As part of a classified strike team created to deal with threats no one else can handle, your mission is simple: Eliminate the intruders at any cost. Determine the origin of the signal. And contain the crisis before it spirals out of control. Set for release Oct31st US and Nov1st in Europe
So how did the PC/Xbox360 conversion go, I'll give you a clue, it's won an award
IGN Xbox360 Fear Review
screenshots from teamxbox
Official Website
thanks to Deitrix for the heads up!

Dare I let my TV, instead of my PC, scare the crap out of me?
I think I'll go hide behind the sofa again.
Some of the scariest moments of my life have been spent on my pc, malware, virus, system shutdowns..... FEAR is a kids cartoon compared to those heart stopping moments....
I have not decided if this is one I will buy yet...? Im getting Gears and Rainbow6 in less than 2 weeks... Plus Call of Duty 3 is looking amazing! Think I will hold off for a while....
Be afraid, Be very afraid.
So long as this game wasn't made by Valve or published by Sierra. I think I'll give it a try.
Oh, and FEAR, going for the elusive "atmosphere" element, is much more interesting than the average -even generic- WW2 shooter...
(covers sierra log.....) ahem!
Gears of War is a definite, i've had too many rainbow 6 adventures, and I still have to stop my jaw dropping every time i pick up the Call of Duty but FEAR as Gnome has said has the added "ummph!" embellishment....
My thoughts exactly...
...telepathy, no stress!
Indeed. That games gives a different angle to the 3rd person perspective. The story has that supernatural flair to it like that of Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
Yet it has a style all it's own. I wish I could try it out. Perhaps when I win the lottery (finally puts the sierra rant to a close)
..phew! (takes his hand away from the sierra log....)
I was getting cramps......
fear and first person shooter, kinda worked for doom, but Doom wasn't that scary..... as excited about this as Gears of war.... we will see....
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