Pokemon Crater Battle Arena is a Free online game where you can catch your own online Pokemon and battle them against other players.
Well.... Free.... how could you go wrong.....
Pokemon Crater Website Down sorry it's been fun
however you might like to try out the following
If you find a link worthy of mention just leave a comment, Thank you...:)
Thanks to the tremendous support by Igorchete, Weee, and Wolf, this post has grown at an extraordinary rate, making it practically impossible to find various cheats and help without having to read through each commment. To that end, if you use the "find" function in your web Browser, (Edit..Find), you should be able to find what your looking for (if it's here) with little difficulty.
New Pokemon Crater Blog!!!!
A brand new blog dedicated to Pokemon Crater Battle Arena has been set up by Midnight. Midnight is asking for people's Pokemon Crater Dream Teams and if you send in your pokemon crater dream team he'll make you your very own trainers card (like the one above), so if you've got any tips, need trades, or just want to talk about the game head on over to
Where do I find Legendaries?
thanks to Igorchete and pikachu2468 for the following essential aid
In the grasslands maps: Latios, Latias, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Ho-oh, Deoxys, Raquaza, Entei, Raikou, Dratinire, and Dratinilic.
In grasslands maps water: Kyogre and Lugia.
In the cave: Deoxys, Jirachi, Registeel, Regice, Regirock, Groudon, Mew, Celebi, Mewtwo, Rayquaza and Dratinice.
In the cave water: Suicune, Kyogre, and Dratinice.
In ice maps: Kyogre, Suicune, Dratinice, Registeel, Regice, Regirock, Deoxys and Articuno.
In maps 101 and 102: Jirachi, Mew, Deoxys, Mewtwo
In map 19: Entei, Moltres, Ho-oh and Dratinire.
The following chart courtesy of Igorchete, helps a ton especially at choosing training accounts for your pokemon or while battling in a Live Battle.
elderly tags pokemon crater battle arena pokemon online game free
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 609 Newer› Newest»hi guys im back again. first of allm, ryan put that cake back b4 i take it of you! lol.
sharing is caring.
the last anon that posted about the 5f cheat, sorry to say but the cheat dont work no more because of v7.and b4 i forget
o my words. its a wicked song man, straight to number 1 lol.
peace out people! and give money to the choolate fudge cake addicts because they realy need your suppoprt! lol
Hiya anon.. take a look at midnights comment directly above this one..
Hiya Wolf, long time no see!!!
what an excellent treat, now if I could figure out how to get the banaple pop unstuck from my bottom lip, shopkeeper must have frozen them in liquid nitrogen....
Chocolate fudge was a very good choice Ryan and nonlabor day does sound more apt... slagle oh dear!!! Indiana... .. when he moves he really moves... Training at 8:30... damn.. thats extreme...
hiya midnight, chocolate fudge addiction is horrendous, once you've tried it you can never do without it... the cycle should be broken.. no more chocolate fudge for kids... that way there should be no shortage for the rest of us...
where do i find legendaries
you can find legendaries after youve beaten all the elite four and all the badges and than u can find em anywhere but it takes a bit time you just search :)
neat!!! thats what i like about this comment post, everyone helps each other out.. thanks anonymous..
splice? splice? splice? come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! brb im going to go eat my chocolate fudge cake..... im so glad midnight dont know my address lol........................................................................................ im back! * still eating cake * splice splice splice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * fudge fudge * midnight, why are you so addicted to fudge cake? although at least you havent gone as far as me and vanilla ice cream flavored milkshake..... i got a tattoo of it on my back....
lol... hiya wolf.. well thats got this evenings proceedings of to a quite entertaining start... a tatoo... wow... now thanks to you i'm craving a milk shake... and all i've got are ice lolls in the freezer.....
have a good weekend wolf...
hi guys midnight back from chocolate fudge cake rehab here. they tried to make me go to chocolate fudge cake rehab but i said no,no,no so they bloody strapped me to a table when i was sleeping and dragged me in! anyway iv noticed wolfs been pinching my cake again (look wolf up in yellow pages)....... (still looking)...... (its a big book)... got ya. muhahaha i no were you live and im coming for my chocolate cake!
Can someone help me with the money cheat.I dont know how hobo is changing all pokemons power to ancient power.Can someone help me with that trick
I think the F5 trick is working again! I don't want to jump to conclusions, but while i was in a battle with zedjaelectric, I pressed F5 a couple of times, and he went from 2 Pelippers to 0! I'm gonna go try it again, to make sure it wasn't my imagination. Hope I helped, guys!
Yup, the F5 trick is working again. What's more, it seems the entire site is now browser-based again.
Been missing my chocolate fudge treat myself Midnight... glad to see you back.. hold on I'll grab a jacket and we'll both head over to Wolf's.. can't beleive he'd hold out on us like that.. but a chocolate fudge cakes a chocolate fudge cake...
Neat work anonymous, hope it stays like that for a whle.. thanks for the heads up...
Any takers on money cheat for Dorish?
thank you sooooo much wolf your tips help sooo much. iwant some chocolate cak
hi i'm sorta new i don't have much ledgenadries ps my account is davo475 if you want to trade me anything just message me
Can anybody help me out on this
Every time I wanted to catch a legndry pok that i already have it shows an err msg that u already have and u cant have more than one
But I saw some accts where they have more than one same legndry pok
how does this possible
My acct is mihawk1
im the same guy as davo475 anyone has a shiny giratina?? i really want one anyone? message me if you do
hi mihawk1, no idea on the multiple legendaries... anybody with an explanation please?
