Scoring a tension relieving 90% from just 4 reviews on metacritic.com
The story is eons better than the past games in both presentation and writing
Improvements in level design, AI, gameplay mechanics and storyline.
Rupturing quality and oozing tension, stealth gaming of the highest calibre.
Leaves you pondering every choice you make
Least amazing Splinter Cell yet, but the gutsiest in the chances it takes
Mercs Vs. Spies mode is good fun and will prove it on Xbox Live.
Splinter Cell Double Agent Achievements List from 1up
Review from IGN
Official Splinter Cell Megasite
none available yet!
Deitrix overview:
In my eyes this is not the next-gen of Sam Fisher!! Im thinking that will be Splinter Cell 5 made only for the 360! Still a top game and even tho the graphics are a mixed bag, they are still close to the best out there.. well some of them I should say..? Take the first mission and look at the clouds- a 3rd grader could paint ones more real than that... If it wasnt made for multi-platforms it would be a total different game I believe. I still believe its one to buy. Keep in mind Im playing on an HDTV, so that probably makes a big difference graphic wise...
My score is around an 8.5 - 8.9!
Read Deitrix's full review in the comments section... it may just change your mind on a purchase.
Trivia source Wikipedia
Splinter Cell, as a brand, is owned by Tom Clancy's company, Rubicon, and is licensed to Ubisoft to make the games. The characters of the game, as well as "Third Echelon" itself, were created by Ubisoft writer J.T. Petty.
Originally, Tom Clancy rejected the idea of Sam Fisher having trifocal goggles, stating that goggles with both thermal vision and night vision are impossible to make. The creators argued that having two separate sets of goggles would make for awkward gameplay and convinced Clancy to allow it.
Unlike most present-day video games, Splinter Cell only uses motion capture technology for other characters - all of Sam Fisher's moves are animated by hand. The creators felt this would give Sam a more "fluid" range of motion. The cooperative Third Echelon player agents are also given the same direction as well.
Games bearing the Tom Clancy name, including Splinter Cell, must receive approval from Clancy himself to earn his endorsement. Some of the aspects of games that he looks for include realistic weapons, military tactics, and health systems for the game's characters.

Splinter Cell... Sam Fisher...
Funny stuff Gnome!
Thanks for the reviews!!! I just got the game and will play it tonight, all night at that!!
The game critics seem to be pretty hard on this game from what I've read so far..?? As for the reader reviews its scoring almost straight 9's & 10's... Most of them cant believe some of the low scores its getting..?
I will post my review tomorrow back here... are you getting this one?
Another reason why I need to buy a Xbox 360 right now.
Indeed Gamer C!
1 hour and I will be home playing this..!! bout freakin' time!!
I've been sittin' at work here reading the manual, not much has changed as far as his basic moves, about the same buttons as on the last one...
Eeks! egad.... a prison toy.... I ain't washing for a week..
Ahh yes i know that feeling, work and a prized new game purchase and all i can get my hands on is the game manual.. time to develop a tickly cough methinks.....
and yes indeed time indeed for a 360, Gamer C, though I haven't played with the ittle white console for over a week now, which is worrying.....
I saw the hype for the SC games before hand.
Even bought the first game.
I didn't get it too well.
I'll wait for this version, espiecally since it's on Xbox360
Elderly when is this game coming to your area? -or when are you going to get it..?
Just was going to chat about some things in the game, but wanted to wait till you played the first level or 2...
Indeed Timerunner, I sailed through the first, got bogged down in the second, didnt' buy the third, but this appears to have all the right ingredients.
the game should be in store this weekend, but i've still got a sizeable portion of dead rising, magna carta on ps2 and an unplayed copy of aeon flux to wade through yet, plus a bank balance thats particularily low, if i'm to play Santa again this year.....
how good are the graphics? how difficult is the gameplay? fire ahead if you want to outline your first impressions i'll skip over any spoilers.....
Guess I'll just smile and leave :)
^^^ hehe he...
Be back later to discuss the game!! Have to pretend Im working for a while....
(comes back into room with a tray of tea and biscuits.....)
wher'd everyone go? we're really going to have to co-ordinate things a lot better..... a pot of tea gone to waste.. just think all those tea pickers toiling away.... for nought... just have to drink it myself......
Gnome rushes in, gets the pot -uh, the tea pot-, rushes out)
phew! thank Gnome my bladder couldn't a handled a full pot...
(gnome passing by)
I know... Always looking out for you Mr. Elderly...
(gnome just passed by)
(becomes dizzy watching Gnome enter and leave.....)
indeed the support is much appereciated ..... but Gnome you must sit down, i'm getting tired just looking at you.... what are you doing anyway......
Nothing really.
(gnome sits)
..but....(scratches head....) right well seeing as your here and you've had a cup of tea..... erm what do we do next....
(checks watch)
too early for tequila.....
Ok... whatever that is, it's fine by me...
My score is around an 8.5 - 8.9!
In my eyes this is not the next-gen of Sam Fisher!! Im thinking that will be Splinter Cell 5 made only for the 360!
Still a top game and even tho the graphics are a mixed bag, they are still close to the best out there.. well some of them I should say..? Take the first mission and look at the clouds- a 3rd grader could paint ones more real than that... If it wasnt made for multi-platforms it would be a total different game I believe.
I still believe its one to buy. Keep in mind Im playing on an HDTV, so that probably makes a big difference graphic wise...
