Friday, March 31, 2006
Bullet Witch (xbox360)
A desperate fight between man, who is on the verge of extinction, and demons.
You play as a witch named Alicia, following a "Homicidal virus, leaving 320 million people dead" "Humanity's dusk is coming" (?)
A witch with a broom shaped gun (?)
On-site screenshots don't inspire confidence and you'll need a magnifying glass to see them plus the trailer is practically unwatchable due to lag, but the ever resourceful smelly old person has found the following 13mb downloadable copy on xboxyde (applause!)
It's early days (I hope)
elderly tags xbox360 xbox 360 bullet witch official website trailer Japan
LOTR Battle for Middle Earth 2 (Xbox360 )
What an enormous title and judging from the images we hope an enormous game.
Latest screenshots from Oh sure IGN, ..........who else?
Official PC site with game art featured above
elderly tags xbox360 lotr middle earth 2 Lord of the rings screenshots website game art
Guilty Gear XX Slash (ps2)
Coming soon (in Japan, that is, but no doubt available from an import store near you real soon),
lick image for sull fized ticpure
(.........bloody false teeth)
Character art
Official Website
elderly tags ps2 guilty gear xx slash character art
Halo 3 for March 2007
Full Story IGN
elderly tags halo3 halo 3 xbox360 xbox bungie release date
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Shinobi: Heart under Blade, the Movie
Directed by Shimoyama Ten, the dazzling 2005 film Shinobi centers on the drama resulting from the war between two ninja clans in the early part of the Tokugawa era. Ninja-fied Romeo and Juliet with breathtaking cinematography.
"Tak Sakaguchi's Yashamaru shoots razor wire cables from his flowing sleeves, wires he can use either to sever limbs or launch himself from place to place. There's the shape shifter, the feral beast, the poison woman, knives attached to chains, metallic claws, flying needles, spinning discs, all manner of mayhem. Each shinobi has a very specific skill and each of those skills are put to excellent use at different points throughout the film. The action sequences are plentiful, very well choreographed, and perfectly executed."
Now licensed for Western Release
Full Review from Twitch
Official Website
embedded flash movie (low res)
elderly tags shinobi heart under blade review trailer dvd wallpaper
Fantasy Art #2
A selection from the talent of Kari Christensen
who began graphic art work in the games industry in 1993 contributing to titles from Activision, Interactive Magic and Warhammer 40k trading cards.
Top to bottom Assasin Queen, Prayer Dragon.
elderly tags fantasy art graphic artist
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Contra arcade lest we forget
Full story on Kotaku
Well if proof were needed that despite the ginormous shift in game graphics, game marketing hasn't changed drastically since 1987. The poster above advertised Konami's Arcade hit Contra Irresistible force, The player controls a commando battling waves of enemies including humans, machines, mutants and aliens to reach his ultimate goal.
Much of the game's popularity came from its two-player simultaneous gameplay which was an uncommon feature in video games at the time of Contra's release.
Better still is that all these years later, the spirit of Contra is still alive an kicking. Visit innit.ukgamer for the detail. (Image click for larger yoda might say)
footnote: How the model got into the gaming arcade wearing two grenades and a disembowler is unclear!, security was obviously much more lax in those days.
elderly tags contra arcade fansite
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter button cheats
All levels, Full Health, Invincible Scott Mitchell, Unlimited Ammo and the fairly pathetic music tip.
From xbox360cheats
elderly tags xbox360 xbox 360 Ghost recon advanced warfighter button cheats hints tips graw
Monday, March 27, 2006
PSone production ends
sniff! blubber!
elderly tags psone production sony
Radiant AI explained
Radiant AI is Bethesda proprietary software which scripts NPCs (non playing characters) with a predetermined list of goals, eg what time they will wake up, the route they walk to work, what work they will do, what tools they will use, when to break for lunch, where they go to eat lunch, drink, rest etc. nothing unusual there, and only five or six types of tasks that could be assigned to each NPC. But where Radiant AI excels and where the fun really starts, is how they achieve these tasks and how they react if their routine is disturbed. Again a predetermined script assigns characteristics to each NPC eg. their aggression levels, fighting skills, and the really really innovative bit, ..........decision making script routines.
For example during game development one NPC was given a rake and the goal "rake leaves", another was given a broom and the goal "sweep paths," and this worked smoothly. Then the dastardly Bethesda programmers swapped the broom and the rake, so that the raker was given a broom and the sweeper was given the rake. Result!?, one of them killed the other so he could get the proper item to complete his goal. The murderer's aggression level was so high, it was a logical decision (set by the software routines) that giving his fighting skills, murdering his counterpart was a scripted necessity to continue his assigned overiding goal.