Anyone for trade with davo475 ?
anyone have legendaries to trade, im SacredOmen, ps me
Hello there elderly this blog rocks
i'm mihawk1 again
as a ref for my above question regarding same legend in one acct check out this acct ! ! ! ! ! tricks
this acct holds 3 articunos
I just wonder how
Not only this acct there r so many of them
Any help would be greatly appriciated
thank u
i know how to get multiple legendaries, check out my account, PokeSpoof, i have 4 mewtwo's, two metalic groudons, and many more duplicates... simple trick, ill tell any one of u if u offer me pokemon for it
c'mon ppl pm my account and we'll make a deal, the cheat is simple and u don't need any prograns or anything to do it, just a computer, don't be scared to pm me (PokeSpoof)...
tempting Pokespoof no doubt about it...
Hi mihawk.. I'm sorry it's beyond me, despite an intensive search of the crater forums... no ones seems to have an idea how you end up with multiple legendaries.... which is suspicious to say the least
still looking for trades for
SacredOmen & davo475
omg, pm me for gods sake, dont just say its tempting, actually go for it, its not even a hack or nythin like that... all u need is an account and to have beaten all the gyms and the elite 4's, simple, if u don't think i am that guy then i can prove it, tell me ur username and ill pm u, u tell me what to write, nyway, i only want legendaries i dont have for the cheat, surely thats not too much to ask
Anonomous theres a account called SoneriC that you can train you cyndaquil or quilavia. Hopes this helps you.
oh if anyone want to battlw me my teams are:
you will never win in the first two.
can any one tell me why can't we log in on crater as of to date? what happened is the site is down for maintenance?
excellent tip with the SoneriC account anonymous thank you!!
Crater is experiencing slow-down, probably a symptom of how popular it is, hopefully it's only temporary... (crosses fingers..)
i want my fudge cake back..........
oh well
just si that everybody knows, the new crater has stopped anyone from using my click on the pokemon then click move trick and my click item and then click attack. its annoying i used that stuff all the time. i'm gonna try find some more stuff to report here now.
by the way everybody go to www.darkness1328rulez.piczo.com!
(hands back plate full of fudge cake crumbs....) erm sorry about that, but one slice is never enough... bummer on the new pokemon changes, looking forward to the next round of loopholes... that website is anarchy personified... quite excellent!!!
hey again ppl, its PokeSpoof, i cba tryin to get pokemon out of ppl nyway more for the cheat, so on tuesday, im gunna ask my friend who i found the cheat out with weather i shud publish it on here or not, if yes, then the secret will be out to the whole world and i just think it would be funny to see how fast the cheat spreds, nyway, just wait untill tuesday to find out, i know i shud make the decision by myself, but i promised my frind that i would talk to him first if i was gunna tell ppl the cheat...
My username on P.Crater is
Blazin' Trainer
And I'm lookin for a Megnanium...(What Bayleef evolve into!)So I have Feraligatr,Typhlosion and Megnanium!please reply to me if u wish to trade a Megnanium...
Thank you for your time!!!
wow PokeSpoof.. an exclusive... what about setting up your own blog like Midnight, publishing it on your own website and I will link to it in the main post... commendable that you will check with your friend :)...
thanks for commment Blazin' Trainer how you get your trade.. :)
ok PokeSpoof agen,well i can say the cheat and it works 100% so don't bother sayin it doesn't im quittin crater so i don't really care to be honest who knows the cheat...
PokeSpoof agen, first of all you need three accounts ( A1, A2, and A3 ) take the legendary from A1, for example deoxys, and trade it to A2, then go back to A1 and go to look for another deoxys, when u have found 1, trade it to A3, then log out and go back to A2 and put the deoxys up for trade, then log out, and log back in as A3, and put that deoxys up for trade, then go back to A1, offer something for A2's deoxys, then offer something for A3's deoxys, then log out and log back in as A2, accept the offer for deoxys, then log out and go back on to A3 and accept the offer for that deoxys, if this is done correct then u will have the two deoxys's on A1, i'll check this every day for a week for any questions and then i probably won't return again... enjoy
thank you anonymous...
(bows to anonymous..
erects statue in corner of blog....)
seriously thank you, most excellent!!!
call me PokeSpoof and just make a note as to who gave everybody the cheat, and give me the credit for it, my name shud be remembered as the ultimate cheater, lol oj, nyway ny questions just ask, i wonder how long it'll take for this to be on every website about pokemon crater ever made, shud be funny to find out, ive made my own mark here i c...
hi i want a palkia
whats ur p.crater username, i have a palkia, i'll message u and c what pokemon u have
its kazhammer well thats the one my freind let me have not my real one ( my real one is much better)anyway i'll give u a jirchi for it
where do u get a mespirit
:) PokeSpoof is the man, (:
(inscribes statue "PokeSpoof", stands back admires handywork.... nice!)
reckon it'll spread like wildfire!...
(grabs fire-retardant blanket)
...hello anonymous
PokeSpoof, i think it will have spread like wildfire too elderly, i wonder how long it'll be be4 almost every1 who plays the game will know the cheat... lol
the shoal map don't work for me
i want a suicune
Sorry Haven't Been On For So Long... I Was Caught Up With Life.... And Alot Of Anime Watching... Also Any New Pokemon Request Will Be Helped, If I Have It....
hiya Weeeee (elderly waves from afar.....) you were missed, things have quietened down here a bit.... great to see you back.. anime watching is an admirable and understandable distraction....
Blazin' Trainer again...
Still waitin' for a Megnanium...
Anyway if you wanna level up a Regigigas or a normal type legend,
You gotta battle 'traineevee'
Beleive me it's one of the easiest battles I've ever faced!
Just keep on using 'Fire Punch' attack!
I got $3280 and 5999exp. for my Regigigas...
No word of a lie!
P.S. I've got a Megnanium but want a level 100 one!
Please...I'm willing to give away a Dark Registeel or a Ghostly Dratinillic for one!
Oh yes!
And I nearly forgot!
I am sooo desperate for a Entei...