Here is some good discussions I found about the game.
places plastic circular discs on table and tiny yellow cup in middle... okay Gnome your go...
what HDTV!...... Deitrix has a HDTV?
(grabs 360 game collection and the back of Gnomes shirt....) okay we're heading over to Deitrix's... .damn HDTV.... wow!.... that's this evening sorted....
Deitrix would it be okay to post your most excellent game overview as a esteemed readers review on the above post...please ...pretty please... with cherries on it!
Sure, go right ahead!
Grab Gnome and get over here then! By the time you get here all the great games will be waiting..!
Bring along your 360 as well and we can link up...
Thanks Deitrix see above.... we could be a little while, Gnome is refusing to budge..... or have you been using the superglue again?
Why do I have to go through all this? really...
well if you insist I can leave you here playing tiddlywinks on your own... but that would be just sad...
a 5 hours flight and a 8 hour bus journey, a couple of marathon gaming sessions on a hdtv, hell we'll be back in time for tea...... whadda you say?
Hmmm.... got a deaadline really... Don't care much for airtravel either... And bus? That's soooooo 20th century...
Uhm.. ok.
excellent..... now does anyone know where deitrix's house is? (checks google map.......) hell there cant' be that many Deitrixes in the phone book.........
So if I ever decided to take some vacation and fly over, could you put me up for a week..? I dout my bosses would know I was gone.. Plus how far are you from Gnome?? Is it drivable distance..?
That would be a nice getaway.. I've heard your rivers flow with Guiness too! If thats the case I might take an inner tube on over..
Ok back to buissness! Im 3/4 thru this game I believe..? -and now my ranking has gone to a whopping 8.0!
I will review later...
Gnome and I live so far apart as to be practically bipolar......however we're refilling the rivers with Guinness, but i would suggest a intravenous drip to avoid any danger of drowning, and just what sort of bosses do you have.....? if any... hell that sounds like one sweet job... you do get paid for it i presume?
This is my wonderful place of employment..!
Im sure we have a company close to your location as well..? ?
I have great bosses that are pretty laid back!! As long as I get my work done I can then do my own stuff, like being here or doing some sketching... I never do any big art projects at work cause my work computer has limited ram and I only like to bring my small drawing tablet to work....
Just depends on the day..? Its a pretty good deal, but I had to do the crap work in the earlier years with the company before this point of course...
Well getting ready to go there now... aahhh poop! Atleast its Friday- talk to u soon.
Rent this game, dont buy it!!
Im on the last levels of the game and I dont even care to finish it...
Ever who said the AI was good in this game was crazy!! The AI is retarded.
In Kinshasa I found that alot of the AI actually respawns right in front of you... Splinter Cell has never had respawns!! Why now with next-gen..? They dont stop coming- I took out 50 guys in different areas and they keep popping back and doing the same thing the last guy did... standing there like he's on crack!
Another thing I noticed badly is that the levels are split up into rooms I should say... So if your in one "room" of the level and take out the bad guys and can see more bad guys in a different room or area of the game they will not completely activate till you come in there area- so, what Im saying is you can take them all out without triggering an alarm or even having them come after you... This happens in alot of areas in the game if you look for them!
EXAMPLE: First level you have to crawl through a fan to get inside the warehouse- Well if you do not crawl through right away and use your scope to look inside you can spot a few guys and even take them out without anybody having a clue.. Even if you miss 10 times they will never catch on because you havent entered that section of the game... The same with lights- you can shoot them out from outside the fan and everyone else continues to smoke crack!
Once you crawl through, nobody acts the wiser about you shooting up the place.. I have found this can be done in lots of different levels, If you look for them!
Another big deal is Sam can put his back against a wall at a doorway. When an NPC comes thru, Sam can reach out and grab him without any problems.. Well the only problem is you can take out a whole level of NPC's just by sitting in the same doorways. Once you grab one and knock him out another might notice somethings up..duh' So he wonders your way smokin' his crack pipe and you grab him just like the last- they never see you in the doorway even though your shoulder sticks out half way... You can do this as long as you can get the NPC's attention! I have taken out levels of guys by doing this and then Sam could actually stand upright and walk to his next destination with out any worries.... I could go on about the AI, but thats enough! Im sick of reminding myself.
Some more- Ok, well another thing is bad clipping issues and animations- pop a hole into a gas tank and Sams knife does not even stick inside the can, magic? I dout it! Lots of littles like that.
Sam gets stuck in the middle of nowhere all the time, or atleast 1 or 2 places a level. You have to jump run and mash buttons if your lucky to get unstuck without having to reboot!
I found a hand full of perfect walls that Sam cannot put his back against either... Which gets frustrating at times when trying to sneak!!!
The trust system has been smokin' crack as well... You can basically kill innocent people on one level and loose trust, then on the next level sneak around and look up some files to earn it back! Sounds fair to me!!!
Unlocking weapons is not a big deal, I've unlocked them all and still only use my begining gear most of the time... Plus the last unlockable is better Night vision that you only get to use maybe 2 times in the game...
Ok thats enough bIOtching for now, but I believe there was plenty of reason too! The rest you can see for yourself when you play it...
Let me know what you think when you do..?
jeez deitrix thats an incredible review, why the hell you dont' run your own games site is beyond me. Needless to say I would love to post this with your permission of course.. unforgiveable gaffs, such bad clipping suggest a rush job... hell a rental it is then... convinced...
you work location is impressive..... do they employee old people? which i had a boss like that.... sniff!... yes boss i'll be with you in a second... pardon me got to kiss my bosses shoes now......
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