(Winning Eleven 10 in Japan) due out 27th October in Europe, and January 2007 in US.
Next gen graphics, upgrade AI, refined shooting system (plus more snap shots), re-jigged volley and half-volley, new feints, backward dribbling and yes Clubs from major leagues will appear with their real name. Eurogamer (lucky sods) have had a hands-on look, and a very good hands-on look it is, yes indeedy.
Eurogamer Hands on Preview
Eurgamer Review Ps2 vs Xbox 360 versions
Clickable inkies
pro evolution soccer 6 pes6 winning eleven xbox 360 preview
Soccer Pah! Give me footbal anyday. Europe can keep that to themselves.
It's called football. What you call football is played using your hands. And it's an overly safe version of rugby. Pah!
(just love disagreeing with you dear timerunner... You know... spice things up)
Now, Elderly dear... do you think we'll ever see a PES on Wii?
Pes on the Wii, but of course.. pah! the potentially greatest gaming machine on the planet, without PES? pah!
timerunner I guess it's what you grow up with...... although don't look over your shoulder, It is estimated that 8 million Americans play soccer competively....
(understands the gnome readily but wonders how he escaped the masking tape)
NIcer? Safer? A game about a bunch of big, beefy, burley boys trying to beat the crap out of eachother just to score big points and that's considered safer than ruby?!?!
Atleast with my game we get up there in the double digit points unlike your game. shacused!!!
(hides masking tape.... conceals scissors.....)
i'll just make us all a nice cup of tea...... now make sure none of you break anything when i'm gone.....
(elderly adjusts his basketball plaque and leaves to put on the kettle..)
(Gnomes addresses everyone telepathetically)
Steroid users are worse than pirates.
(gnome stfu)
.....who said that......?
Gnome did!
...what the ff.... who said that?
Gnome said it!
But performance enhancing drugs make the game all the more dangerous. See my point...
ahh perfomance enhancement drugs... kinda hard playing afterwards though i woulda thought... unless i've got the wrong drugs in mind..... in fact i must have....
Timerunner did you hear someone talkig when you walked in here... only i've been hearing these strange voices in all day... maybe a blood sugar level thingy....
Look! Gnome's high n performance enhancing drugs! He's all Shakespearean now!
....damn it must be time for an ear syringe again.. I coulda sworn i heard Gnome.... quite clearly.....
there you are!! the strangest things been happening, i've been hearing your voice in my head all day..... you haven't been using telepathy by any chance have you?
Who? Gnome?
yeah, Gnome... .er! you!
you haven't been using telepathy now have you?....
No, I never actually did use such words (or methods)...
thank heavens!!.... it's just a simple possession by voices.... i was worried.. .... okay then light the candles we'll do a quick exorcisme before the evening news......
american football is for mincers! they wear padding!!! rugby is much more of a mans sport!
Gnome and Elderly sit nodding in agreement.... .yep mighn't know your name but we know your right....
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