Then I'll have all three legendary dogs!
And thanks to PokeSpoof i have 2 Ho-oh's up for trade!
anyone got a easy training account for a lvl 15 cyndaquil p.s. does anyone know b.t.n. lugia cheat from long ago my user name is doubleturtle if you know either message me for trainer and show me for cheat
hiya, The Elderly.... itz been awhile.... i know... anime is addicting... but whatz new since i was gone?...
Blazin, i'd galdly give you the pokemon but did you want a normal one or s/d/m/g ?....
and double... the account you looking for is.... SoneriC
nice one Blazin Trailer, hope someone here can do the business...
hiya Doubleturtle..:)
thank you oh most venerated one... (bows to Weeeee), not a lot of change here lately... no more fudge cake... bought another kettle!!! same ol ding dong im afraid.. but apart from the blog.. its been a while since i've picked up a game controller.. can't seem to find the time anymore... sad i know
you welcome The Elderly... (bowz politly) talking about game controllerz.... therez a game i can't wait to play... Warriorz Orochi... for Ps2... a pretty good game in my opinon.... just got it a few dayz ago... and got to try it just awhile ago... for a few secondz... guess i'll play more tommorrow... i guess tea will have to do than....
any got a shiny palkia ill trade a ghostly arceous lvl75 for it
weeee thanks for the account name but my cyndaquil had 2 hp left at the end of the battle
Anytime Double... but... better than using a potion right.... when it levelz up more try a different account so it getz more exp...
I leveled up my Meganium to lvl100 AND caught an Entei IN THE SAME DAY!!!
Now my 'most wanted' pokemon is...
the electric type Dratini!
Now I'm usin' orionfire to level up my Infernape,
Oh yeah,that remnds me...
Thanks to whoever recomended orionfire/oriongrass.
Anyway if you want to trade Dratinilic let me know on PokemonCrater.
blazin; i'll trade it for you... if you want it... but tell me your account....
My username IS
Blazin' Trainer
That's why I put it at the top of my comments.
But sorry weeeee,
I got a Dratinilic this mornin' when I logged on.
P.S. I got 2 other accounts named
and 'tommy1luke'
Without the apostraphees (most likely wrong spelling!)
I'm willing to give away any pokemon on them accounts.
Woah! Blazin' You Have Some Neat Pokemon... I'll Live Battle You Sometime, If You Don't Mind....
hi , i'm from uruguay so don't laugh if my english is bad please! wel.. yesterday i found this blog and i almost red it all! i couldn't but i think some day i'll read it all.. anyway.. i just wanted to say this blog is amazing and i want to know something, where can i find lugia? i been looking for this pokemon for a month, i know it's in the water of the grass maps but i want to know where, there's much water and i already looked for lugia in all the maps. if someone can help my i'll be pleasure, really.
hello There Vachis... If You Want A Lugia... I'd Be More Than Happy To Trade You Mine.... Tell Me Your Account Name... And Put A Pokemon Up For Trade....
Ofcourse I wont mind being Live Battled weeeee,
'Cos the other day this guy with just a lvl18 Bulbasaur Live Challenged me,
As you can most likely guess,
His Bulbasaur got whipped instead of my Infernape with a Vine Whip.
I then messaged him saying:
'That's what you get when you challenge me!'
Oh yes!
I remember,
vachis,You're not the only one who wants a Lugia,
My friend said he would give me any pokemon on his trades if i gave him a Lugia!
And vachis,
I caught my first Lugia by going round the rocks on the water/grassland maps.
Happy if this helps!
P.S. soz for the two joined comments!
can any1 give me a high level pokemon for a g/slowpoke and todadile?
Awesome Blazin; I'll See When You're Online And Challenge You Sometime....
Raptor; What Kind Of Pokemon Do You Want?....
Oh Yah... I Think I Said What My Account Was... But I'm Not Sure... If You're Wondering... Than Itz LaO_260
Thatz My Main Account I Have Like 3 More....
i would like a strong ground elec and any level legend for g/slowpoke reg todadile and d/natu
P.S. this is raptor i forgot my pass
Umm... Raptor, I Don't Think There Is A Ground/Electric Type Pokemon... I Maybe Wrong... Also Your Account On PC Is raptormike1 Right?....
lanturn is a water / electric type pokemon if that helps, and i don't think there is an electric / ground type pokemon...
i meant a strong ground and a strong elec and any level legend lol
P.S. rapormike1 is my pc name
hahaha... so it donesn't matter which pokemon you get as long as itz a ground/elec?...
yep thats right
P.S. and possibly any level legend
Today I raised my Electivire to lvl100...
Along with my Magmortar!
but your not having any of them.
P.S. Ive noticed that Gastly,Haunter and Gengar are all imun to headbutt!
I hope this tip helps.
on crater does anyone know what the sixth type is of pokemon
(i really want to know)
Umm... Raptor.. I'll Offer Something Later... So Put A Dark Pokemon Up For Trade....
And... Blazin' If You And Other People Didn't Know... Normal Type Attackz Won't Do Damage To Ghost Type Pokemon... And Vise-Versa....
And.. Anon... I Didn't Get What You Meant But... If I Assumed Right You Meant How Many Typez There Were... And There Are More Than 6 Actually.... Fire, Electric, Water, Ground, Dark, Ghost, Normal, Flying, Ice, Dragon, Rock, Psychic, Grass, Poison, Fighting, Steel, And Bug... I Think Thatz It.... Not Sure Tho... But If You Meant Shiny, Ghostly, Normal, Dark, And Metallic... If You Meant Thoz... Than The New Onez Not Out Yet... And I, Myself Is Not Sure What The New One Is....
