.... erm! in Japanese.
Four Walkthroughs from Gamefaq
Sephirosuy Walkthrough on ff12-europe.com
Walkthrough from esperiae.net (in progress)
Squarenation Walkthrough
Walkthrough and esper fighting guide neoseeker
restoring health & Unlockable fishing spots on gametracker
FFXII on Wikipedia
Square Enix FFXII Website
Official Japanese Website
Angela Aki Official Website
Original Soundtrack details on Wikipedia
Limited edition Soundtrack

Symphonic Poem Cd+DVD

this website is a load of bollocks, it is crap, it shouldnt be on the web cuz it doesnt help me at all
the end
..some people are beyond help
he's right thou, this website is fucking terrible
strange how do you know it's a male?
jesus you people are pathetic!! lets see you make a better site. ow yeh and seeing as the elderly here brought it up, how do you know its a male?
...thank you for the support.. is it me or has it gone terribly quiet..
Hey i think this website is very useful you give people links with clues and hints to help them throughout a truely amazing game i think people who want the game and every cheat written out miss the beauty of these games. i particularly like the video of ''kiss me goodbye'' this has got to be one of the briallant sound tracks for final fantasy although the ones in ten are going to take some betaing :)
Thanks for such kind words Anonymous, i agree with FFX, though "eyes on me" from FFVII was a show stopper.. see
thanks again...
Hey some people are just dumb, I think this is a cool blog. That guy or girl or whatever is just too dumb to buy a strat guide...cant be helped :P
thanks for the support and for taking the time to comment, it is very much appreciated
those who seek the cheats and walkthrough of a FF one thing u lose all the fun of it when u start readin em so stf and try to finish the game by yourselves :D
good point anonymous, though there are some times the sheer frustration of not being able to advance takes away from the enjoyment........
"Eyes on me" wasnt from FFVII, it was from FFVIII!!!! Simple typo i know...but still!!!
...my mistake you are so right, and i can assure you I have taken the appropriate disciplinary steps, unfortunately i have no way of editing my earlier goof, apart from deleting it, and so it remains for the world to see, prove positive that elderly people lose brain functionality as they get older.
thank you
i like this site, while it might not be as informative as some sites, it shows us all the little goodies and lins to other helpful sites, if u cant write helpful critisism (and yes, i know i cant spell) then don't write at all
Thank you Tears, im grateful for your support and your kind words... and i'm very pleased you took the time to leave a comment...
Moo? moo moo moo moo...
P.S. Moo!
ah it's anonymoooos....
yo man i dont even wanna be annoymous, my name is cody. ur website sux so badly man. u dont even understand. these people up here your trying to cut up, tore your ass to shreds, and burnt half of them, because the only way this website would be worse is if u said it was for an ff game, and was just something stupid like a website about frogs or africa. peace out 'elderly' or should i say 'retarded homo, who is probably living in their parents basement' (HEY MOM GET ME A DAMN GRILLED CHEESE, thats what you probably sound like). your first time visitor, cody
ps: u suck as much as this website
o yea, porn for leprechauns? what the hell is that shit
your comment is important to me....please hold!
cody again, u can hold something for me... my dick u dumb bitch
(elderly yawns......)
its me cody again. arnt u pathetic. i was the last person to sign ur wall, and that was fuckin months ago u retarded cock mongler. so i hope that this has been enlightening, and i hope that u stop making shitty ass websites. VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS ON U
Hiya cody!!!!!
nice to know you've been thinking about me.... how are things?.. still stuck on Final Fantasy or just paying a social call?
I dont care what people say about this site it is the most helpful game site i have ever been on keep up the good work
Thanks anonymous, much appreciated.... :)
Lots of jerks here. I like your site, been visiting it for a while actually. http://www.lordyuanshu.com/final_fantasy_xii
I made that walkthrough FAQ. It was a lot of fun let me tell you. Keep up the good work.
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