Limited edition prepainted pvc figure from the artistry of Monsieur Bome, Kasumi a character from the Dead or Alive Game series by Tecmo, also known as "the Kunoichi of Destiny".
Kasumi is a female ninja skilled in the Mugen Tenshin Style of Ninjutsu. She was to become the 18th Master of the Mugen Tenshin Ninja Clan, but ran away in order to enter the "Dead or Alive" tournament. There, she hoped to defeat the one responsible for crippling her brother. But, by leaving the secretive ninja clan, she became a nukenin (runaway shinobi), so every day she must live on the run from her former comrades. This figure depicts the fiery Kasumi in her signature stance, complete with her wakizashi blade on her back.
White version on Rendered Beauty
all "kasumi" posts on Rendered Beauty
Available from Play-Asia.com

Definitely unpetable if you ask me...
she may be a bit "stand offish" but i've seen you melt snow covered mountain tops........ it's only an itsy bitsy razor sharp samurai sword.... I mean what have you got to lose?
My extremely precious toes.
Thats one of those outfits you pull one string and they all come un-done..!
What would we ever do with out them??
....toes? but your wearing steel tipped miner boots.... oh! I see toes are an analogy...
....may i remind Deitrix, she does have a katana.....but indeed what would we do without erm! ....such outfits....
Nope.. neither an analogy nor a metaphor old friend. I mean my toes.
Deitrix... I wouldnt pull that string...
After Elderly told me you ate the LAST of my BIRTHDAY CAKE, how can you even see your little toes...
... and Im pullin' that blasted string!!!
I would help you lord willing. She looked excellent in black but this outfit almost goes up against Li Fang's Black number in DOA Ultimate.
Can't..decide...May I pet her...
(checks statutory legislation on string pulling, blogger policy on petting, references article on toe amputations, and deciphers ancient scrolls on female Samurai... with swords..........stretches arms out....)
okay we need to back away slowly...head towards the door, don't pull anything, keep your shoes and socks on and for god sake don't anybody touch her......
(gnome follows elderly's advice, but can't help trying to *swiftly* take a photo of the lady)
(too late elderly spots Gnomes camera..... )
click!...swish!.......Ketannnngg!... swish! click!
(Kasumi's blade no sooner unsheated is back in it's scabard..... Gnomes camera has been neatly severed in half... .)
..... oh dear!
feck... i hope it wasn't expensive.... i'm terribly sorry, but i did warn you...... here maybe we can tape it back together.....
Nah... No need to... I still have the mobile phne camera...
(click, click)
No Gnome..........she's a licensed game character you can't....!
(elderly covers his eyes)
(Kasumi starts posing for the grinning Gnome....)
I don't get it!!! how come...!
your phones not Japanese is it?
Well it sounds Japanese... But, it doesn't really matter, they all are such attention whores... Pah! Them game characters... always afraid they 'll end up like Horace...
careful she understands. engl....
click!...swish!.......Ketannnngg!... swish! click!
Gnomes camera is intact......but
What? What did the little bitch do to you?
Perhaps she might have to face a true ninja!
(as the once calm and peaceful elderly sittingroom... bristles with tension.... elderly checks his vitals...)
Gnome I'm fine, I think she was just warning us... like we really should show her some respect... after all she's stayed longer than any other female on this site........
please gnome, for all that's holy... step down...
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