Elderly ur great,
I'm curious too
that is to know whats the new type
i guess it'll be released along with the new version, i guess 8th
But i must admit the fact that i'm frustrated with these no good idiots who always want other acct passwords
A msg came to today saying that they need to apgrade my acct so they need my password
Well elderly don't u have anything to say about this and also weeeee
how about u? didn't u got anything similar msgs before
what shud we do with these people...
the one who msg was pokemon-crater.admin
I guess i have power to choose then i'll delete these accts
but i guess its not the acct but the nature of the people that has to change coz they suck big time...
I'm looking for S EEVEEs... I know they appers randomly But is there any particular location where the probability might be high
Help wud be greatly appreciated
Well Anon... My Opinon On Scammerz?... They Really Are A Pain... But Pay No Attention To Them... Herez What I Do Sometimez... I Play ALong With There Gig And Act All Dumb... HAHAHAHA! But Don't Give Out Your Password... About The Shiny Eevee... I'm Sorry.. But I Don't Have Any... It Can Be Found In The Grassy Mapz In The Grassz, I Suppose... But If I Happen To Come Across One... I'll Give It To You... Whatz Your Account by The Way....
Sorry guys for being missing for so long, thanks to all of you for keeping this place so active, it was a nice surprise considering i last posted here about two weeks ago....
(bows in humble gratitude to)
weeeee, doubleturtle, Blazin' Trainer and how could i forget Anonymous
nice to be back..
Hello The Elderly.... How Have You Been?... And Where Did You Go?...
I have come across hackers in my time on P.Crater (ESPECIALLY my cousin who messages me every day!!!!!!!!!)
Very annoying!!!!!!!)but I just tell them to go away
Just ignore them 'cos when this guy called 'Machamp1996' messaged me saying something like 'I want your Mewtwo.'
He had crap (Well sort of crap!) pokemon,
I declined the offer.(It was a lvl9 Krabby.)
So the next day he messaged me back saying 'OMG!!!
I have just caught a Dark Metallic Mewtwo!
Give me your pass so I can get it onto your account AND on mine aswell.
If the pass you give me is fake,then I will hack your account!!'I told him to 'P**s off or else!!!'
I then added him to my Ignore List...
He never bothered me again!
Strange Word Verification)
It was (ijijei)
Hello There......Elderly
Thank god ur back
and weeeee i have a little doubt
that is i caught a S chikorita and to raise it when i try to open traing acct it says error that is no user exist
I tried to open
Badseed , trainchikorita, trainkabuto ,zedjagrass
even i tried to open another acct dusana to test but it too didn't open
none of them opend but i have used them before and where as remaining traing accts like zedjarock, and some of them which i use regularly r working fine apart from the above accts i mentioned
Finalli i used zedjagrasswater to raise it to S Maganium
My doubt is that i thought these traing accts have became old and r being deleted i guess.
so is it true or just my imagination
Anyhow if we dont use an acct and if it is deserted for a long time then is there any chance that they wud be deleted or they just lie there for the rest of thier life(R.I.P)
jeez this thread lenght ain't half reaching record level
hiya weeee... reasons for absence, familial responsibilities.... don't ya just love em!
hiya anonymous, neat way of getting rid of messers... comment verification can act really strangely sometimes.....
i'll make some tea....
Oh.. Anon.. I Checked... And The Accountz Were Deleted I Guess.... Or Maybe Itz Us... But I'm Getting The "Error: No users found for that search criteria." If You Still Want To Level It Up... I'll Try To Make A Account For You To Train It In.... I Use To Have 2 Accountz Back Than... But It Got Deleted Cuz I Wasn't Active In Them... But That Was Yearz Ago... Just Got Back Into The Groove A Few Monthz Ago....
The Elderly... I Agree; Can't Hate'em; So.. Might As Well Love Them... Tea Soundz Nice....
Wow Elderly u're not kidding
Tea soundz nice and it smells great tooo well have a nice cup of tea to refresh thing up a l'le bit
Thanks for checking it out Weeeee
Now that u've mentioned it Is there any chance that the other training accts will be deleted
Then i suppose we must create an alternative for that
so i've started collecting charizards to make my own acct for rock pok and i'm trying my best to replicate all the other accts as much as possible and once i'm dome i'll publish all those here so that every one can have happy training.......
And any how I guess the site is going thru some pretty major changes thats why there is so much of down for maintainance problem well whats ur take on this Weeeee
I'm asking u instead of Elderly coz he's a l'le bzee in drinking tea so i dont want to disturb him
Well then Enjoy ur cup of Tea Elderly and wud u mind sharing it with weeeee coz he's doing all the answering i guess
Anon;; Making Accountz Soundz Very Nice... If You Want Any Help At All... With Pokemon/Money Just Let Me Know... Also Is There Something We Can Call You By?... Like Your Name Or Your Account On PC?... I'm Not Sure Where They Are At With The Maintenance... But On 1 Of My Accountz... I Can't Seem To See What Pokemon I Have For Trade... Or Veiw All Of My Pokemon.... Or Any Of Them... I Haven't Tried To Look For Pokemon In The Account Tho... Maybe Version 8 Is Comming Sooner Than I Thought...
Who dares wake me from my sleep!?!?
Oh it was just weeeee talkin' about V.8
I too hope that V.8 is on its way.. and of the Computer Controlled Battle problem I've noticed of too...Strange?Huh??I really want my Empoleon up to lvl100 before I fight my friend's team in a Live Battle.
And Anonymous,
If you do make a Rock training account,
Could please you make a Water/Ice account for my Empoleon ASAP!!
(I'm basing my Team on Sinnoh 'cos I got Electivire lvl100,
Magmortar lvl100,
Infernape lvl100,
Torterra lvl100,
Empoleon lvl52,
And of the last one...I'm not sure...At the moment I've chosen my Shiny Tryanitar lvl100.)
(Which I'm puttin' up for trade after the fight(HINT--HINT!) if anyone wants it just give me a note on P.Crater.)
