Originally muted as Ps3 launch bonus, Bethesda have confirmed the faction plugin will also be available for us Xbox360'ers on Xboxmarketplace. Whereas all the plugins to date will be available as a pc add-on for $19 no price has been muted for the separate Knights of the Nine plugin. Image from Ps3 screenshot on Official Website. Expected Release Date November 21st. Thanks to Deitrix and his eagle eyes for the heads up.
Knights of the Nine adds 11 new quests (not all immediately available)
8 new places, and in addition the Chapel of Anvil is ruined, Gauntlets of the Crusdaer appear in the corner Chapel in Chorrol and Lord Vlindrel's tomb and wraith are added to Underpall Cave.
Oblivion Knights of the Nine Walkthrough on Uesp.net
Planet Elderscrolls Walkthrough by Alienslof and APY
Walkthrough Thread on xbox forums
UHS hints (pop ups, hints only)
Shivering Isles Preview
IGN for the full story on the plugin

I still havent given Oblivion a try yet, but if I did it would be for PC...
^^^ WHAT!!!
Get with the program Ross!
Let me know if you ever download this... The armor is said to be pretty powerful, that you get from the quest!
mods....that's what i miss, jeez the fun i had with morrowind i evenspent a while redrawing the clothes, oblivion with mods would be awe inspiring.....
modding.....sadly lacking on the 360
..will do Deitrix, got to get myself back to Oblivion soon........
Well, and putting modding and mods aside, consoles to seem to be a bit low on freebies... Oh, and seems Wii games (third party ones) will cost 50-60 euros. Ridiculous.
feck 50-60 heck thats outrageous.... so much for the feel good factor...... new my bubble had to burst, it was all too good to be true.....
And consoles...are devoid of worthy freebies....
Checked it! rest of Europe only pays 45 euros. Only we cretins get sodomized... Serves us right...
...what? Greek gamers pay more than the rest of Europe? that's preposterous... whose your minister for game sales..
Uhmmmm... uh... ehhh... gues the ..err... trade ministry guy?
Still, preposterous, and rather pointless in the age of online sales... Silly cretins...
...pretty futile considering prices online..... apparent game retailers aren't part of the inner circle....
A wise remark tht my friend...
..we must be careful...the walls have ears you know......
And the ears have walls... Ah, those old anarchist bits of wisdom... Gotta love 'em.
..Tried and tested.... one.... tested one..two... tested.. one...
And ah one, two, three, four...
dum doom dumdumd pom pomo tsk tdjr
geez me ears...... try keep it away from the speakers......
......ouch!..... and your beard!!
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