling, no more fun if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

Plz message me on pokemon crater my user is luckylou i have loads of new cheats !

Unknown said...

glad you like the fudge cake anon... selling pokemon though.. surely thats supporting a pokemon slave trade...

thanks igor, great mini review. bit the F5 thing is a bummer... thanks for the heads up... the times they are a changing.... pic added

Anonymous said...

i havent been on pokemon crater in a while and sorry for the mix up midnight lol chocolate FUDGE cake lol thx elderly for appreciating my "dedication"

In other news that new harry pothead book is pretty damn good lol im goin bowlin in a bit lol thx anon for the cheat im gonna try it out

Unknown said...

harry pothead... lol... nice to see you again Ryan.. good luck with bowling...

Anonymous said...

hey ive got a trick if you come accross a ledgenderie copy the URL then capture it.then u can get as many as u want!!!!!!

plus if any1 gets a legenderie send me the url ty cooluke21!!!

p.s this syt rules!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

hi every1 this syt rocks oh by the wat thats my comment above it

the elderly rules!!!!! :D

Anonymous said...

you cant catch 2 of the same legendary in v7 T_T or at least not as easily.

midnight said...

hi elderly im back again muhahahaha! and im very angry! uv been givin people my chocolate fudge cake. luckely im all ok with feeding helpfull people so its not so bad.
o no! no mopre 5f trick cus of this new update !noooo! sorry people 5f is out of business. il have to change my site now. anyway hoya guys i had a great time on holiday but im glad to be back so il be in touch. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey how can you Easily catch Arceus???????
I've been looking for it for at least 3 days!!!!
What is the url 4 catching it please tell me!!!
I'm Begging!!!

Unknown said...

clever trick cooluke21. thank you for that.... and for your comment.. appreciated

Anon as you've pointed out the winds of change are blowing, v7 alters a number of ealier "opportunities"....

the cake.. well it was going stale and i thought.. oh hell it was lovely and well we couldn't resist.... glad to have you back, hope your holidays were brilliant...!

Hi Zack, from what i've heard the url don't work no more on V7, hopefully by the time you read this you'll have got one... or have a look at Midnights blog to see if someone will trade...

Anonymous said...

No prob!
I already got it!
My name is Omegazxx on Pkmn Crater!

I used um.... someone on this forum he said something about going around a block on the lower ice map.

That's where I got it.

Thanks Um Whoever you are

Um Elderly can you tell me his name please?

I want to thank him officially

Anonymous said...

A Registeel and a Deoxys!!!!
I need a Regigigas....

Anonymous said...

Does anyone want another evolved starter cause all I mostly run into looking for Ho-oh on the lava maps are Torchic anyone trade maybe a lvl 100 Blaziken for a Regigigas or another legendary????
P.S Just in case My username on Pokemon Crater is Omegazxx k?

Anonymous said...

jp,,, does any1 hav any url for legendaries. i barely hav any and they r so hard to find my username on pokemoncrater is blueeyes70 thanks pokemon rocks!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i jut want to u all the you can refresh but you have to use the top button where it has that refresh sign above your adress bar and i found a suicune doing is and im looking for a dailga ar palkia any lvl any type my acc is vethukaj messsege me ill give you a lvl100 mewtwo

midnight said...

hay guys its me again i just wanted to let peopole no that im putting up my tradeing post on my blog and for the anon with the acc called vethukaj then i just wanted to say that i checked your account out and i would like to trade your kyoga and ghostly shaymin for 4 of my pokemon on my tradeing accoujnt (i got some wicked legends like palkia) my trading account is !!!!!!!!!!trading and if you want to terade piokemon then check out my blog and il put a list of pokemon that i need up. :)

Anonymous said...

ok in the shoal cave in map 16 there is a group of three rocks and after 20minutes i caught a dark mew2 a regigigas and a mew2 so some1 should try to test my theory

Anonymous said...

now i got a registeel

Anonymous said...

now a darkrai these rocks really work

Anonymous said...

now this just proves that they work i just got a regice

midnight said...

yo jp chill out, the caves that you are looking in is the easyest place to find legend pokemon but when you have everything exept 2 like me then it gets a bit anoying when registeel keeps popin up. BUT your theory is correct, if you are new to legends and want to catch some then the best place to look is the caves (map 16) but if you are looking for an exact pokemon i dont think the cave is a good idea cus it gets annoying.
p.s. iv finished my trading section come check it out hope you like and find some pokemon :)

Unknown said...