Oh yes and I think the 6th type of pokemob will come with V.8 along with NEW POKEMON THEMSELVES!!!
I'm back off to--
--sleep now!
(pours tea for Anonymous and Weeeee)
not alone will i share the tea but!!....
(elderly produces big packet of chocie chip cookies.....)
da da!!!!
thanks guys for keeping this place alive....
Blazin trainer how are ya, didn't see you coming in... here i'll make you a quick pick me up...
Blazin Trainer hello!! oh dear the poor fellas exhausted.....
(elderly tip toes away.....)
Hiya fellow PCers! I just got started playing pokemon craters a month ago and I stumbled on this blog.. Great blog Elderly! very useful indeed..
Blazin' Trainer, u can use 'pmwater' to train ur Empoleon, it has rock/ground types in it
Cheers guys
Hello Everybody...
I've been in poke..crater for around 1 year and like to battle
my team is
D Lugia
S Lugia
D Entie
S Ho-oh
S Arcues
D Mewtwo
I have won all many live battles but then i came accross an acct who calls him self as THE GHOSTLORD
He has only one legend that too is a G Giratina and the remaining pok are all ghosts too
His pok are
G Driflimb
G Shedinja
G Rotom
G Sableye
G spiritomb
G Giratina
I thought its easy win for me but he defeated me with ease only using just 4 of his pok
Even though I challanged him 4 times straight forward
i cudn't even touch his 5th pok in battle
he's cool responds to every msg politely after i lose i even traded with him and he is very good in battle
My ? is he changed all of his pok attacks is it legal to do so
if so how can we get money to buy powerfull attacks
Help me plzzzzzzz
and one more thing
its really embaresing to say this but after battling with him i really lost my love for my pok team that they r not good enough to beat him once even i cudn't sin computer controlled battle with that acct THE GHOSTLORD
plz someone beat him and tell that here so that i can feel relief
Hello Again
sorry for double post
i'm the one who posted the above comments
well i for got mention that
his pok are all Ghosts
that is Ghostly Ghosts
G driflimb (Ghost & Flying)
G Shedinja (Ghost & Bug)
G Rotom (Ghost & Electric)
G Sableye (Ghost & Dark)
G Spiritomb(Ghost & Dark)
G Giratna (Ghost & dragon)
well good luck if u gonna battle this guy u need it
before battle dont do the mistake i did
Plz take a look at his pok attacks
I'll change my pok attacks too but i dont know the money cheat
if some one do plz post it here....
Okay... Anon... Not To Seem Rude; But... Ain't It Obvious That If You Bring ALL Dark Type Pokemon... You Will Easily Defeat The GhostLord... Take It From Me I've Been In Alot Of Live Battle... I Mostly Bring Psychic Type Pokemon... And... This One Time I VSed This One Dude With Just 2 Darkraiz... he Wiped Out 3 Of My Pokemon With 1 Attack... Sweet Eh?... All You Need To Do To Defeat The GhostLord... Is Have At Least 5 Dark Pokemon With The Attack "Dark Pulse" And Use That Attack Every Round; Than Itz A Sure Win.... My Pokemon Team Consist Of:
Dark Metagross
Dark Wooper
Dark Froslass
Dark Sableye
Dark Spiritomb
Dark Camerupt
Itz Not The Best Team... But It Does Givez Me Winz... And I've Been Switching Them Around A Bit... Also I'd Love To Live Battle You Sometime...
Thankz For Tea The Elderly... And Cookiez Soundz Nice...
Blazin; I'm Also Excited For V8.... Hopefully It'll Be Better Than 7... If New Pokemon Comez With V8... It'll Be Even Better...
Anonymous i can well understand you losing interest in your team... but it does look that you were up against it from the start...... Weeeee once again you step up to the mark that would explain anons misfortune....
..this situation calls for pizza and a movie......
ooops forgot the other anonymous, thanks for helping out and your kind comment....
what move we gonna wathch!!! and who likes anchovies?
hey im looking for a low-mid level electric trainer i tried ttkai and a few others but they didnt work
and then i tried zedjaelectric but that is to hard for a level 10
and i have no other pokemon that can kill all the level 100's
if someone could maybe spare me a higher level electric pokemon for me to help train with i would really appreciate that
or maybe help me find a low-mid level electric trainer
thank you
my pokemoncrater id is mitchisnoob
Pizza Soundz Awesome; The Elderly... And I Don't Mind Whatz On The Pizza... What Movie We Gonna Watch?... 8D
mitchisnoob, If You Want I'll Give You A Zapdos Or A Raikou... Whichever You Prefer...
And... I Can Enter My PC Accountz... But I Can't View Any Of My Pokemon... 8/
Is It Just Me Or Is That Happening To You Guyz Too?...
yes me too i can not veiw any of my pokemon :S
and do you think i could have the raikou please and thank you
thanks for helping me out.. this site has helped me out tons.. i had no level 100 pokemon till i can here
i need all type of palkia and i love trade my account is audittt message me
wat the hell!!!
mayb u guys know,
there were some training accounts...
many training accnts just lyk zedja...
these were shadowstorm-poketype-
i was trying to level up my poke with these accnts,
(i tried shadowstormground, electric)
and wat do i find??!!
the pokemons have changed!!
they r not even lvl100s...
nd the electric one has just 2, yes T-W-O pokes!!
as if going down for maintenance more often than they ought to was not enough...
oh yh, btw...
i wud lyk 2 thnk elderly, wolf nd igorchete (for his attack-weakness-chart-thingie) a LOT...
ive been checking this blog for lyk a month now,
but never posted a comment... =)
but then i never did have nethng 2 say,
coz u guys already knew all tht i knewww b4hand,
nd neways most of wat i know now i learnt here...
basically, this is a pokecrater-beginner's paradise
oh, nd my crater accnt is
hey again
i was wondering where/what a good place/trainer to train my
its Ghost and Dragon
well mitchisnoob...
