Friday, June 23, 2006

Silent Hill fanart

from top to bottom
Heather from SH3 artist Eva Soulu
Maria from SH2 artist Eva Soulu
link brings you to a huge gallery of pretty outstanding work

Heather from SH3 artist Ivan Flores on crimsonjassic
checkout his top 24 fanart

 elderly tags


Anonymous said...

Very good work. Especially Eva's 2nd piece.

Ivan's work though did make me -stupidly- smile.

Unknown said...

thought you might like Ivan's work alright, glad i included it

Anonymous said...

Evidently, so am I... (*big grin*)

Anonymous said...

Good stuff, all three are wonderful pieces of work!!!

Unknown said...

(puts on sunglasses to counter gnome's smile)

hiya Deitrix glad you like em, i love the sign "swim at your own risk" and a pyramid head waiting in the water

Anonymous said...

Hhhhmmm... I would of never thought of it being Pyramid Head!!
I glanced and thought it was just a shark in bloody water....
Nice of you to point that out, takes me back to the battles with that guy or should I say running from that guy...

Unknown said...

pyramid least favourite game character along with nemesis, damn they were panicked moments