Wow!! i pop out for two seconds and this place lights up...

Zack don't know which contributor you mean sorry, glad things finally sorted themselves out though..

nice tip on the refresh anon thanks

jp you certainly seem to be reeling them in, nice work

Midnight once again fantastic work, i'll be over in a second for some fudge cake......

Anonymous said...

hey mid nihgt its me vethukaj is it ok if i give u phione for palkia plz and can you tell me ur original acc user so messege me and try looking behind the trainer or around him on map16 ull find legendaries i fownd mew2

Anonymous said...

It's ok Elderly
I mean I just used it and it worked
I was on my new account Omegazxx
for about 3 days got all badges and all the elite four

Anyway, jp thanks i'll use your tip.

Unknown said...

hi anon, try heading over to midnights blog (see link in main post)..

nice work Zack..

Anonymous said...

bowling didnt go so well and i got to get up at 8:30 to go to football practice on monday which is labor day... i guess im gonna do some hard labor lmao and to make things worse just about all my teachers have me doing projects all of which are very long... and they dont realise the other teachers have projects for us ive finished one but this stupid diorama i gotta do is about as retarded as retarded gets...

oh and if youve ever heard the song amy winehouse made called rehab ive remixed it a bit just for this blog... TRY TO MAKE US GO TO CHOCOLATE FUDGE CAKE REHAB WE SAID NO NO NO WE WONT GO GO GO for the original version look it up on yahoo music or project playlist

and i finally got a football number#50 and what is bad about it we probably getting $2 jerseys cuz no one sold cokes lmao ive probably been on this blog more than crater lol

Unknown said...

LMAO Ryan... love your take on Amy's song.. lol... excellent.... number 50 sounds impressive... and indeed your a welcome contributor to the pokemon comment roll to infinity.... number 50 sounds impressive....

Anonymous said...

hey guz the cheats where great but the f5 cheat didnt work so maybe someone can tell me how it works a bit mmore informaton pleas cuz whenever i do th f5 and enter i do it like 15 or 20 times but it doesnt work it just takes me back to the stat fight screen and nothing changes no one wins . and tell me when should i press f5 and enter cuz i dont know when? thanks for helping...

Anonymous said...

hey guys im really sure i gave that tip about the shoal map....... ya!!! i copied and pasted this....... Wolf said...
lol me neither just helping people out and im trying to stay on track. a new discovery yay. like my earlier post on the ice map, the shoal map at the bottom left is good for pokemon you do not have. thanks to that map i now have a bonsly, a mewtwo, a groudon, an unown l completing my alphabet of unown and a regirock.
this place is not very fast though.
see? check yorself if u want. anyway, iv ben to the shop and i brought back lollipops!!! i have strappleberry! elderly you have a choice of banaple or lemon and lime or cola. midnight, in some miraclous way, i foun you a.... chocolate fudge ake flavoured lolly? boy we live in a strange orld.... enjoy... oh and one more thin.... doesnt anyone wantany splices of two pokemon??????

Anonymous said...

*takes chocolate fudge cake lolipop b4 midnight does*

hey guys *munch much* i really dont get the point of labor day if you dont do anything lol i mean cmon it should be nonlabor day

im so mad that i had football practice on my first day off of school at 8:30 in the morning till 12:00 anyway the shoal map i must have skipped over that and can someone tell me how to get there sry im kinda slow as ive said before on this sorry bout that

Peace love and chicken grease

In memory of slagle *he moved to indianna :(

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