Its obvious that giratina has ancient power and aurasphere
two powerfull attacks
so as for me i have giratina too
i use Zedjarock and Zedjafighting to train my giratina
U might think they r for rock type and fighting type but its the attacks that matter doesn't they
so using ancient power on charizard will give an ultra effect with 520HP flat and the attack of charizard is splash which is a normal attack so it doesn't do any sort of damage atall as giratina is ghost type so
same goes for zedjafighting too
Hope it helps.........
Pizza sounds nice...Is it maccaroni pizza or something else?
You know what?
This site is actually growing on me,
At first it was just the average blogging site.
But now it's 10/10 Top Of The Charts!
My site is like an ANT compared to a 10FT HUMAN!(THE ELDERLY)
It's called
And thanks Anon. for the PMWater account for Empoleon!
I'm still bloody knackered!
I'm gonna catch some more ZzZzs...
dang i havent talked you guys in a looooooong time whats been going on football season made me forget till someone said "i was playing halo on 'xbox' live and they kept killing 'me' 'again' and i thought... xboxmeagain lol fill me in on whats going on
havent talked to you guys in a while... football took my mind off and i looked in my favorites haha whats going on and fill me in
Hello there Elderly.....
Hai there weeeee........
i posted here long before on 6th
I promised to make some accts
and i checked some accts and they r working well for the time being i guess and weeeee u offered ur help saying that u wud help me foy and pok wellthank a lot for that
but i managed some how
i thought that training acct for a low lvl electric pok has been deleted i cudn't find one so i created my own acct
and its called littleshock
hope it help and some other accts r on their way i'm currenlty working on them
so wish me luck guys and
Enjoy ur Pizza
hey guys, its pokespoof agen. i was just wondering, i never gave my account away when i quit, but im willing \to give it away now, the first person to answer "what gets bigger the more you take away?" will get my password for it, ill pm the winner after they told me their account on p. crater, good luck & get ur answers in quick.
Whats ur take on the Homepage news guys....
is this for real or what
elderly why dont u step down to take it over and weeeee whats ur thought on this
can anayone tell me the answerto that quetion a few messages back
oh and can someone tell me
whats the rarest (don't know how to spell rarest) type of legend out of shiny normal dark ghostly or metelic
(again can't spell properly)
ps anyone got a shiny mew i want one
poke crater's shuttin down!!
1st dec, 07...
oh, nd the answer to pokespoof's question...
a hole gets bigger the more u take away from it...
ps...if the answer's rght, im LP_Fr3aK
oh, pokespoof...
if im wrong or if sum1 else answered b4 me,
plz let me know on my crater accnt (LP_Fr3aK)...
the answer cud also b emptiness...
u get the idea, rght?
nd talking spiritually,
love and knowledge expands the more we share it...
(or take away from it)...
i still thnk the answer is
Flash Flash .....
Home page news
pokemon crater is closing on dec 1st so chillout there's no need for accts lols...........
guess some one did posted their concern here already so whats the puzzle or whats the answer dudes
does it matter any more after the site's closed
hope some one pick's it up carries on the good work......
i know its closing...
so thts y i want 2 catch as many as i can...
so it will b a help if i get tht accnt....
Hello Elderly,Wolf,Anon.
Im new to this and I defeated all the elite 4 and i captured;
Shiny slugma,Mew and several shinys
LP_Fr3aK u r right (this is pokespoof)so ill pm u with my password now take gud care of it make use of my other accounts too, lordofthedark, trollinger, they are main ones
sorry guyz.... i got stuck with my job duties again... 8/
well i haven't been on PC lately...
so i'll check it out later....
Anon,elderly,wolf I captured dialga,deoxys,mewtwo,mew and groundon in 1 day
Soz i used your name anon im just not used to this comment form yet.
thnx pokespoof,
but i still hvnt got ur password..
nd u have just 6 pokes in lordofthedark
and 8 in trollinger...
(how can they b ur main accnts?)
this is pokespoof agen, on lordofthedark look on "my pokemon up for trade", and i sent the password to u be4 too
I have a ton of legendaries. does any1 need M Jirachi i will be willing 2 trade it for anotyher legendary
i started on crater a few years ago and no one liked pokemon in my school i kept it quiet for a few years
i was a bit upset, and a year ago i met people who liked pokemon and played crater i started to message every once in a while but after a few weeks we were on it non stop eventully i got my freinds to go on crater they still don't like pokemon but i enjoy messaging them also there is people in france that play, who are my freinds they are very good
just now when my freinds are starting to enjoy pokemon and pokemon crater its closing down
so i'm just saying this i don't think i will go on the computer anymorebecause its closing down and just to say is this thingy conversation still gonna go on i hope it does my freind
goes on this all the time
sos abuot me writting a whole story but i needed to say somet
the end
like my story
by .............................
if u want to know my account say ure account and i will message u on
december the second hopefully.
gen sos bout the story
hi its davo475 again why is it closing? also i have lots of ledgendaries up for trade and ohter pokes with aroung 51000 xp ea
hey guyz... about pokemon crater shutting down?....
where does it say that?....
hi I'm new to this Pokemon game and i was wandering if anyone had any tips for how i could level up my Pokemon faster. my user is krazykilla18
i have a my highest Pokemon is my raichu and its a level 68 and ive been working on it for a couple weeks and i its taking forever to get i up high enough to beat any of the elite 4
hey weeeee.. it's on the main page in the news section.. it says that it's shutting down December 1, 2007
Thankz for telling me dude....
too bad itz closing.... and krazykilla18....
go to memberz on the side and put...
Zedjaelectric for the name....