For the upcoming "Skyrim" Bethesda went back to the drawing board and rewrote every major system powering the gameplay experience. The result is the newly dubbed "Creation Engine and Kit" characters having much more defined individual personalities, more attuned to your presence and more inclined to help depending on your relationship with them. This time around if you're good friends with a particular NPC and barge into their house during the middle of the night, they may offer you lodging rather than demand you leave the premises.
elderly tags radiant ai oblivion bethesda elder scrolls iv
3d model #10 Motoko Kusanagi
From the Anime film Ghost in the Shell, Motoko Kusanagi suffered from a medical condition which necessitated that her brain be transplanted to a cybernetic body at a very young age. Although her proficiency with the artificial body is highly advanced, she is still haunted by the childhood memories of her own inability to master the more subtle intricacies of its operation – emotions she hides beneath her stoic demeanor.
Now a cyborg operative with Section 9 of the Japanese government (security police) and possessing an incredible amount of cybernetic augmentation, including a built-in thermoptic camouflage, which renders her invisible to the eye and most security devices, in addition her brain has be adapted for information download and remote communication.
In the film she is seen to philosophise over the human condition wondering whether she is still 'human' given her extensive cybernetic modifications. Consumed by self doubt she uses diving as a safety valve for her probing thoughts. The name 'Ghost in the Shell' refers to Major Motoko Kusanagi's self doubt as to whether, with all of the modifications she still retains a soul, a 'ghost' in the shell of what she has become.
model from heavy armour studio
ghost in the shell DVD review
Kiss doll again don't ask
Wikipedia (all you'll ever need to know)
Ghost in the Shell official website
elderly tags ghost in the shell Motoko kusanagi character profile 3d model doll figure wallpaper playart cosplay
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Oblivion Character portraits #1
Portraits #2
If you've got a photo of your own favourite character, post a link in the comments section and we'll display it here next outing.
Character creation tips from telefragged
Oblivion Plugin and patch notice
Oblivion characters thread
Oblivion 360 dashboard themed backgrounds (2)
elderly tags Oblivion game character profile portraits photos images
Oblivion the Elder Scrolls IV The Review
Reviews Summary
Utterly brilliant, more than a game, an entire world for the taking
The only single player game that could give World of Warcraft a run for it's money
Painstaking attention to detail, outstanding Worldcrafting, inspired AI, a stunning game
Takes it's predecessor (morrowind) and leaves it for dead
A premier visual showcase for the 360 and great fun to play
Game of the year candidate, staggeringly ambitious, immersive and intoxicating
The best single player RPG to come along in years
Your $60 will go further than it ever has
Fuses the best elements of RPG, adventure and action
Official Website
Screenshots from IGN
elderly tags xbox360 xbox 360 oblivion elder scrolls iv review screenshots website
ps3 music video montage
elderly tags ps3 music video montage collection
Godfather the review
Reviews Summary:
Gives gamers an experience worthy of the film, landmark music.
Bland, you rarely feel a sense of power, uneven mishmash of fighting, driving, shooting
20 plus story mission lasts about 10 hours, but another 30 to reach 100% game completion
Solid gangster experience, Tony Soprano not Brando
Mission are great, but side missions aren't that exciting
Satisfying, lengthy adventure faithful to the film
Action is bloody and satisfying (??), plays like exceptionally written fan fiction
Taking over businesses and rackets became an obsession
Official website
Screenshots from gamespot
elderly tags ps2 xbox the godfather review website screenshots
Friday, March 24, 2006
Bummer of the month March
elderly tags hmv record store oblivion elder scrolls ireland bummer xbox360
Just Cause coming to a console near you
Developer Blurb
"The player takes the role of an undercover agent, sent to a tropical island to put an end to a corrupt government. The game world is very large and would take 40 minutes to cross. The full game features over 300 missions.
“We are proud that Just Cause will be available on Xbox 360 as well as current generation platforms,” said Christofer Sundberg, Founder and Creative Director of Just Cause developer Avalanche Studios. “Our aim has always been to deliver a next-gen experience and with the power of Xbox 360 you are going to see something really special.”
At the extortionist price we're being charged for 360 games which should certainly bloody hope so.
Screenshots IGN
Official Website ( not much to see yet) registration is required for updates. Which means old cranky pants here won't be getting any updates.
May I remind Eidos once more they are in the business of selling games not harassing potential buyers for their email addresses and marketing information. If you've got exclusive screenshots well post em, so we can all get a gander.
elderly tags ps2 xbox xbox360 just cause website registration screenshots
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Driver: Parallel Lines Review
Reviews Summary
More depth than GTA not as many options
Impressive physics and city hides repetitive and languid gameplay
Great story makes you care about the characters
Mostly competent GTA clone, but with a dull storyline and remedial (ouch!) gameplay
Gets the series back on track, but lousy on foot controls and ai restrictions mar fun factor
Decent offering, watered down GTA
Much better outing that Driver 3 (? which wouldn't have been difficult)
Parallel bleeds style and gameplay is actually fun.
Official Website
Screenshots and trailers from the Atari website
More elderly pages tagged PS2 xbox Driver parallel lines review Driver4 screenshots
Bubble Trouble Buzzlisted Game
Google search for "bubble trouble"
elderly tags bubble trouble free games buzzlisted fun