Saturday, May 27, 2006

Gamer Tattoos #5

top to bottom
Ye old commodore logo from geektatoos
Umbrella logo from leons on gamespot
Zelda Back tatoo from hot dancer

elderly tags


Anonymous said...

Wow, they must really love their games!

Unknown said...

Been toying with the idea of getting a black jaguar on my arm for the last 20+ years. Still too chicken.

Anonymous said...

I wont let myself get a tat, as much as I always change my mind about my artwork I would probably change my mind the next day after getting inked...

Unknown said...

true, it's not like it'll wash off.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Commodore!

Unknown said...


fatherkrishna said...

The zelda one is great! Go on gnome get one... I've got five. admittedly I hate one of them, but i'm getting a cover up specialist to turn it into something wonderful. Will get the Dreamcast swirl at some point definitely. deitrix ANY of your stuff would make a great tatoo...

Unknown said...

The oblivion logo was a workable obsession for a while, the zelda logo is beatiful work, but a full back panel.... i dunno,