Battle that account and your Raichu will get strong...
thanx 4 the help weeeee i just posting to tell that i now have a level 100 raichu and a level 100 persian a level 100 charizard and im working on a level 64 toxicroak
so thanx 4 the advise
so here its Blazin' Trainer,
let me on wotz been the gossip around here recently...
i aint been on for so long cos i woz a week behind my broadband bill so sky cut me off for a month!
+ ive figured out this new game calle 'AGE OF WAR'
tpye it in on google and its the top 1.
its amazing
right the basicz are
ur a caveman,
then u evolve into the knights,
the the wild west (yeehah!),
then ur the modern day military then finnaly,
u evolve into these futuristic dudez who have massive swords and lazer gunz even hovering war tankz!
giv it a go!
pokemon crater is officially dead... so sad :(
yall is the crater game ever coming back
wat so crater never coming bac again forever ithought i were just my laptop first so i checked n all but now i know so bad
well yeh its shut down but try this new website called pokedox type it in on google and go on it, where most of the pokemon crater players are goin now and is rumored to be run by Mr_Hobo too, try it, pokemon crater was never gunna last i spsoe, u get sick of it after doin the same thing over and over agen time after time...
no hay pokemon crater por que no hay estoy esperando mi cuenta esta lleno de legendarios fuertes
vendo legendarios
avisadme cuando viene pokemon crater necesito jugar rapido avisadme a mi correo
im so addict i want pokemon crater 2 return if dis continues i will die im begging u plssssssssssssssssssssssss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what do u actually do on pokedox
i really can't belive craters sut down
bum bum bum...........
did anyone have a shiny mew i really wanted 1 i caught every legend in normal
i really wanted a shiny mew (sob sob sob)
too bad it shut down... 8/
i had a shiny mew...
and also a training bot which is useless now....
too bad... such a loss....
when will pokedox be able to play?... everytime i go itz under construction...
hey everyone I am a player of pokemon crater blah blah and I must warn you my dear friends:
pokemon_crater_cheat_bot@hotmail.co.uk is a complete hacker, he hacked my best acc and then found out my other acc's DON'T TRUST HIM!
and btw legend, your tips are helpful (yours too wolf) *salutes to both*
Elderly,Wolf etc.etc.: don't trust what you hear about v8, it's just another hack/scam for all the innocent folks, make sure you check with the original website first so you can be sure and thanks for all the tips Wolf & Elderly {salutes}
Pokemoncrater shut down? Aw man, I had so many shinies... I never knew it shut down, I always tried to go on and it wouldn't let me. NOW I know why.
That sucks big time.
that reely sucks that they shut it down i had so many pokemon
oh ma daise why do thay have to shut it down man das gay
day better put it on again because we all liked it init and i had all da legenerys lv100,and some were shiny so day had 500hp.
and all da crapy pokemon i had were lv100.
if day do day better give us all da pokemon we had back init.
if day don't yh der battys guy's
and wast men.
i know das right slica
hi guys two things i really liked playing p c and i stoped to play runescape (does anyone play on here?) and when i came back it was shut down im sorry 4 my language but wtf!!! can someone tell me y and elderly can u tell me?
i think the host of the site left to pursue life goalz.....
o that sucks is it gonna come back on? and btw (this is mrgoodbar my computer was being dumb)
i don't think it is.... but i think someonez gonna make a site similar to PC.... i'm not sure if itz up or not though....
pokedox.com also check out the forumz http://www.forums.pokedox.com/
hiya, POKEMON CRATER V8 IS COMING ON 29 JANUARY 2008 EVERYBODY! enyway, once it is bak take a look at my teem! ive got over 15 level 100 legendaries, including entei, mewtwo, ghostly regigigas, ghostly dratinire, all the other regis, deoxys, suicune, groudon, heatran and nloads more! my username is master No.99 by the way :-) p.s i can bt eny of u at a live battle!
When i go to www.pokemoncrater.com how come it says server not avalible, did the website get terminatied or something, if anyone knows the answer, please email me at MSN. my hot mail is goonzuking@hotmail.com
Hey whats up guy's it -Sonic and i was wondering if you guys know any other pokemon games thats online?
since pokemon crater is upgrading it's kinda boring now.
how do u know it is comming back it probly won't
(i hope it will come back 29th january i'll check)
i just heard about it alittle way ago and i have to wait for it to be done upgrading and im dieing to play
i dont know about everyone else, but it says for me on that pokedox it is site under construction still, so how can u know how good it is?
Go pokemon!!!
well, i tried googling pc today and i can't even find the old cache file that had aaron's last post, oh and by the way, this is Shadowstormnotshadow, i miss having my close to 100 mil g dialga XD
it was fun being in the top 25 for a couple days and then from that point til the site shut down being in the top 40... if the site comes back, it'll probably be restarted account-wise because aaron'd have to do too much coding... but i doubt it would come back because why update to v8 when v7 came out only 4 months ago roughly... I've been waiting on pokedox for a while now...hobo better get it done soon before the forums start rioting... so until pokedox is done i am going to be hacking pokemon emerald and adding the johto maps and a story involving the 3 dogs taking over johto and some other stuff...
Hello rumor has it that pokemon crater is coming back jan28-feb12 this is nothing more then a rumor because i have looked very hard but can't find any proof to this as for why it got closed in the first place the owner of the site was going to college and couldn't keep the site up. I hope it will come back but because there is no real proof to this it may and it may not so lets just all hope it does.
Blazin' Trainer bak in da house!
Who missed me?
Oh right...no-one.
anyway i heard the rumor too BUT my friend sed that he made a coment saying its cumin back but he dont belive it.
No seriously,
Who missed me?
Well, its 8/29/08, wheres pokemon crater?
i checked and it not back
face it everyone it not cumming back
sob sob
i wanted a shiny mew
hey how do u play the game
hi when is it opening rune scape is [ok] add mee im killer marwa and i love poke mon crater and i meen love it.
guess itz not up... just rumorz huh....
Can anyone tell what happen to POKEMON CRATER?
please inform me if its back..
Ok here is the deal to stop it all the rumor that pokemon crater was coming back was just that a rumor in the owners last post on the forum he said he was going to keep the domain name which is true he did and that he wasnt going to let anyone else run pokemon crater and the reason it closed was because he is busy with college ect. and cant afford to keep paying for site hosting by now every pokemon crater fan has heard the rumor and got there hopes up and im very anoyed such rumors where spread but even more anoyed that the owner didnt leave the forum open for people to figure out all the information they needed.
hi guy's can someone tell me what's happening in pokemon crater and can you inform me,,,, tnx to all GOD BLESS i wish that the pokemon crater come's back,,,
i what to play the pokemon crater because i'm a pokemon maniac and i want to catch all the pokemon (-.-) pokeball go!!!
sorry for being wierd guy's but i relly relly want to play pokemon crater pls inform me tnx....
the guy who ran pokemon crater graduated from college and has decided to better things in his life eg. shut down pokemon crater
C'mon everyone,
it's 10 Februrary,
Pokemon Crater ain't comin' back,
Aww man,
I really didn't want to say that,
but nonetheless,
It could still come back...
5% out of 100% tho.
I still hope it comes back,
Me n my friend anonymous...(not mentionin his name) need to play on
we used to play on it every single when we got home from school.
(dunno why...we lived in the same cul-di-sak.
Please come back pokemon crater!!!
I am nothing without pokemon crater please come back to where you once were.
Once I had no clue Pokemon Crater existed till one day my Friend Andrew told me abuot pokemon crater.Then I pretended I had my own acount. So after I got home I tried it out.It was awesome.And ever since,I loved pokemon crater online but now Im heartbroken to see Pokemon crater dissapper.Every day I would try to see if it worked but all I got was a bunch of crap and garbage.
Losers bother me on pokemon crater.
It's so annoying to see those hobo's trying to get me to trade my Dark Arceus.
Pokemon Crater come back and get those NERDS of this site.
All these kids give me no respect. SOOO
I always put anyone who begs me to trade my Dark Arceus on my ignore list.
HEAR THAT you stupid people.
And also you are so easy to beat The
hahaha... darn;;
WAAAH, this ain't fair. I love pokemon crater...so what's the deal with this pokedox thing? Will it be like PC?? I want to play a pokemon game like PC, but PC is dead, and ...well you know the story. =p
Hey dudes I've stated up a site about Steelix...When i'm more thru it I will give u the site all u Steelix loverz!
This is my site
Just click on my name and go to my site,
Just click on my name and venture into the world of King Steelix!!!
hi, pkcrater shut down...
i found a great rpg ( if you have high speed internet!
it is:
my username is cutcat.
I know what happened V8 will be comeing out in Dec. 1st
dar998@yahoo.com knows what happened e-mail me
can any one send me the details why the www.pokemoncrater.com has been banned
can anyone send me the details where can i play the game of pokemon.....in my id cutechikky2000@gmail.com...
Pokemoncrater.com shut down cause too many people were hacking with cheat engine ( http://cheatengine.org/ to get it).
You could go to http://www.pokemonindigo.com/ to play a great new Pokemon RPG ! My neighbor created it! Hope you like it! My username is cutcat, so send a message to me on pokemon indigo if you need help!
Other pokemon RPG's:
http://tppcrpg.net/ Nitendo created it!)
http://pokemonblack.com/ (too old but still up)
I have my own site...
it is http://celebi.wetpaint.com/
and http://modernpokemonfanclub.piczo.com
how do i play the game pokemon crater v7?
can i use the same account for v7 as the one i used for v6?- if yes(question below)
would it keep all my data from v6 or do i have to start over?
Diggy Gogz!
Sorry I havnt been on for a while been buzy!
Anyone been on my Steelis site?
So whats been goin' on here while I havnt been on?
Try Sherwood RPG Game
Type in ' sherwood ' on Google and it's the top one...hope you like it!
My name on it is 'ForeverKing '
I love king stellix! Also see my piczo site: Click Here. I had recently catched a lugia in Pokemon Indigo
if this is the pokemon crater page i thout you shoud know it is...
BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a freind found it but in the exsitement forgot to write down the site:( we are curently looking for it and also when you find it please contact me on pokemon crater at himinee i will be cheaking back in case you guy find it. see you later:)
About Pokemon Crater
In this game you can catch and train your own Pokemon, earn badges, and battle other players. Note: The original Pokemon Crater is currently offline. No word on whether it will come back.
For an RPG with pets, magic and skills, try Adventure Quest. - www.battleon.com -You will love it!
For a perfect like-pokemon-crater rpg visit -www.pokemonindigo.com -
For a Pokemon fan site, visit my site http://www.modernpokemonfanclub.piczo.com/
the pokemon crater game..................it's offline! who could have done such a thing? also...if it ever comes back online...I have some cheats. if you want to train really fast, then keep clicking on the button to battle as many times as you want. then if u win, you get the normal exp. times how many times you clicked on it! good luck...
wat is this pokemon crater game everyone is always talkin about? and wat is the website for it?
hi guys just wondering wat website is the v5.0 pokemon crater
welll all i can say is that all them tips are amazin but i still cant find pokemon crater???????
can somone tell me the address plz
wolf will know plz tel me thnx
Can anybody tell me where is the new pokemoncrater website pls tell me my e-mail: PRINCEmsj33@yahoo.com
hey every one. this isbadboy95 and i am back in action. sory elderly gamer but my acount got hacked in and the new sit for pokemon crater is
Too bad it died... I REALLY liked that website!!
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